
Alpacas were "interviewed" by security officers for frequently spitting on surrounding tourists

author:I crouched in the corner and watched the world

Recently, there is a video about alpacas in a scenic spot in Beijing frequently spitting on tourists, which has aroused heated discussions among netizens.

In the video, the security officer even had to grab the alpaca's neck in desperation and form a hilarious swinging conversation with it in a "friendly negotiation".

Alpacas were "interviewed" by security officers for frequently spitting on surrounding tourists

This alpaca also has a lot of personality, maybe it thinks to himself, "Ouch, these humans come to see me every day, and they don't give me any benefit, so I spit on them to see if they still come." ”

This is actually a "tsundere" performance, but this tsundere is a bit too much, haha.

Alpacas were "interviewed" by security officers for frequently spitting on surrounding tourists

But we also have to think about it, why do alpacas do this? Is it really that they are bored and want to have some fun?

Or are they telling us in this way, "Hey, we have emotions too, don't treat us like objects all the time." ”

That's a question worth pondering.

Alpacas were "interviewed" by security officers for frequently spitting on surrounding tourists

Look at the security officer in the video, how helpless he is, grabbing the alpaca's neck, as if he is "friendly negotiation" with it: "Hey, brother, it's not good for you to be like this, tourists will be afraid." ”

This scene is simply a realistic version of the "animal world", with a hint of sadness in the funny.

Alpacas were "interviewed" by security officers for frequently spitting on surrounding tourists

Actually, when it comes to sadness, I think of a word, "empathy". We have to think about it from the perspective of alpacas, they are watched every day, maybe their hearts are already hairy.

If it were us, we would be stared at by strangers every day, and it would probably be unhappy, and maybe we couldn't help but "complain" a few words.

Although this is funny, it also reminds us that we have to respect animals and give them some space.

Don't always take them for fun, they also have feelings, they will also be "arrogant", and they will also "complain".

We have to learn to live in harmony with them so that we can all be happy, don't we?

Alpacas were "interviewed" by security officers for frequently spitting on surrounding tourists

I would like to say that life is already very serious, and sometimes, you might as well look at it and laugh a little.

Just like this alpaca spitting incident, although it makes people cry and laugh, it also makes us reflect on the relationship between humans and animals, and our attitude towards life.

After laughing, maybe we will know more about how to love, how to respect, and how to live.

Alpacas were "interviewed" by security officers for frequently spitting on surrounding tourists

Alpaca, you continue to be "tsundere", but don't forget, we are also learning how Xi love you better.

Tourists, the next time you encounter this situation, remember to keep your distance and don't make the alpacas feel uncomfortable.

As for the safety officers, you have worked hard, and I hope you can find a better way to make everyone happy.

That's life, full of accidents and full of fun. Let's just think it's a "swing conversation", haha.


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