
Is the ten-complete tonic soup that regulates the long-term illness and lack of qi and blood all valuable Chinese medicinal materials?

author:Kim Ranh Traditional Chinese Medicine Society

People often joke in life that this person is weak and needs to be replenished, and it is good to go home and cook a little ten full soup. People say that the ten complete soup, do you really know what is inside? Is it like the rumor says, what kind of mountain treasures and seafood are inside, all of them are some extremely expensive foods? In fact, the real Ten Perfection Soup is not so delicious.

Is the ten-complete tonic soup that regulates the long-term illness and lack of qi and blood all valuable Chinese medicinal materials?

According to the name, we actually know that it is a classic recipe for conditioning long-term illness and lack of qi and blood, and it is composed of 10 flavors of Chinese medicine. The first ten great tonic soups were recorded in the "Taiping Huimin and Pharmacy Bureau Formula", and the ten medicinal materials in it are not precious Chinese medicinal materials, let alone delicacies, but Chinese medicines that are very commonly used in Traditional Chinese medicine, and are not as precious as rumors say.

Is the ten-complete tonic soup that regulates the long-term illness and lack of qi and blood all valuable Chinese medicinal materials?

The composition of the Decameron is both simple and special, and its prescription composition is ginseng, cinnamon, Sichuan root, ground yellow, poria, baishu, licorice, astragalus, angelica, and white peony. For the Ten Quan Da Tonic Soup, it is actually an ordinary formula, which contains three classic formulas, the Four Gentlemen Soup with the effect of Yi Qi, the Siwu Soup with the effect of tonifying blood, and the Eight Treasures Soup of Qi and Blood, so the efficacy of the Ten Quan Da Tonic Soup can also be said to be the sum of the effects of these three formulas, or even more.

As a formula that can warm up qi and blood, the ten great tonic soup has not been "exaggerated" in terms of efficacy, mainly used to treat insufficient qi and blood, usually this type of patient will show weakness and weakness of limbs, the whole person's face is yellow, the spirit is also tired, the diet will be reduced appetite, not much to eat, and even there will be skin sores but has not converged, women appear to collapse and leak, etc., these are caused by insufficient qi and blood.

Is the ten-complete tonic soup that regulates the long-term illness and lack of qi and blood all valuable Chinese medicinal materials?

Long-term illness will make the whole person's body weak, or excessive labor, postpartum disorders, excessive blood loss, there will be symptoms of deficiency of qi and blood. Therefore, it is particularly important to replenish qi and blood. It can be seen how important the qi and blood in the human body are, which can maintain our normal life activities and a good prognosis of diseases.

There is a relationship between qi and blood that is mutually transformed and run each other, and the lack of qi and blood will make the internal organs in the body not nourished, and the loss of the head and face will show a faceless face, and the head will be dizzy, that is, we often say that the face is very poor;

Is the ten-complete tonic soup that regulates the long-term illness and lack of qi and blood all valuable Chinese medicinal materials?

The heart is lost, the blood does not nourish the heart, the heart is restless, and the heart palpitations are worried. Therefore, for the evidence of insufficient qi and blood, the main treatment method is to tonic qi and blood, and both qi and blood are carried out at the same time.

There are many chinese medicines that nourish qi and blood in this formula, among which ginseng, which we are more familiar with, has the effect of tonifying qi and blood, and dihuang can nourish yin and blood, baishu and angelica, one tonify qi, one to replenish blood; peony medicine nourishes blood, Sichuan Qianxing qi, Poria spleen nourishes the heart, licorice is beneficial to qi and medium, astragalus and guizhi enhance the effect of replenishing temperature and yang, so that the yang and yin are long, and the mutual compatibility of various medicines jointly plays a role in benefiting qi and blood, conditioning patients with cold constitution and deficiency of qi and blood.

Is the ten-complete tonic soup that regulates the long-term illness and lack of qi and blood all valuable Chinese medicinal materials?

In the "Case of Continuing Famous Doctors", it is recorded that a case of using the Ten Quan Da Tonic Soup to treat diseases, a pregnant woman who is six months pregnant, has physical fatigue, lazy talk and less food, the fetus in the body does not grow, and even the phenomenon of slippery tires, which is mainly caused by overwork and lack of temper, so the famous doctor Xue Lizhai has increased the amount of other Chinese medicines on the basis of the Ten Quan Da Tonic Soup, replenishing the stomach qi, the stomach qi is gradually restored, the fetus is also maintained, and the growth is stable.

Is the ten-complete tonic soup that regulates the long-term illness and lack of qi and blood all valuable Chinese medicinal materials?

Since the inclusion of "Bureau Fang", it has been more than a thousand years, and it is a well-known recipe that can stand the test of thousands of years, and it contains several classic recipes, which do have a unique side in terms of tonifying qi and blood, whether it is the imperial doctor of the court or the folk Chinese medicine, they are impressed by the wonderful use of the ten perfect soup!

[This article is exclusively produced by the new media of "Jinlan Traditional Chinese Medicine Society", and the picture comes from the Internet.] Author Zhou Qian, without authorization, please do not reprint, copy]

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