
Unexpectedly, Deng Jie, who was forced to "Dink" for a lifetime, has now ushered in such an ending

author:Leave no trace in the Hall of Knowledge

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Unexpectedly, Deng Jie, who was forced to "Dink" for a lifetime, has now ushered in such an ending

Sichuan opera heritage, the cradle of art

Deng Jie was born in an ordinary Sichuan opera family in the 30s of the last century. Her grandmother and mother were both outstanding Sichuan opera artists, and she was immersed in this unique artistic atmosphere from an early age.

The flame of art burned in this family from the moment she first opened her eyes.

At a young age, Deng Jie was taken backstage to the theater and quietly watched her grandmother and mother talk and talk on the stage. The theater is like her second home, familiar and intimate.

Unexpectedly, Deng Jie, who was forced to "Dink" for a lifetime, has now ushered in such an ending

The charm of Sichuan opera slowly sprouted in her young heart, until one day, she herself plunged headlong into this sea of mesmerizing art.

Deng Jie began to imitate the words of her relatives and recited aloud the wonderful words and sentences in Sichuan opera. Her focused and determined eyes seem to tell the persistent yearning and deep love for this art.

Under the words and deeds of her family, Deng Jie developed a deep-rooted complex for Sichuan opera.

The grandmother and mother passed down the artistic genes of the Sichuan opera family from generation to generation, and finally blossomed and bore fruit here in Deng Jie. Immersed in the rich atmosphere of Sichuan opera since childhood, Deng Jie has an innate affinity for this art, which she regards as an indispensable and important part of her life.

Unexpectedly, Deng Jie, who was forced to "Dink" for a lifetime, has now ushered in such an ending

This obsession and pursuit of art has become an eternal theme in Deng Jie's life. It drove her all the way forward, bravely pursued her dreams, and finally achieved great achievements on the road of Sichuan Opera.

And all this stems from the artistic atmosphere of her family and the influence of her family.

Chance encounters, characters explode

In 1987, the film and television drama of the same name adapted from the famous novel "Dream of Red Mansions" started filming in the mainland. At first, Deng Jie was just a small girl in the crew, and no one cared about her at all.

But just in the preparation stage, an unexpected opportunity opened the door to the peak of her career.

Unexpectedly, Deng Jie, who was forced to "Dink" for a lifetime, has now ushered in such an ending

The actor who was originally scheduled to play the role of "Wang Xifeng" temporarily withdrew due to force majeure, and the crew had to find a suitable candidate again. In this process, the directors suddenly noticed the unique artistic background and temperament of Deng Jie, a little girl.

It turns out that she was born in a Sichuan opera family and has a unique and accurate understanding and comprehension of performing arts.

Seeing Deng Jie's passionate love for the role, the director resolutely decided to hand over the important role of "Wang Xifeng" to her. At the beginning, the rest of the crew expressed doubts and doubts about this decision, feeling that Deng Jie was just a small role, and she was inevitably not strong enough to provoke such an important beam.

But soon, people were completely conquered by Deng Jie's performance. I saw that she was carefully dressed as a peerless boudoir beauty, and as soon as she opened her mouth, everyone present was amazed, as if she had really seen Wang Xifeng in the play reappear in the world through time and space! The director's pride in his vision and the complacency of discovering this new star were all written on his face.

Unexpectedly, Deng Jie, who was forced to "Dink" for a lifetime, has now ushered in such an ending

And Deng Jie did not live up to everyone's expectations. After some meticulous work, she used her comprehension of the role and her enthusiasm for art to vividly and vividly present "Wang Xifeng", a lady with a distinctive personality and a flamboyant personality! Since then, she has been completely remembered and recognized by the audience.

This rising star from a humble background has made a name for himself in the film and television industry with his own strength and talent.

The marital dilemma hides the cause of the decision

Despite her thriving career, Deng Jie's married life is in trouble. Her first husband was a wealthy businessman, and her married life was full of contradictions.

Unexpectedly, Deng Jie, who was forced to "Dink" for a lifetime, has now ushered in such an ending

At that time, there was a common way of life among the landlord class of three wives and four concubines, or even more concubines. At the same time, violence and brutality are often the main means by which they maintain so-called "family discipline".

Unfortunately, Deng Jie's husband is like this, not only greedy for beauty, but also has a serious tendency to violence, which makes her traumatic and tormented in the days after marriage.

Once, because of a trivial incident that annoyed her husband, Deng Jie was severely beaten and covered in injuries. Although she tried her best to hide it, she was eventually discovered by the staff inadvertently.

Unexpectedly, Deng Jie, who was forced to "Dink" for a lifetime, has now ushered in such an ending

At that time, the crew condemned the rude thug and persuaded Deng Jie to divorce him and start a new life.

