
"If you don't do it in the twenty-eighth year, you will do a lot of bad things", what day is the twenty-eighth day of the winter month?

author:Talk about food moments


There is an old folk saying: "If you don't do it in the twenty-eighth year, you will do a lot of bad things", when you hear this sentence, like everyone, you have a question, that is, what is the day of the twenty-eighth day of the winter month? What are the five days that you don't do? By opening the calendar to find out, we finally found that the twenty-eighth day of the winter month is indeed a special day, and this day is extremely important in the whole winter, we all say that the cold winter wax moon, the twenty-eighth day of the winter moon is the end of the winter moon, it also marks the coldest wax moon, will come as scheduled.

"If you don't do it in the twenty-eighth year, you will do a lot of bad things", what day is the twenty-eighth day of the winter month?

What day is the twenty-eighth day of the winter moon? According to the Ganzhi calendar, it is the day of the second ugly month of the year of the Lunar New Year, in addition, it is also the dangerous day in the construction of the twelve gods, what do you think of first when you hear the dangerous day? Literally understood as the dangerous day, if you start from the perspective of the number nine days of the winter solstice, it is just the "three nine" in the number nine cold days, and then we contact the dangerous day to understand, the older generation is actually to remind us that entering the third nine also means that the dangerous day is coming, so what can not be done?

"If you don't do it in the twenty-eighth year, you will do a lot of bad things", what day is the twenty-eighth day of the winter month?

Don't do it, don't go to play on the ice of the wild river

In the face of such cold weather, some playful people will go to play on the ice and want to find fun, but the author does not advocate everyone to play, or even do not do this, especially the ice surface of the wild river, you don't know the specific situation, it is easy to lead to accidents, or even fall into the glacier.

"If you don't do it in the twenty-eighth year, you will do a lot of bad things", what day is the twenty-eighth day of the winter month?

2. Stay in an air-conditioned room for a long time

As the old saying goes: "Move in three or nine, and make less trouble in the spring", which is also reminding us not to always be sedentary and stay in an air-conditioned room, which can easily lead to a decline in resistance, and because the blood does not circulate, the hands and feet are easy to be cold, then this will undoubtedly bring great harm to the body, in addition, in the air-conditioned room, it is easy to cause dry skin, fire and other situations, which will also have a great impact on people.

"If you don't do it in the twenty-eighth year, you will do a lot of bad things", what day is the twenty-eighth day of the winter month?

3. Be demeanor, not temperature

This sentence is often said by the older generation to young people, because the weather is relatively cold, and it is not good to wear thick clothes, so some young guys, regardless of the temperature outside, wear relatively thin clothes, and even ankles and knees are exposed outside, which will also lead to cold invasion of the human body, and even lead to frostbite.

"If you don't do it in the twenty-eighth year, you will do a lot of bad things", what day is the twenty-eighth day of the winter month?

Fourth, the door is closed and no attention is paid to ventilation

When it's cold, they want to stay in the room and don't go anywhere, so many people will choose to close the door and not pay attention to ventilation, which should not be done, no matter what kind of heating is used, we must pay attention to ventilation in a certain period of time, open the door or door or window, which can reduce bacterial infection, but also reduce the occurrence of cough and cold, especially if there is a sick cold, pay more attention to the ventilation of the home.

"If you don't do it in the twenty-eighth year, you will do a lot of bad things", what day is the twenty-eighth day of the winter month?

5. The diet is too greasy

When it comes to Sanjiu, it is estimated that many people will think of a word, that is, tonic, so no matter whether it is good or bad, light and greasy, it will be eaten when you meet, which will lead to the increase of your gastrointestinal burden, and even the appearance of indigestion and food accumulation.

"If you don't do it in the twenty-eighth year, you will do a lot of bad things", what day is the twenty-eighth day of the winter month?

【Food Carving】

The twenty-eighth day of the winter month is a dangerous day, and it is also the first day of the "March Nine", so we must make reasonable changes in our diet and lifestyle, so that we can easily cope with the cold winter, the key is to do these well, but also reduce the occurrence of diseases, so when it comes to the March Nine stage, it is best not to treat it sloppily.

[This article is original by "Xiaotan Shike", and may not be deleted or misappropriated without permission, and infringement must be investigated]

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