
After taking her 2-year-old son to the park, the woman was stabbed by a strange man with scissors next to the gate security room

author:Gale News

She really didn't expect that after taking her 2-year-old son to the park, she was stabbed by a strange man with scissors next to the security room at the gate of the park, and almost died.

After taking her 2-year-old son to the park, the woman was stabbed by a strange man with scissors next to the gate security room

The woman was treated in the hospital. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

The husband and mother-in-law set up a stall to support the family, while the wife stayed at home to take care of the two young children

The woman's name is Huang Wan (pseudonym), 30 years old this year, and her hometown is in Taikang County, Zhoukou City, Henan Province.

"Every morning at around 8 a.m., my mother and I relay out to set up a stall to maintain the family's livelihood, and sometimes we have to go home until 3 a.m. the next day, while my wife stays at home to take care of our two young children, the older one is four years old and the younger one is only two years old." ”

Mr. Gao said that about 200 meters away from their home is the well-known Huizhou Banzhangling Forest Park, where they go to play when they have free time.

However, a sudden accident made Mr. Gao's family sad.

The woman called her husband for help in a weak voice, and the doctor diagnosed multiple wounds all over her body

Mr. Gao recalled that at 12:53 a.m. on December 15, 2023, he was setting up a stall at an intersection in Guangming Village nearby, when he suddenly received a call from his wife Huang Wan, who said in a weak voice, "I was stabbed at the gate of the park, come quickly." ”

Mr. Gao was taken aback, and after hanging up the phone, he immediately called his mother, who was cooking at home, and told her to rush to the park gate, 200 meters away, and drive there himself.

When Mr. Gao arrived at the scene, he saw that there were many people around there, and the police were investigating, "My wife fell in a pool of blood, and there was a large pool of blood on the ground. My mother was holding my 2-year-old son and crying. ”

After taking her 2-year-old son to the park, the woman was stabbed by a strange man with scissors next to the gate security room

The scene of the incident. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

After the 120 ambulance from Huizhou Zhongda Huiya Hospital arrived at the scene, the medical staff quickly sent Huang Wan to the hospital for rescue.

Mr. Gao said sadly that his wife was diagnosed with multiple stab wounds all over her body, hemorrhagic shock, pneumothorax, and left styloid fracture.

At 1:50 p.m. that day, the doctor issued a critical illness notice.

After taking her 2-year-old son to the park, the woman was stabbed by a strange man with scissors next to the gate security room

Huang Wan's critical illness notice. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

After emergency rescue, Huang Wan was transferred to the ICU for further treatment, and was out of danger after 6 days of hospitalization.

On the afternoon of December 29 of the same year, Huang Wan was discharged from the hospital and went home to recuperate.

Mr. Gao said that recently, his wife has been very traumatized, she can hardly sleep every night, afraid of seeing strangers, her face is disfigured, and she often looks in the mirror, "The entire medical expenses cost more than 50,000 yuan, and we have paid more than 20,000 yuan." ”

The wife took her youngest son to the park, met a strange man at the door of the public toilet, and was stabbed outside the security guard after going out

Huang Wan told a reporter from Huashang Daily Gale News that on the morning of the incident, she sent her 4-year-old son to kindergarten, and then took her youngest son to the park to play. At around 12:40 p.m., the mother-in-law urged them to go home for lunch, and when she came out of the toilet with her children, her son saw a strange man sitting under a tree outside the public toilet and asked her, "Why is that uncle sitting there?" She said to her son, "Uncle may be tired." ”

Unexpectedly, the man suddenly scolded, and Huang Wan asked him, "Are you scolding us?" The man ignored it, walked between the mother and son, and walked away.

Huang Wan said that she did not take this matter to heart, and continued to walk towards the gate of the park with her son, taking some photos of her son on the way. Unexpectedly, when I first arrived at the gate, the strange man suddenly rushed out, grabbed her and dragged her outside, and took out a pair of scissors and stabbed her, next to the gate is the park's security room, "I shouted for help, no one answered, I wanted to run, but I was worried that my son would be hurt, so I fought with the other party." I don't know how many times I was stabbed, and finally I fell to the ground weakly, watching the murderer escape. At this time, with a little strength, I dialed my husband's phone. ”

It is rumored that the killer climbed to the 32nd floor and jumped to his death, and the police found a fruit knife in his suitcase

Mr. Gao told reporters that he later learned from the police that about one hour after the incident, the murderer jumped to his death from the 32nd floor.

