
In the past, "Wang Xifeng" turned into an old lady to rectify the workplace, and Wang Bang, 65-year-old Deng Jie, made a comeback!

author:The literary society says history

65岁邓婕难忘王熙凤 重出江湖

More than 30 years ago, Deng Jie relied on a famous TV series "Dream of Red Mansions" to brilliantly interpret the role of "Wang Xifeng" and became a popular flower in one fell swoop. Deng Jie's shrewd, capable, cruel and ruthless character in the performance is deeply imprinted in the hearts of countless audiences and will be difficult to forget for a long time.

Time flies, time flies. Once upon a time, Deng Jie chose to temporarily leave the high-profile stage and put more time and energy on her family. Now that the children have grown up, Deng Jie once again mustered up the courage and decided to make a comeback on the silver screen.

In the past, "Wang Xifeng" turned into an old lady to rectify the workplace, and Wang Bang, 65-year-old Deng Jie, made a comeback!

At the age of 65, she is still enthusiastic, and her interest in acting has not diminished in the slightest. is ready to show the new role of 60-year-old housewife Wu Jingfang in the new drama.

Compared with the demeanor of a strong woman in "Dream of Red Mansions", the image of Wu Jingfang to be portrayed by Deng Jie this time is more three-dimensional and plump: she is a middle-aged woman with independent heart and courage, even if she enters her twilight years, she still has infinite longing and expectations for a new life.

The passage of time has not worn out Deng Jie's enthusiasm for acting, but has made her acting skills more perfect. On the new journey, she will still work hard to broaden her acting career and surprise the public.

In the past, "Wang Xifeng" turned into an old lady to rectify the workplace, and Wang Bang, 65-year-old Deng Jie, made a comeback!

Housewife Wu Jingfang returned to the workplace to create a second spring

Wu Jingfang, 60, was originally a full-time housewife. She lived with her husband for dozens of years and had a son and a daughter. Now that the children have started a family, Wu Jingfang chose to divorce her husband and start a new life.

She stumbles upon a job advertisement for a design firm that states that there is an urgent need to hire a young intern assistant. At first, Wu Jingfang didn't pay much attention to it, until she found out that the specific age limit was not indicated in the advertisement, and she suddenly became interested and had a bold idea.

The next day, Wu Jingfang specially dressed up and came to the design company to interview for this assistant position. The interviewer couldn't help but show a surprised expression when he saw the good-looking and well-dressed woman in front of him.

Wu Jingfang was calm and calm, and frankly expressed his desire to get new opportunities and start anew. Her wise, steady and energetic demeanor impressed the interviewer.

In the past, "Wang Xifeng" turned into an old lady to rectify the workplace, and Wang Bang, 65-year-old Deng Jie, made a comeback!

Eventually, Wu Jingfang got her wish and became an intern assistant at this company.

Wu Jingfang is like a fish in water, and quickly integrated into this young and energetic team. Here, she got to know a number of designers in the company, among whom she had the best relationship with a flamboyant Jiang Tian.

The two collided with a lot of sparks, and Wu Jingfang found his long-lost self here, and showed a more colorful side.

Jiang Tian encountered setbacks, and Wu Jingfang gave encouragement

Jiang Tian is a straight person who loves to talk, and often has disagreements with others at work. In one project, she and her colleagues had a big disagreement on the design concept, and the two sides had a heated argument.

In the past, "Wang Xifeng" turned into an old lady to rectify the workplace, and Wang Bang, 65-year-old Deng Jie, made a comeback!

The project manager thought that Jiang Tian's plan was too radical and made her own decisions without consulting others, so he decided to transfer her out of the project team and demote her to a remote branch.

This sudden blow made Jiang Tian difficult to accept. She spent the day depressed and her morale was low. Wu Jingfang witnessed all this and took the initiative to chat with her.

She enlightened Jiang Tian with the clip of the missed opportunity when she was young, hoping that she would cheer up and set off again.

Jiang Tian suddenly opened his mouth after hearing this, and rekindled his fighting spirit. Under the careful guidance of Wu Jingfang, she gradually found her state and proposed a number of design schemes. The managers were so impressed that they quickly transferred her back to the head office and gave her an important project.

In the end, Jiang Tian returned to the front line as he wished, and showed his ambitions under the inspiration of Wu Jingfang.

In the past, "Wang Xifeng" turned into an old lady to rectify the workplace, and Wang Bang, 65-year-old Deng Jie, made a comeback!

Two generations of women collided Wu Jingfang became Jiang Tian's mentor

60-year-old Wu Jingfang and early 30-year-old Jiang Tian can be said to be synonymous with two generations of women. They are very different in many ways. Jiang Tian advocates individuality and freedom, and is very aggressive in his work; Wu Jingfang, on the other hand, is more stable and disciplined.

Both of them have different ways of thinking and values.

