
Gui Spleen Pill is not for strengthening the spleen! Many people use it wrongly, and these herbs are the king!

author:Director of Chinese medicine Hei Weike

Recently, many friends told me that they want to strengthen their spleen due to spleen deficiency, and they usually use Gui Spleen Pills, but they have been using it for a long time, but the effect is not satisfactory.

Gui Spleen Pill is not for strengthening the spleen! Many people use it wrongly, and these herbs are the king!

In fact, it is because you have used the medicine wrongly, Gui Spleen Pill, although the name has a spleen, but it mainly replenishes blood, and is aimed at people who are deficient in the heart and spleen, often insomnia and dreams, and palpitations. Therefore, if you use it, not only can you not strengthen the spleen, but because you are already spleen deficiency and not replenished, you will also have fire, phlegm and dampness!

Gui Spleen Pill is not for strengthening the spleen! Many people use it wrongly, and these herbs are the king!

First of all, let's talk about the first type of spleen deficiency and dampness

If you usually don't feel hungry, but you are not interested in any food when you get to the meal, but often feel that your stomach is very swollen, and you have indigestion as soon as you eat something, as well as the tongue is white, the teeth on the tongue are scars, the stool is loose and soft, the saliva is sticky, you don't feel thirsty, and your limbs are heavy, then it is mostly because the dampness in the body is too heavy, trapping the body and affecting the digestive function of the spleen and stomach. Then we have to strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, you can refer to Shenling Baizhu Powder as the basic formula, and then add or subtract according to your own situation.

Gui Spleen Pill is not for strengthening the spleen! Many people use it wrongly, and these herbs are the king!

Secondly, let's talk about the second type of liver depression and spleen deficiency

Friends in this situation usually have an appetite and a good amount of food, but as long as something unpleasant happens today, for example, someone says a word to you, you are very angry, and then you feel that you have no appetite all day long, and you don't want to eat, and even if you barely eat two bites, you feel that your stomach is very swollen and you can't eat, as well as the tongue is sunken, the tongue is swollen, the chest is swollen and painful, you like to sigh, you are irritable, etc., then this is mostly after the emotional disorder, the liver is depressed and the spleen is depressed, and the stagnation of liver qi affects the digestive function of the spleen and stomach. At this time, we need to soothe the liver and strengthen the spleen, you can refer to Xiaoyaosan addition and subtraction.

Gui Spleen Pill is not for strengthening the spleen! Many people use it wrongly, and these herbs are the king!

Finally, let's talk about the third type, spleen and yang deficiency

Yang energy represents warmth, so friends, if you often feel cold in the stomach, or even cold pain, you can only drink hot water, drink a little cold water, or cold food and fruits, you will keep diarrhea, as well as cold hands and feet, fear of cold and heat, white and slippery tongue, fat tongue, etc., then you are mostly after the deficiency of spleen and yang, the cold and dampness in the body are too heavy, which hinders the digestive function of the spleen and stomach. Then we have to warm the spleen and dispel the cold, you can refer to the addition and subtraction of the soup in the aconite theory.

Gui Spleen Pill is not for strengthening the spleen! Many people use it wrongly, and these herbs are the king!

Of course, what I have shared is only some views on spleen deficiency, which is not universal, if you feel unwell, seek medical attention in time.

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