
10 years, thousands of miles away, just to let the children in the mountains have a better future

author:Yin Xiang client

For 10 years, this is a caring group that is always on the road, they have traveled thousands of miles, over the mountains and mountains, just for the desire in the innocent eyes of the children on the other side of the mountain.

Recently, the team of Beningen Love Public Service Center ushered in the first gathering after the epidemic, and also made the people at the scene look back on the 10-year road of love.

In 2013, Pan Huanjun, who was called "Ningbo Good Man" by Guizhou media, initiated the establishment of a caring student team with several like-minded friends, and went to Guizhou, Yunnan, Xinjiang and Gansu to visit their homes, and connect with the local government and schools.

10 years, thousands of miles away, just to let the children in the mountains have a better future

The picture shows the completion of the Hope Primary School donated by Ben Engen.

"Our team's operation mode may be different from others, each child who needs to be helped, will be implemented through on-site visits, docking, one by one, and then provide a matchmaking platform for caring people, when the caring people and children are paired, the implementation of the money and materials in addition to some through the platform staff agent, most of them are direct interaction between the two sides, so that the funding of caring people is fully implemented, and we ensure that the information is open and transparent. Li Bo, secretary general of Benengen Love Public Welfare Service Center, said.

So far, the platform has brought together more than 1,000 caring people, benefited tens of thousands of students, and spontaneously formed a management team among the caring people, and established a special account for Ben Ingen Love Fund through cooperation with the Shanyuan Foundation, which has become a local charity brand with a certain influence in Ningbo.

10 years, thousands of miles away, just to let the children in the mountains have a better future

The picture shows the distribution of new school bags and other gifts to the students of Hope Primary School.

The core members of the platform are also from all walks of life, Pan Huanjun is the founder of a catering company settled in Zhonggongmiao, Libo is engaged in the financial industry, and other caring people include entrepreneurs, civil servants, retired soldiers and other professions, and some caring people from other parts of the province.

Ms. Yang Yahong, who is called "Mother Yang" by the paired children in Guizhou, is a native of Xinchang, and she has paired two female students with two female students through the Beningen platform for 9 consecutive years, subsidizing them with 2,000 yuan per year, from junior high school to university graduation, and at present, both girls have plans to go to graduate school. Yang Yahong said: "In the mountainous areas of Guizhou, some girls from poor families cannot afford to pay tuition fees and drop out of primary or junior high school. ”

At the party, a video from the paired students was played, who spoke in simple language about their hard work after receiving the love support over the years, and the positive energy they felt from the Beningen love team: "It has solved our tuition fees and improved our quality of life. "We must work hard to learn Xi, and in the future, we will help more people in need and pass on our love all the way." ”

In the past 10 years, many members of the team have traveled thousands of miles, got up early in the dark, and traveled on the difficult mountain roads in Yanbian, Jilin, Daliangshan, Sichuan, Changshan, Quzhou, Jingning, Lishui and other places, visited many families of students in need, and sent donations from caring people. In addition to pairing students, the team also carried out many love activities: in 2014, it donated more than 100,000 yuan to seriously ill students and 102 love tables to the school, in 2015~2016, it donated school uniforms to Guizhou Wugao Primary School, Xinmin Primary School and Dade Hope Primary School, in May 2016, it donated 40 computers to the lead mining school, in 2017~2018, it donated to build a tap water drinking water project for Guizhou Xinmin Primary School Nayong Nationality Middle School, and in 2018~In 2021, we donated to build 4 hope primary schools in Lipu, Hunan: in 2021, we built a love playground for Baishi Granmu Primary School in Yuqi Wustang Township, Kuqa City, Xinjiang, and in 2014~2023, we will visit the elderly and widows, sanitation workers, traffic police, police stations and other groups during the Mid-Autumn Festival every year.

10 years, thousands of miles away, just to let the children in the mountains have a better future

The picture shows condolences to sanitation workers.

"Grateful for the present, rooted in the future" is the tenet of the Beningen team. Pan Huanjun looked back on the journey, hard and happy: "When I was a child, the reading conditions were relatively poor, and now we have gathered so many caring people and sent more children to the classroom, I am very grateful for the selfless dedication of the caring people and the platform staff, I believe that we are all doing a very meaningful thing!"

(Reporter Wu Haixia)

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