
Huang Tingjianshi; rabbit brown gold silk treasure bowl, pine wind crab eye new soup

author:Ride the wind on the ancient road

Song Dynasty great writer Huang Tingjian has a poetry cloud; rabbit brown gold silk treasure bowl, Songfeng crab eye new soup; how to understand this verse, there are various interpretations on the Internet, poor and unsatisfactory, now there are not many people who understand ancient poetry, are all kinds of misreading, in the end which one is in line with the real meaning of the Song Dynasty, today to interpret it.

Rabbit brown gold silk treasure bowl, rabbit brown; you can simply go to catch the wild rabbit, look at the rabbit brown hair, song dynasty tea cup to rabbit milli cup is expensive. Gold silk, are well understood, golden silk, treasure bowl, is the reputation of this kind of tea cup. This understanding is so simple, this is all theoretical, how to prove that this understanding is correct?

Just by providence, the specimen of the rabbit brown gold silk treasure bowl was collected to prove the artistic conception of ancient poetry and the status of such tea cups in the history of the Song Dynasty, continuing this once forgotten history and feeling the glorious achievements of the culture and art of the Song Dynasty.

Huang Tingjianshi; rabbit brown gold silk treasure bowl, pine wind crab eye new soup

The tea cup of obsidian is not yet able to be imitated

Huang Tingjianshi; rabbit brown gold silk treasure bowl, pine wind crab eye new soup
Huang Tingjianshi; rabbit brown gold silk treasure bowl, pine wind crab eye new soup

The obsidian effect of rabbit brown

This kind of tea cup is a yao changing tea cup, and the Japanese national treasure yao changing tianmu tea cup is two branches, one is a rabbit brown gold silk treasure bowl, one is a yao changing tianmu tea bowl, because the kiln site has not been found, where this kind of yao changing tea cup is fired, how to burn, are worth studying.

It is a blessing to be able to appreciate the yao tea cup in China, and looking at the specimen can understand the artistic conception of rabbit brown gold silk and the peak achievements of the Song Dynasty in the art of porcelain firing, and feel the feelings of the ancients more than 800 years ago.

The last sentence in the poem, pine wind crab eye new soup, pine wind, you can use action to go to the pine forest to feel it, in a pine forest, a gust of wind blows, there is a rushing sound, like the sound of the waves of the tide, crab eyes, is the appearance of water bubbling, new soup, of course, is just hit by the spring water.

Huang Tingjian's original sentence of the whole poem; the dragon roast head gang spring early, the valley curtain first spring incense. Drunken floating ants tender goose yellow. I want to see it turn into snow waves.

Rabbit brown gold silk treasure bowl, pine wind crab eye new soup. No cause is more crazy. Manna comes from cactus.

This poem was widely circulated during the Southern Song Dynasty, and the Song Dynasty poet Yang Wanli praised it; eagle claw new tea crab eye soup, and pine wind singing snow rabbit milli frost.

Fine ginseng Liuyi spring taste, so there is Fu Weng sentence incense;

Fu Weng here refers to Huang Tingjian's great literary hero, and this poem is The work of Yang Wanli to pay tribute to his predecessors; rabbit brown gold silk treasure bowl, Songfeng crab eye new soup.

In the Southern Song Dynasty, was there only this kind of golden silk tea cup?

According to the records of the literature, we consulted the materials, reflecting the poetry of the Song Dynasty's Yongcha, including red silk, splitting silk, shadow falling on the Han River, etc. According to the custom of tea fighting in the Song Dynasty, the literati and scholars all took out tea cups that reflected their temperament, including rabbit cups, partridge spots, obsidian tea cups, etc., in addition to gold wire, there were silver wire, red wire and other series of open tea cups.

Huang Tingjianshi; rabbit brown gold silk treasure bowl, pine wind crab eye new soup
Huang Tingjianshi; rabbit brown gold silk treasure bowl, pine wind crab eye new soup
Huang Tingjianshi; rabbit brown gold silk treasure bowl, pine wind crab eye new soup

Song Dynasty rabbit

Huang Tingjianshi; rabbit brown gold silk treasure bowl, pine wind crab eye new soup

There is still one piece missing, and it is impossible to piece it together

Due to the lack of ancient culture, the understanding of poetry is different, and the lack of physical specimens, can only rely on their own cognition to explain the poetry of the Song Dynasty, the emergence of such specimens, help us understand the real tea ceremony culture of the Song Dynasty and the song Dynasty's artistic achievements in porcelain firing.

The Song Dynasty is a dynasty in which the inheritance of Chinese culture has reached a certain height, realized the unity of the three religions, and created a dynasty of Cheng Zhu Lixue and Lu Jiuyuan's psychological studies, and the culture and art have attracted the attention of the world, but after more than eight hundred years of baptism, very few have survived, and only in Japan can we see the relics of the Song Dynasty culture.

There are still many poems in the Song Dynasty that need to be seriously studied and interpreted, what is the real Song Dynasty culture, can not be made up for the sake of interests, referring to deer as horses, hoping to jointly discuss with the song dynasty culture and carry forward the essence of Chinese culture.

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