
The "Lung Cleansing Champion" has been found, not Sydney, and it should be eaten often in winter to nourish and moisten the lungs and calm the nerves and help sleep

author:Shukuri Musume

In this fast-paced life, people are also paying more and more attention to health, especially in the cold winter months, many people are prone to respiratory diseases such as lung fever and cough. In your daily diet, stay away from greasy foods and eat more light foods that moisturize your lungs, which is conducive to maintaining a healthy body. When it comes to moisturizing the lungs, many people may think of Sydney, in fact, in addition to Sydney, there are some ingredients that have the effect of clearing the lungs and moisturizing the lungs. These include fresh lilies, white fungus and oats, which combine to create a refreshing and healthy delicacy – oatmeal lily milk white fungus soup.

The "Lung Cleansing Champion" has been found, not Sydney, and it should be eaten often in winter to nourish and moisten the lungs and calm the nerves and help sleep

First, let's take a look at the nutrients of these three ingredients.

A few days ago, I bought some fresh lilies online, and it tastes sweet and delicious, nutritious, and much better than dried lilies. Lily is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, and is known as "vegetable ginseng". It is rich in protein that can clear the lungs and moisten the lungs, provide the energy needed by the human body, and also contain a variety of amino acids, which has a positive effect on promoting metabolism and enhancing immunity.

The "Lung Cleansing Champion" has been found, not Sydney, and it should be eaten often in winter to nourish and moisten the lungs and calm the nerves and help sleep

Tremella, also known as "plant collagen", is an extremely nutritious ingredient. Tremella is rich in protein, polysaccharides, vitamins and other ingredients, which has a significant effect on skin maintenance. Regular consumption of white fungus can moisten the lungs and nourish the skin, and it is a good winter health product.

Oats, as a common grain, are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and other components. At the same time, it is rich in minerals such as zinc, iron, magnesium, etc., which are beneficial to the body's bones, immune system, nervous system and other aspects. After understanding the rich nutrition of these three, let's make this lung-clearing delicacy - oatmeal lily milk white fungus soup.

The "Lung Cleansing Champion" has been found, not Sydney, and it should be eaten often in winter to nourish and moisten the lungs and calm the nerves and help sleep

【Oatmeal lily milk white fungus soup】

Ingredients: fresh lily, white fungus, oats, fresh milk, wolfberry

Detailed instructions:

The "Lung Cleansing Champion" has been found, not Sydney, and it should be eaten often in winter to nourish and moisten the lungs and calm the nerves and help sleep

1. Remove the stems of the fresh lily, put it in a basin and soak it for a while, remove the sediment, clean it, peel it off one by one for later use; soak the white fungus in warm water until it softens, remove the roots, chop it for later use; rinse the wolfberry with water and set aside.

2. Add water to the pot and bring to a boil until lukewarm, put the soaked white fungus and oats into the pot, bring to a boil over high heat, and continue to boil over low heat. Simmer for 30 minutes until the white fungus is gelatinous and the oats are cooked until cooked.

The "Lung Cleansing Champion" has been found, not Sydney, and it should be eaten often in winter to nourish and moisten the lungs and calm the nerves and help sleep

3. After the oatmeal white fungus is cooked and rotten, add fresh lily, fresh milk and wolfberry, boil, and cook over low heat for 10 minutes to fully release various nutrients.

4. Finally, you can add ingredients such as honey or rock sugar in moderation to add flavor according to your personal taste. Remove from heat and allow to cool to a suitable temperature, then pour into a bowl and enjoy.

The "Lung Cleansing Champion" has been found, not Sydney, and it should be eaten often in winter to nourish and moisten the lungs and calm the nerves and help sleep

This oatmeal lily milk white fungus soup is not only delicious, but also rich in a variety of nutrients, which has the effect of clearing the lungs, moisturizing the lungs, clearing the heart and calming the nerves. It is especially suitable for winter consumption, which can not only warm the body, but also improve immunity, so that you can relax.

Let's discover the healthy taste from the details of each meal, and integrate lily, white fungus and oats into our lives, which is not only a taste enjoyment, but also a care for the body. Let this fresh and healthy food become a scenery in our lives, let the body feel the warmth in the taste buds, and let the soul find peace in the food. A bowl of oatmeal lily milk white fungus soup is not only a food match, but also the pursuit of one's own quality of life, a good investment, and cheer for one's body.

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