Deng Jie, who was reserved at heart, never mentioned the divorce, until one day, she was really tortured and hurt by her husband, and she made up her mind to leave that painful environment.

Despite all the mental preparations in advance, when she really took that step, she still wept bitterly, and she was still haunted by the breakup of this marriage.

After the divorce, Deng Jie devoted all her energy to her career, trying to dispel the haze in her heart. Just when she was focusing on shooting, a person appeared on the trajectory of her life, and that was Zhang Guoli.

Unexpectedly, Deng Jie, who was forced to "Dink" for a lifetime, has now ushered in such an ending

At the beginning, the relationship between the two showed a trend of strong women and weak men, and Deng Jie seemed to be more dominant. But soon, Zhang Guoli's kindness and simplicity touched her heart.

Bravely compromise, holding the hand of the son and growing old with the son

Through many in-depth exchanges, the relationship between Deng Jie and Zhang Guoli has developed in full swing, and the two have a heart-to-heart relationship. It's just that Zhang Guoli already had a family at that time, and their relationship could only stop at the level of friends.

It is worth mentioning that the relationship between Zhang Guoli and his wife has long existed in name only. He often goes out to film and wanders, rarely stays at home, and his seemingly happy marriage is only in an ethereal form.

Unexpectedly, Deng Jie, who was forced to "Dink" for a lifetime, has now ushered in such an ending

Until one day, Zhang Guoli mustered up the courage to confide in his wife the truth. Unexpectedly, his wife was very open-minded and generous, and the only request was that Zhang Guoli should not have any more children in the future.

Faced with this request, Zhang Guoli was in a dilemma. He has no right to deprive Deng Jie of the right to give birth, but if he does not agree to his wife's conditions, he will not be able to stay with his beloved for life.

This made Zhang Guoli feel extremely surprised, could it be that Deng Jie was so convinced that the relationship between them could stand the test of time? In fact, the reason why Deng Jie made this decision was precisely because of her tenacity and persistence in Zhang Guoli's love.

She believes that blood relationship is important, but true family affection lies in the connection between hearts and minds. As long as the emotional bond between the two is strong enough, then childlessness is nothing.

Unexpectedly, Deng Jie, who was forced to "Dink" for a lifetime, has now ushered in such an ending

For her, being able to grow old with her beloved is the greatest happiness in life.

In this way, under the witness of Zhang Guoli's ex-wife and son Zhang Mo, the two officially entered the ranks of partners and opened a new chapter in their lives. Despite the thorny road ahead, they both have a deep love for each other and are determined to move towards the future.

Dying and old, love has more than enough power

Time flies, time flies. Although Deng Jie and Zhang Guoli missed the best opportunity to have children, as time went by, their desire for children became stronger and stronger.

Some people say that young people give birth to perpetuate incense, but when they are old, they give birth to the ability to pass on love. When Deng Jie and Zhang Guoli passed the sixtieth year, they still had the dream of becoming parents deep down, hoping to selflessly share their love with the next generation.

Unexpectedly, Deng Jie, who was forced to "Dink" for a lifetime, has now ushered in such an ending

Just when the two of them were thinking about it day and night, an unexpected opportunity finally came. One day, the crew suddenly brought a baby guy in swaddling clothes to the crew.

It turned out that the poor child was an orphan who had just turned one year old. The directors planned to place her in an orphanage, but on second thought, it was better to let the elderly good people adopt her and give her a warm family.

When Deng Jie and Zhang Guoli learned the news, the two were almost overjoyed. They agreed without hesitation, as if this was a great gift from God for them.

Unexpectedly, Deng Jie, who was forced to "Dink" for a lifetime, has now ushered in such an ending

In order to avoid the child being troubled by their own life experience in the future, the two did not disclose much information about the child to the public, but only regarded her as their own flesh and blood.

In this way, the little one was included in this warm and big family. As novice parents, Deng Jie and Zhang Guoli are diligent and take care of this little life.

I saw that they sometimes teased the baby, sometimes gently coaxed her to sleep, and their faces were filled with unprecedented happiness and joy.

Under the careful care of this elderly couple, the little one thrived and brought infinite laughter to the family. The orphan who was once abandoned has now become the pearl of their palms, and it is the greatest pride of the old couple in their later years.

Unexpectedly, Deng Jie, who was forced to "Dink" for a lifetime, has now ushered in such an ending

What's even more gratifying is that Zhang Guoli's son Zhang Mo has gradually accepted Deng Jie, three generations of harmony and beauty, and he is happy.

Today, this once "Dink" family has a happy scene full of children and grandchildren, which can really be said to have greatly continued the ability to transmit love.

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