He further learned that the murderer was about 30 years old and about 1.60 meters tall, "He has a work record and a residence record, and later his parents also came to Huizhou, but we have never seen him." ”

According to Mr. Gao, the murderer was mentally normal, withdrawn, and usually did not like to talk.

He said he learned that the man had dropped his scissors and ran towards a newly built and undelivered complex 100 metres away, came to the 32nd floor, broke into an open room, and jumped to his death.

He said that the police investigation found that when he was in the public toilet in the park, the man did not carry any murder weapon, and later outside the security guard at the park gate, he took out scissors from a suitcase to commit the murder, and the police found his suitcase where he jumped off the building, and found that there was a fruit knife inside.

The person in charge of the park responded that the killer had dropped the murder weapon and fled when the security guards chased him

A reporter from Huashang Daily Gale News contacted a person in charge of Huizhou Banzhangling Forest Park surnamed Zhang, and learned that the park is free and open from 7 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. every day.

He said that before the incident, in a pond about 200 meters away from the security room, a child's shoes fell in, and the child's parents asked the security guard for help, hoping to help them get their shoes.

He said that the security guard was nearly 60 years old, and there was no one in the security room at the time of the incident, and it can be seen from the surveillance video that the incident happened too suddenly, the time was too short, and it was a short period of time, which caught people off guard, "The security guard immediately called me, and I immediately asked him to call 110 to call the police and rush to the scene to cooperate with the police investigation." ”

On the morning of January 3, the reporter called the Longshan Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Daya Bay Economic Development Zone in Huizhou, where the incident occurred, and the staff confirmed that there was indeed a case, but the specific circumstances of the case were inconvenient to disclose, and the matter is still under further investigation and processing.

Lawyer's Statement:

Victims can claim compensation from the killer and the park, and they need to receive care and help from the community

Fu Jian, director of Henan Zejin Law Firm, said that the medical expenses of Huang Wan, the victim woman in the case, were a large burden, and she had the right to claim compensation from the murderer and require her to bear the corresponding expenses.

He said that in China's legal system, the Tort Liability Law stipulates that a person who causes damage to another person due to the fault of another person shall bear tort liability. Therefore, the murderer in this case should bear the corresponding legal responsibility. If he is dead, then his estate can be used to pay for this fee, and in the process, Huang Wan can seek the help of a lawyer to protect her legal rights.

Director Fu Jian also said that the park is a public amusement place, and according to the relevant provisions of the Civil Code, the operator or manager of a business place, a public place or an organizer of mass activities, who fails to fulfill the obligation of safety and security and causes damage to others, shall bear tort liability. Where a third party's conduct causes damage to others, the third party shall bear tort liability, and if the operator, manager or organizer fails to fulfill its security obligations, it shall bear corresponding supplementary liability.

He said that the murderer in this case had jumped to his death, but the park management, as the manager of the public place, should have a duty to protect the lives of tourists, and should bear supplementary liability for compensation if the failure to fulfill the safety guarantee obligation caused injuries to tourists, "If she has purchased accident insurance, the insurance company can also bear part of the cost." Of course, the specific compensation method also needs to be determined according to the specific circumstances of the case. ”

In addition, Director Fu Jian also believes that Huang Wan has suffered physical and psychological injuries, and she needs to be cared for and supported by the society, and at this stage, she should report the case to the relevant departments to urge the police to solve the case as soon as possible and give her justice. At the same time, all sectors of society should also pay attention to this incident, enhance their awareness of the protection of women and children, and jointly create a safe social environment.

At the same time, in such a difficult period, they need the care and help of their families, relatives and friends, and society, and the government and social organizations can provide certain financial assistance to help their families tide over the difficulties. In addition, psychological support is also very important, and professional counsellors can help them get out of the psychological shadow and rebuild their confidence.

Huashang Daily Gale News reporter Huang Ping Editor Li Zhi

(If you have any news, please call the news hotline of Huashang Daily at 029-8888 0000)

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