
Strongly support Dr. Sun Weidong to return to China for the elderly?

author:Idler's comments
Strongly support Dr. Sun Weidong to return to China for the elderly?

I would like to say, those who are strongly supportive, please put away your Virgin heart

First of all, it should be made clear that he is an overseas Chinese, a Chinese American, not a Chinese national, and the Chinese government has no power to intervene. In China, the choice of nationality is free, you can choose to immigrate, no one restricts you, however, Chinese nationality is not something you can ask for, your own choice, you have to be responsible for yourself.

Moreover, as an overseas Chinese, he did not make any contribution to China, on the contrary, he studied at the Chinese public expense, and did not return to China to serve the motherland after completing his studies, but became a programmer in the United States.

I haven't read the official explanation for his current situation and the reasons for it, there are a lot of explanations, but it doesn't matter. Whether it is an external accident blow or gambling, this is a personal experience, and the choice of life is made by oneself and one is responsible for it. Chinese foreign consulates are only responsible for the Chinese, they cannot intervene in this matter, if they want to return to China, Chinese nationality is not something you can ask for, choose to give up when it is good, and want to come back when it is bad?

It is comforting that the wind direction in the comment area is still mostly opposed

Strongly support Dr. Sun Weidong to return to China for the elderly?
Strongly support Dr. Sun Weidong to return to China for the elderly?
