
The "antibiotic" hidden around you - honeysuckle, this combination will help you sweep away the inflammation of the body

author:Wang Liuyun, director of traditional Chinese medicine

Do you have a lot of fire evil in your body? Do you have a sore throat, swollen and sore gums, and itchy eyes all day long? I have taken a lot of anti-inflammatory drugs but the effect is not obvious? Today I will teach you how to use honeysuckle, an antibiotic in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, to sweep away the inflammation of your body.

The "antibiotic" hidden around you - honeysuckle, this combination will help you sweep away the inflammation of the body

In winter, the weather is relatively dry, and the diet is too spicy, then it is easy to have throat discomfort at this time, such as dry and itchy throat, or sore throat, sometimes even drinking saliva is difficult to swallow, and constantly want to cough, then at this time you can choose honeysuckle with Maimendong and chrysanthemum to regulate, because this combination can not only reduce inflammation, but also nourish yin and nourish the body, which can well moisturize our throat.

The "antibiotic" hidden around you - honeysuckle, this combination will help you sweep away the inflammation of the body

Now is the flu season, many people have a cold, if you always feel a lot of headache, dry throat, nose is not breathable, often run some yellow snot, stick out the tongue, the color of the tongue coating is yellow, then this is mostly the cold caused by the evil of wind and heat, at this time to regulate this situation, you need to dissipate the surface, and honeysuckle with burdock and forsythia has the effect of dissipating the surface, this time to choose this collocation is very suitable.

The "antibiotic" hidden around you - honeysuckle, this combination will help you sweep away the inflammation of the body

Like some people usually do not pay attention to diet and Xi life habits, a little inattention will be targeted by urethritis and cystitis, either frequent urination, or when urinating feels very unsmooth, sometimes even accompanied by stinging, small stomach swelling and pain, urine is also yellow, then at this time you can choose to use honeysuckle with white grass root to boil water to drink, not only can inhibit bacteria and inflammation, but also diuretic.

The "antibiotic" hidden around you - honeysuckle, this combination will help you sweep away the inflammation of the body

The above is what I talked about today, but it should be noted that honeysuckle is only suitable for inflammation caused by fiery evil, and other conditions are not suitable, if you have a similar situation, it is recommended to use it under the guidance of a professional doctor, do not blindly use medicine, we will see you next time!

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