
My wife and I have a total pension of 12,500, and we have been traveling by car for 4 years, but now we regret it

author:Perfect sea breeze JKq
My wife and I have a total pension of 12,500, and we have been traveling by car for 4 years, but now we regret it

Title: 4 years of self-driving, 12,500 pension, unlimited scenery, and now regret not being at the beginning

Retirement is a long-awaited time for many people, and my wife and I are no exception. In the leisurely retirement life, we decided on a whim to drive around and experience the beauty of the world. However, looking back on the past four years, we regret it.

At first, when we said goodbye to our busy work life and received a total of 12,500 yuan per month, our hearts were full of longing for the unknown world. Our road trip starts in Yunnan in the southwest, then travels through the vast northwest to the mystical Tibet, and then to the snowy plateaus in the northeast. Along the way, we saw countless intoxicating landscapes and experienced different customs and customs.

In Yunnan, we wandered in the ancient city of Dali under the blue sky and white clouds, and felt the unique tranquility and leisureliness of the south. In the northwest, we followed the Silk Road and visited the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang and were shocked by the thousand-year-old cultural heritage. And in Tibet, standing under the majesty of the Potala Palace, we seem to feel the mysterious power between heaven and earth.

However, with the passage of time, we have gradually discovered that there is not only one good side to the world of flowers. In the process of self-driving, we encounter problems such as vehicle breakdowns and difficult road conditions from time to time, which make us feel the impermanence of life and our own insignificance every time. Once, in Tibet, due to altitude sickness, we had to abandon our planned journey and hurriedly return to the lower altitudes. At that moment, we realized that the ups and downs in the journey are also a kind of growth, a part of life.

My wife and I have a total pension of 12,500, and we have been traveling by car for 4 years, but now we regret it

As the years went by, some problems gradually developed in our bodies, which made the originally planned trip difficult. However, we didn't give up because of that. Instead, we're starting to focus more on slowing down and savoring every scenery we pass by. In the countryside, we chatted with local farmers and learned about their life stories, and in the old city, we went deep into the market and felt the pulse of the city.

Looking back on the past four years, we have gained many precious memories. Every strange face, every strange land, has become an indelible part of our lives. A pension of 12,500 yuan may not seem like much, but we feel endless happiness during the trip through a simple lifestyle.

However, the years do not wait for others, and the problems of reality are gradually becoming prominent. A pension of 12,500 yuan has never been able to cover some of the unpredictable expenses of travel. Vehicle maintenance, medical expenses, accommodation and food expenses are all gradually crushing our plans. When we find ourselves having to save on some necessary expenses, remorse comes with it.

Perhaps, the decision was too impulsive. The number of pensions makes us ignore the actual needs of life and blindly pursue the dream of traveling. Today, we have to face reality and re-examine the trajectory of our lives. Perhaps, we can choose a more affordable way to travel, or slow down the pace of travel and focus more on depth rather than rushing.

However, even in the face of today's difficulties, we still choose to face them positively. Recalling those beautiful moments, we deeply understand that travel is not only a geographical movement, but also a spiritual flight. We can stop the busyness, choose a place to slowly savor life, and discover the beauty around us. And this may be the truest form of retirement life.

In this text, I don't want to complain, but I want to tell more people that the beauty of life does not only exist between the mountains and rivers in the distance. Although the pension of 12,500 yuan is limited, if we know how to feel life with our hearts and plan for the future with wisdom, we can still live a full and happy retirement life.

Perhaps our choice seems to be a little impulsive at the beginning, but behind every turn, there is wisdom in life. Life's troubles are not the end, but the beginning. Perhaps, we should face our choices more calmly and use wisdom and courage to meet the unknown tomorrow.

Today, we don't regret choosing to travel by car for four years, because that experience has made us cherish it even more. In the face of the future, we will also plan our lives more wisely, so that every inch of retirement life is full of sunshine, so that every choice will leave no regrets. The pension of 12,500 yuan may not be much, but we can still feel the beauty of life with our hearts and welcome every new morning.

My wife and I have a total pension of 12,500, and we have been traveling by car for 4 years, but now we regret it

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