
How terrible are the "hellish delicacies" barnacles? They are treated as a delicacy by humans, but they make whales miserable

author:Looking at the history of the present and the present
How terrible are the "hellish delicacies" barnacles? They are treated as a delicacy by humans, but they make whales miserable
How terrible are the "hellish delicacies" barnacles? They are treated as a delicacy by humans, but they make whales miserable

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Have you ever seen a video of a whale, every time I see it, I am very shocked, but the only thing that makes me uncomfortable is the barnacles on its body.

How terrible are the "hellish delicacies" barnacles? They are treated as a delicacy by humans, but they make whales miserable

A large number of barnacles are specially parasitic on the smooth and tender skin of the whale, which looks really unsightly, and many people want to help it buckle the barnacle off, but after all, it is adhered to the skin, and forcibly buckling it will definitely bring great pain to the whale.

How terrible are the "hellish delicacies" barnacles? They are treated as a delicacy by humans, but they make whales miserable

Barnacles may look ugly and uncomfortable, but they are a delicacy on people's tables, so they are called "hellish food", so how scary is it?

Peculiar barnacles

Barnacles belong to crustaceans, their larvae can move freely in the water, and when they reach adulthood, they will use the mucus from their heads to fix themselves to various hard surfaces, such as rocks, boat bottoms, etc., and will also attach to the animal's body.

How terrible are the "hellish delicacies" barnacles? They are treated as a delicacy by humans, but they make whales miserable

As a marine creature, barnacles can use the arthropods of their torso, like a fan, to constantly stretch and contract to filter out plankton and organic matter from the seawater, leaving algae as their own food.

Barnacles' relatively low-key lifestyle, often buried in the mud and sand, with only a small part of their body exposed, also feeds on organic detritus, a lifestyle that allows them to establish a micro-ecosystem at the bottom of the deep sea, creating a unique ecological balance with their surroundings.

How terrible are the "hellish delicacies" barnacles? They are treated as a delicacy by humans, but they make whales miserable

The staggering dangers of barnacles

Barnacles look very weak, but they can't hold up their large numbers, and their parasitic behavior will not only bring great pain to animals, but also affect their growth and development, and in severe cases, it can even lead to death.

A large number of barnacles parasitize animals, and in addition to putting weight and resistance on them, they can also affect their swimming and diving abilities, causing them to consume more energy and oxygen, which can reduce range and speed.

How terrible are the "hellish delicacies" barnacles? They are treated as a delicacy by humans, but they make whales miserable

It is said that the barnacles on some whales, with a total weight of several hundred kilograms, can greatly reduce the swimming speed of humpback whales, causing great inconvenience.

How terrible are the "hellish delicacies" barnacles? They are treated as a delicacy by humans, but they make whales miserable

Barnacles, which attach to the surface of an animal's skin, also pose a risk of trauma and infection to them, affecting the health and longevity of the animal, making the animal more vulnerable to other diseases and predators.

Barnacles, when burrowing into the skin or shell of an animal, drill a small hole with their tentacles, which not only causes pain and bleeding to the animal, but also becomes an entry point for bacteria and parasites, leading to infection and inflammation of the animal.

How terrible are the "hellish delicacies" barnacles? They are treated as a delicacy by humans, but they make whales miserable

As aggressive creatures, animals encroach on the territory and resources of other organisms, and consume large amounts of plankton and organic matter in seawater, which are important sources of food and nutrition for other marine organisms.

The presence of barnacles can have a profound impact on the ecology and evolution of animals, potentially altering animal behavior and characteristics, and even changing the species and taxonomy of animals.

How terrible are the "hellish delicacies" barnacles? They are treated as a delicacy by humans, but they make whales miserable

Since barnacles are so harmful, we will definitely find ways to control their growth, and some of them use them as a delicacy to make all kinds of barnacle food.

Are barnacles really delicious?

As a seafood food, most barnacles are definitely edible and have a high nutritional value, but some need to be cautious.

How terrible are the "hellish delicacies" barnacles? They are treated as a delicacy by humans, but they make whales miserable

Although it looks ugly, the flesh inside is tender and delicate, with a strong marine flavor that can stimulate people's taste buds and appetite, but if you want to eat fresh barnacles, it is best to eat them in coastal cities.

How terrible are the "hellish delicacies" barnacles? They are treated as a delicacy by humans, but they make whales miserable

Barnacles can be cooked in a variety of ways, with different spices and condiments, to make a variety of different dishes, and its soup is rich and mellow, rich in calcium and minerals, and is said to nourish the body and spirit.

How terrible are the "hellish delicacies" barnacles? They are treated as a delicacy by humans, but they make whales miserable

But just like many seafoods, some people think they are delicious, and some people find them unaccustomed to eating, so the taste of barnacles can only be said to vary from person to person.

The "food of hell" barnacles, while delicious for some, also pose challenges to the deep-sea ecosystem, and we need to re-examine its status and use wisdom to protect the blue planet we live on.

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