
If you love to eat melon seeds in winter, it is better to eat a handful of pumpkin seeds every day Doctor: The body will reap these 3 major benefits

author:Professor Li of the Department of Urology

On a winter afternoon, the snow is falling outside the window, and the interior is as warm as spring. In such a scene, many people will choose a casual way - eating melon seeds. This Xi is not only a way to spend time, but also a long-standing tradition, bringing us family affection and warm memories. However, as health awareness grows, we begin to examine this traditional Xi: Is there a better option to retain this warmth and bring more benefits to the body?

If you love to eat melon seeds in winter, it is better to eat a handful of pumpkin seeds every day Doctor: The body will reap these 3 major benefits

Pumpkin seeds – a nutritional treasure trove of superfoods

Pumpkin seeds, a widely overlooked snack food, are actually a nutrient-dense superfood. In this part, we'll delve into the nutritional content of pumpkin seeds and their health benefits.

Nutrients: Natural, all-in-one

Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc, magnesium, protein, and unsaturated fatty acids. Zinc is a key mineral for the proper functioning of the immune system, aiding in wound healing and cell growth. Magnesium plays an important role in maintaining heart, bone, and muscle health, while also having a positive impact on sleep quality. Unsaturated fatty acids are essential for heart health and can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Guardian of mental health

The Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids in pumpkin seeds are an important part of brain health. These unsaturated fatty acids play an important role in maintaining cognitive function, preventing cognitive decline, and improving memory.

High-quality protein source

As an excellent source of plant-based protein, pumpkin seeds provide essential amino acids for vegetarians. These proteins are essential for muscle maintenance and repair, bone health, and overall metabolic function.

Fiber & Antioxidants: The Umbrella of the Gut and Cells

The dietary fiber in pumpkin seeds is extremely important for promoting gut health, helping to maintain digestive balance and prevent constipation. They are also rich in antioxidants such as vitamin E and carotenoids, which help defend against free radical damage and slow down the cell aging process.


Pumpkin seeds are not only a delicious snack, but also a nutritious and health-friendly food choice. Their diverse nutrient profile makes pumpkin seeds an ideal food for enhancing good health. Including pumpkin seeds in your daily diet in moderation can bring multiple benefits to your body.

If you love to eat melon seeds in winter, it is better to eat a handful of pumpkin seeds every day Doctor: The body will reap these 3 major benefits

Pumpkin seeds: a treasure trove of health for middle-aged and elderly people

When discussing the benefits of pumpkin seeds for the health of middle-aged and older adults, we focus on three core benefits, each based on in-depth analysis of existing scientific research and my expertise.

1. Heart Guardians: Pumpkin Seeds and Cardiovascular Health

Pumpkin seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, especially linolenic acid and oleic acid. These healthy fats are essential for maintaining heart health. Linolenic acid helps lower levels of low-density lipoprotein, commonly known as "bad cholesterol," and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. Oleic acid helps increase levels of HDL (the "good cholesterol"), which has a protective effect on the heart. In addition, the magnesium in pumpkin seeds helps regulate the heartbeat and reduce the risk of high blood pressure, which is essential for maintaining normal cardiovascular function.

2. The Key to Men's Health: Pumpkin Seeds and Prostate Health

Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc, a key trace element for maintaining prostate health. Zinc is found in higher concentrations in the prostate gland than any other tissue in the body and is essential for the proper function and repair of the prostate. Studies have shown that moderate intake of zinc-rich foods, such as pumpkin seeds, can help reduce the risk of an enlarged prostate and related diseases. For middle-aged and older men, eating pumpkin seeds in moderation every day can be used as a simple and effective preventive measure.

3. Messenger of Tranquility at Night: Pumpkin Seeds & Better Sleep

Magnesium is another key nutrient in pumpkin seeds and is especially important for improving sleep quality. Magnesium helps to relax the muscles and nervous system, reducing anxiety and tension, which promotes deep sleep. In addition, magnesium is involved in regulating sleep cycles in the body, helping to maintain a normal circadian rhythm. For middle-aged and elderly people who often suffer from insomnia, eating pumpkin seeds in moderation every day can help improve sleep quality, thereby improving overall health.

If you love to eat melon seeds in winter, it is better to eat a handful of pumpkin seeds every day Doctor: The body will reap these 3 major benefits

Pumpkin seeds, more than just a snack: the art of eating them right

Pumpkin seeds are often seen as a simple snack food, but they actually have a place in health and wellness. Proper consumption of pumpkin seeds not only enhances their health benefits, but also avoids potential adverse effects. Here are some practical tips on how to eat pumpkin seeds correctly.

Recommended Daily Intake

Although pumpkin seeds are highly nutritious, they are also a high-calorie food. For middle-aged and elderly people, a small handful (about 28 grams) per day is a more appropriate amount. This is enough to provide the necessary nutrients while controlling total calorie intake.

The best way to eat pumpkin seeds

Prioritizing the original flavor: Choose plain pumpkin seeds that are not overly processed and avoid additional intake of salt and additives.

Roasted instead of fried: Roasted pumpkin seeds retain more nutrients and have a lower fat content than deep frying.

Pair with other foods: Adding pumpkin seeds to salads, oatmeal, or yogurt not only adds texture to the food, but also helps to achieve a more complete nutritional intake.

The correct way to store pumpkin seeds

When storing pumpkin seeds, they should be placed in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture, which will prevent them from spoiling and losing nutrients. Sealed packaging is a great way to keep pumpkin seeds fresh.

Advice on prevention of excessive consumption

While pumpkin seeds have many health benefits, eating them in excess can lead to calorie overloading and even affect digestion. Pumpkin seeds are recommended as part of your daily diet rather than your primary food source. In particular, people with specific health conditions (such as abnormal glucose metabolism or increased systemic arterial blood pressure) should be more careful about intake control.

Through the above consumption methods and suggestions, pumpkin seeds can not only be used as a healthy snack to satisfy our appetites, but also add nutrition and flavor to our healthy diet. Remember, eating pumpkin seeds is also a health-responsible choice.

If you love to eat melon seeds in winter, it is better to eat a handful of pumpkin seeds every day Doctor: The body will reap these 3 major benefits

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