
No matter what kind of meat you fry, don't marinate it with salt and cooking wine, the chef taught me a trick, the meat slices are tender and not fishy

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Gourmet Gewu

Nowadays, people pay more and more attention to health, especially healthy diet, in addition to buying organic vegetables, fresh and healthy melons and fruits, there is a balanced diet, when stir-frying, put some shrimp, seafood or meat, which can not only increase umami, but also supplement nutrition, especially lean meat, which is deeply loved by everyone.

No matter what kind of meat you fry, don't marinate it with salt and cooking wine, the chef taught me a trick, the meat slices are tender and not fishy

But many friends have found that when stir-frying, put some lean meat, this lean meat is not only dry and hard, but also particularly stuffed teeth, sometimes after the fried fishy smell is still very strong, so that this dish, due to the reason of excessive fishy smell, even the vegetables become unpalatable, and finally a good dish is wasted, what is going on?

No matter what kind of meat you fry, don't marinate it with salt and cooking wine, the chef taught me a trick, the meat slices are tender and not fishy

In fact, the main thing is that when you stir-fry, the meat is fried directly in the pot, the correct way is to process the meat in advance, this treatment is also very particular, and it will be counterproductive if it is not done well, so follow me to see how the meat should be processed before it is put into the pot.

No matter what kind of meat you fry, don't marinate it with salt and cooking wine, the chef taught me a trick, the meat slices are tender and not fishy

When we stir-fry, we generally put pork belly or lean meat, when choosing lean meat, you can choose tenderloin or plum meat, these parts are relatively tender, the fiber is softer, more fine, when stir-frying, it will not be so hard and dry, after the meat is bought, it will be refrigerated in the refrigerator for half an hour to drain acid. After that, it is washed under the faucet, and after washing, the meat is placed on the cutting board and cut into thin strips against the texture of the pork.

No matter what kind of meat you fry, don't marinate it with salt and cooking wine, the chef taught me a trick, the meat slices are tender and not fishy

Along the pork grain is to cut parallel to its texture. Reverse the texture of the pork is to cut vertically according to its texture, so that the texture and fiber of the meat can be cut, and it tastes more tender and smooth, after the meat is cut, we have to marinate, put the meat in the bowl and often add a small spoon of cooking wine, a gram of white pepper, a little salt, a little baking soda, and then add some green onion and ginger water to the meat.

No matter what kind of meat you fry, don't marinate it with salt and cooking wine, the chef taught me a trick, the meat slices are tender and not fishy

The production method of green onion and ginger water is also very simple, chop the green onion and ginger after washing, and then smash it with the top of the rolling pin, add some boiling water to it, wait for the water to cool after a few minutes, you can use it, the waste residue of green onion and ginger is green onion and ginger water, this green onion and ginger water is added to the meat filling not only to add new fragrance, but also to make the meat absorb enough water to become soft and juicy, a small amount of green onion and ginger water to the meat many times, stir in one direction, so that the meat absorbs enough water, and then add the second time after the water is absorbed, repeat 4~5 times enough, after the meat absorbs enough water, add some potato starch or corn starch to it, the water of the meat, and finally drizzle a little cooking oil. When stir-frying, it can prevent sticking.

No matter what kind of meat you fry, don't marinate it with salt and cooking wine, the chef taught me a trick, the meat slices are tender and not fishy

After marinating the meat for 10 minutes, we can process the meat, there are two ways to process the meat, one is boiling water, the other is oil, the method of boiling water is very simple, after boiling the water, put the meat slices into the pot one by one, and then you can take them out after all floating, after blanching, the meat slices can be made into boiled meat slices, slippery meat slices, etc., and you can also make meat slices soup.

No matter what kind of meat you fry, don't marinate it with salt and cooking wine, the chef taught me a trick, the meat slices are tender and not fishy

The lubricating oil needs to burn some oil in the pot first, pour out the oil after the oil is hot, and put cold oil into the hot pan, but put too much cold oil, pour the meat slices into the cold oil and use a shovel to break it up, slide to the color of the meat slices, white and mature, the oily meat slices are more suitable for making some stir-fried dishes, and with this method, whether it is processed meat slices or shredded meat, we can use it to cook dishes after processing

No matter what kind of meat you fry, don't marinate it with salt and cooking wine, the chef taught me a trick, the meat slices are tender and not fishy

We can mix some peppers, carrots, celery, onions, etc. and stir-fry with meat slices, after stir-frying, you only need to add some light soy sauce, sugar, salt, and then a small spoon of oyster sauce, and finally leave a little water starch before the pot, and collect the thick soup, many friends say that the meat will have a fishy smell, in fact, whether it is the pepper when marinating the meat or the green onion and ginger water used when beating the water, it has a very good effect of removing the smell and increasing the flavor, so after processing, the meat slices are smooth, tender, soft and fragrant, whether it is fried and eaten and burned to eat is very good. And add a little baking soda, this alkaline baking soda can soften the fibers of the meat and loosen it at the same time, so that the meat will not be woody and hard.

No matter what kind of meat you fry, don't marinate it with salt and cooking wine, the chef taught me a trick, the meat slices are tender and not fishy

The above are all pure lean meat cooking methods, if you choose pork belly, how to cook it? pork belly five flowers three layers of one layer of fat and one layer of thin, the meat quality made is thin but not firewood, fat but not greasy, many people like to eat very much, but its fat part will have some shallow fascia after frying will be more tough, then how to make the pork belly soft and palatable when cooking?

No matter what kind of meat you fry, don't marinate it with salt and cooking wine, the chef taught me a trick, the meat slices are tender and not fishy

In fact, the method is very simple, after the pork belly is bought home, the same first put it in the refrigerator, refrigerate for half an hour, prepare a basin of cold water after acid discharge, add two grams of edible alkali to the water, a spoonful of liquor will soak the whole piece of pork belly in water for 20 minutes, the soaking of cold water can soak out all the dirt and impurities in the meat, and the liquor can remove the smell and increase the flavor, and the alkaline substances in the edible alkali can soften the meat, and the fiber becomes very tender.

No matter what kind of meat you fry, don't marinate it with salt and cooking wine, the chef taught me a trick, the meat slices are tender and not fishy

After soaking in water, rinse it with water and then slice it and put egg white, pepper, salt, starch, edible oil for pickling, the cut pork belly is generally a piece of meat, so you don't need to whip it hard, you can directly fry it in the pot after pickling, the taste is fresh and fragrant, there is no fishy smell at all, and it is also particularly soft and tender.

No matter what kind of meat you fry, don't marinate it with salt and cooking wine, the chef taught me a trick, the meat slices are tender and not fishy

Well, the pre-fried method of lean meat and pork belly is shared with you here, and friends who like it can collect it and try it.

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