
Add some pepper to the soup, warm the sun and dispel dampness, and the whole body is smooth

author:Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine

Pepper is a seasoning often used in soup making by Cantonese people. However, many people only know one thing about the benefits and wonders of pepper. Today, I will take you to have a good understanding of traditional Chinese medicine - pepper.

Pepper, also known as the Shoe Branch, Phi Lei, Powa Fever, etc., because it is produced in Xirong Hudi, the taste is spicy like pepper, so it is called pepper. At present, there are introduced and cultivated in South China and Southwest China.

Pepper is divided into two types: white and black, in fact, the original plant is one kind, but the processing method is different. When the fruit at the base of the ear begins to turn red, cut the ear, do not peel and dry or dry, it becomes black-brown, commonly known as "black pepper";

The taste of white pepper is more spicy than that of black pepper, so it has a stronger effect on dissipating cold and strengthening the stomach, and its medicinal value is higher. Moreover, most of the pepper grows in high temperature and humid areas, and its taste is pungent and hot, so the effect of dissipating cold and relieving pain in temperature is relatively strong. The more southerly the pepper grows, the warmer it is.

Add some pepper to the soup, warm the sun and dispel dampness, and the whole body is smooth


Pepper: Warm the cold and warm the spleen and stomach

Pepper is both a kitchen ingredient and a medicinal herb.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, pepper, which is hot in nature and pungent in taste, returns to the stomach and large intestine meridians, can dissipate cold, lower qi, and eliminate phlegm, and is used for stomach cold and vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, loss of appetite, and epilepsy with phlegm [1].

"Taiping Huimin and Pharmacy Prescription": "(Pepper) cures the spleen and stomach from cold, the chest and diaphragm are unfavorable, the heart and abdomen are painful, and the vomiting is nausea. It is often taken to warm the spleen and stomach, and to remove cold and smooth qi. ”

"Materia Medica": "Pepper ...... The yang of the yang also. Its main qi is lowered, warmed, and phlegm, except for those who are cold in the viscera, always because the stomach and intestines are taken advantage of by the cold, so that the viscera is not balanced. The phlegm is reversed, the pungent warms the stomach and disperses the wind and cold, the phlegm falls, the viscera is harmonious, and all the evidence is clear. ”

In winter, the cold evil is easy to damage the spleen and stomach yang, causing stomach spasms, resulting in stomach cold, abdominal cold pain, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. For example, pepper can be used alone or in combination with galangal to treat stomach cold and abdominal pain, and with Evodia and Atractylodes macrocephalus, it can treat diarrhea caused by spleen and stomach deficiency and cold.

Pepper can come in handy if you eat something raw and cold, and the cold causes gastrointestinal discomfort, abdominal pain and diarrhea, or if you are weak and cold, whether adults or children, can often use pepper as a condiment when eating.

Add some pepper to the soup, warm the sun and dispel dampness, and the whole body is smooth

Dietary therapy is recommended

Regulates nausea and vomiting - pepper and ginger soup

Pepper ginger soup

Ingredients: 3 grams of pepper, 30 grams of ginger. (1 serving)

Method: Take decoction.

Suitable for: spleen and stomach deficiency, nausea, nausea, vomiting.

Add some pepper to the soup, warm the sun and dispel dampness, and the whole body is smooth

Regulates deficiency and cold and diarrhea - pepper porridge

Pepper porridge

Ingredients: 3 grams of pepper, 50 grams of japonica rice. (1 serving)

Method: Cook into porridge and eat.

Suitable for: people with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, common cold pain in the abdomen and abdomen, like warm and hot food, uncomfortable after eating cold food, dull mouth, loose stool, body fear of cold, warm hands and feet, pale tongue, heavy pulse, etc.

Add some pepper to the soup, warm the sun and dispel dampness, and the whole body is smooth

Regulates spleen and stomach deficiency and cold constitution - white pepper pork belly chicken soup

Chicken soup with pork belly with white pepper

Ingredients: 5 grams of white pepper, 1 pork belly, half a chicken, 3 slices of ginger (2~3 servings).

Method: Rub and wash the pork belly with vinegar and flour repeatedly until there is no mucus, blanch it in a pot and rinse it with water; blanch the chicken and break the white pepper. Put all the ingredients in a pot, simmer for 1 hour (until the pork belly is crispy and soft), add salt to taste.