At first, there was a smell of gunpowder between them. Jiang Tian felt that Wu Jingfang was old-fashioned; Wu Jingfang also thinks that Jiang Tian is naïve and unprofessional. But at a staff party, the two sat together for a long talk, only to find that each other also has many advantages worth appreciating.

Wu Jingfang's old-fashioned and serious attitude made Jiang Tian admire. She has been through a lot of ups and downs, has seen a lot, and always approaches problems outside the box and provides a unique perspective.

In the past, "Wang Xifeng" turned into an old lady to rectify the workplace, and Wang Bang, 65-year-old Deng Jie, made a comeback!

Jiang Tian gradually found the confidence and charm of being a woman in Wu Jingfang.

So, Jiang Tian began to ask Wu Jingfang from time to time for advice on problems in work and life. Wu Jingfang also gave her a lot of advice to help her continue to grow. The relationship between the two has become increasingly close, and Jiang Tian has regarded Wu Jingfang as a life coach.

Everyone in the company praised them as role models for teachers and students.

Wu Jingfang's unknown mental journey behind her growth

The name Wu Jingfang was well-known in the art circle a long time ago. At that time, she was still a young actor in the Sichuan Theater. How many years have passed, she married a wife, taught her husband and children at home, and her acting career was interrupted.

In the past, "Wang Xifeng" turned into an old lady to rectify the workplace, and Wang Bang, 65-year-old Deng Jie, made a comeback!

In the days when she took off her costume, Wu Jingfang's heart often flashed with thoughts about the stage. From time to time, she pulls out old photos to reminisce about the old days. But with the passage of time, the three meals and chores were entangled, which made Wu Jingfang gradually forget his original ideals and passions.

Until the child grew up and left home, she chose to break up with her wife and live alone. After countless sleepless nights, Wu Jingfang finally mustered up the courage to embark on the road to comeback.

She still remembers the love of acting when she was younger, and now, she wants to find it back and fill her empty heart.

So she came to this design company to interview for an assistant. Fortunately, her wise and calm temperament impressed the interviewer. Wu Jingfang finally got her wish and started again, finding a long-lost sense of happiness and gain in the workplace.

In the past, "Wang Xifeng" turned into an old lady to rectify the workplace, and Wang Bang, 65-year-old Deng Jie, made a comeback!

No one would have thought that behind the 60-year-old Wu Jingfang, there was such an unknown mental journey. Because of this, we admire her courage even more.

Wang fried Wu Jingfang to help Jiang Tian's career peak

Under the careful guidance of Wu Jingfang, Jiang Tian was gradually reused in the company and took over a number of important projects. She is at ease in her work, and her design solutions have repeatedly beaten her peers, and her strength has become increasingly apparent.

Gradually, a big man in the industry noticed Jiang Tian's outstanding creativity and imagination. He decided to poach Jiang Tian and join the design department of his company, so he specially interviewed her.

Jiang Tian was faced with a choice, and he was a little hesitant in his heart. At this time, she found Wu Jingfang for the first time and asked her to provide advice.

In the past, "Wang Xifeng" turned into an old lady to rectify the workplace, and Wang Bang, 65-year-old Deng Jie, made a comeback!

Wu Jingfang used her rich social experience to help Jiang Tian compare and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the two companies. In the end, at her suggestion, Jiang Tian decisively chose to join the company led by the big guy.

After arriving at the new company, Jiang Tian quickly became an important force in the design department. On one large project, she ran into a problem. Wu Jingfang gave wise advice on the phone and helped her solve it smoothly.

In the end, Jiang Tian successfully completed the design plan, and the customer responded enthusiastically, and she was promoted to the company's chief designer as she wished.

Wu Jingfang bravely pursued his dreams and inspired thousands of middle-aged and elderly people

Wu Jingfang's story has deeply touched the hearts of countless middle-aged and elderly people. She is 60 years old, but she dares to pursue her dreams and create a new life, which is commendable.

In the past, "Wang Xifeng" turned into an old lady to rectify the workplace, and Wang Bang, 65-year-old Deng Jie, made a comeback!

We still remember that on the day of the interview, she looked calm and confident. did not be humble because of the age difference, but that wise and steady temperament won the recognition of the interviewer.

After coming to the company, Wu Jingfang did not play the old shelf. She is enthusiastic and generous to young people, takes her work seriously and responsibly, and quickly integrates into the team. even helped Jiang Tian solve a lot of difficulties, from a small assistant who did chores to a company design elite.

Now, the story of Wu Jingfang and Jiang Tian has spread through the media. Countless middle-aged and elderly people have said that in this fast-paced era, they can also choose to change and be brave themselves.

In the past, "Wang Xifeng" turned into an old lady to rectify the workplace, and Wang Bang, 65-year-old Deng Jie, made a comeback!

Wu Jingfang is the brightest star of this era, and her story gives people confidence and strength.

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