
Studies have found that turmeric and mustard can inhibit the reproductive capacity of the new crown virus

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According to the Efe news agency Valencia, Spain, on September 26, a study conducted by researchers at the Polytechnic University of Valencia showed that natural extracts of turmeric and mustard significantly inhibited the reproductive capacity of the new crown virus.

The researchers analyzed the potential of various plant extracts or natural compounds as inhibitors of the protease activity of the new coronavirus.

Researcher Carla Giharo said that during the life cycle of the new crown virus, it will genetically encode a protease called 3CLPro, which is the key to making a new virus. "Given its importance, this protease has been selected in different studies to target the search for potential inhibitors (natural or synthetic) that can reduce their activity, thereby reducing the reproductive capacity of the virus."

The study found that 17 plant products present in modern and traditional cuisine "promise to be inhibitors of the activity of the coronavirus 3CLPro protease."

"Based on this information, we selected plant foods that were enriched with these molecules that had previously been identified as having inhibitory effects, and we evaluated the extracts obtained from them." Carla Giharo pointed out.

As a result, extracts of turmeric, mustard, and a wild cruciferous plant had the strongest inhibitory effect on proteases at assessed concentrations. Among them, turmeric extract produces the best results.

The team says this opens the way for future research.

But Carla Giharo also noted that the results of the study are a preliminary assessment of the potential of plant extracts or natural compounds within them as inhibitors of the activity of the new coronavirus protease. (Compilation/Sujavi)

Source: Reference News Network

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