Suitable for: people with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, common cold pain in the abdomen and abdomen, like warm and hot food, uncomfortable after eating cold food, dull mouth, loose stool, body fear of cold, warm hands and feet, pale tongue, heavy pulse, etc.

Add some pepper to the soup, warm the sun and dispel dampness, and the whole body is smooth


Pepper: Ignite the fire and return to the source, not the fire

In winter, people often eat mutton and drink mutton soup to warm up. But it is obviously a weak and cold physique, but as soon as he eats mutton, he gets on fire, his mouth is dry, and his mouth ulcers are ulcers, this is because the fire of mutton does not go where it should be. White pepper can guide the body's calories to the important organs of our body, so if you drink mutton soup, you can add a little white pepper powder, which is put in traditional Chinese medicine, white pepper powder is a medicine primer, and the effect of mutton soup is slowly introduced to the body, otherwise, many people drink mutton soup, and the calories in this mutton soup will just run up, and the whole person will become more hot, and the effect of mutton soup will not be achieved.

Traditional Chinese medicine calls the effect of white pepper as the initiation of fire and the downward degeneration of fire, mutton tonifies the kidneys, and pepper is the induction, which leads the fire to the yuan, warms the kidneys and warms the stomach. Therefore, it is highly recommended for people with a weak and cold constitution to add white pepper when eating mutton.

Dietary prescription is recommended

Pepper stewed eggs

Ingredients: 1~2 eggs, a pinch of black pepper. (1 serving)

Method: Boil poached eggs in water and sprinkle with pepper before cooking.

Suitable for: people with upper heat and lower cold or spleen and stomach deficiency.

Add some pepper to the soup, warm the sun and dispel dampness, and the whole body is smooth


Pepper: Warm and cold, not cold

In winter, colds and fevers basically start with "blowing the wind and catching a cold". At this time, it is very important to quickly warm up the sun and let the body warm up, which can effectively prevent the further development of colds.

At this time, pepper can not only warm the cold, help us "warm" the body, resist the cold evil, but also have a certain function of dissipating the cold.

Especially white pepper, the effect of Xinsan is stronger, and the sweating of the surface is more powerful. When you feel the wind chill, a little sneezing, runny nose or diarrhea, you can use white pepper with some soup, a bowl of belly, the cold symptoms may be dispelled.

Add some pepper to the soup, warm the sun and dispel dampness, and the whole body is smooth

In addition to these uses above, pepper can:

Whet your appetite

Rainy and snowy days in winter may be mixed with cold and dampness, and eating too much cold and cold in summer can also make the spleen and stomach cold and damp. If you have a bad appetite, can't eat, or even have nausea or diarrhea, then we can observe whether the tongue coating is white, whether it is a little slippery, if so, you can put some pepper in the soup or stir-fry to boost the spleen and stomach, and get rid of cold and dampness.

Topical application is antispasmodic and analgesic

When there are gastrointestinal cramps, pain and discomfort after cold, hot compresses can often play a role in relieving it. However, in addition to using a hot water bottle, there is a method that is more effective in dispelling cold and relieving pain.

Put 1 kg of coarse salt, 50 grams of white pepper, and 50 grams of dried mugwort leaves into an iron pot and fry them together, then put them in a cotton bag while they are hot, and put them on the abdomen to apply a hot compress to achieve the effect of dispelling cold, relieving spasmodics, and relieving pain in warmth. When using the hot pack, it is necessary to avoid excessive temperature, and you can put more towels on the affected area to avoid burns.

Modern pharmacological studies have shown that piperine contained in pepper is one of the main physiologically active components, which has anticonvulsant and anti-breast cancer effects, as well as sedative, hypnotic, digestive aid, anti-skeletal muscle relaxation and anti-depressant effects. The amide compounds contained in pepper have a killing effect on roundworms.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone: pepper is warm and dry, so patients with cough and hemoptysis, hemorrhoids, acute attack of pharyngitis, and eye diseases should eat with caution, and those with yin deficiency and fire should avoid eating. People with hyperlipidemia eat less. ■

[Source: Huang Suiping said the spleen and stomach, medical guidance: Huang Suiping, a famous Chinese medicine doctor in Guangdong Province, director of the Department of Spleen and Stomach of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine]

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