
An 11-year-old girl fell to her sudden death in the playground after jumping rope and running, and her parents questioned the teacher's lack of first-aid knowledge, and the school did not have a school doctor

author:Gale News

On January 2, Mr. Guan from Zaozhuang, Shandong Province, told a reporter from Huashang Daily Gale News, that his 11-year-old daughter fell to the ground and died suddenly while participating in sports activities at school, and the school leaders did not come forward to deal with the incident for more than a month.

An 11-year-old girl fell to her sudden death in the playground after jumping rope and running, and her parents questioned the teacher's lack of first-aid knowledge, and the school did not have a school doctor

Photo courtesy of the interviewee before the girl's death

On January 3, the reporter contacted the school involved and the local education bureau, and the school responded that it was currently dealing with the matter.

>>> fell on the school playground

120When the doctor arrived, the girl's pupils were dilated and there was no heartbeat

According to Mr. Guan, his daughter is in the fifth grade in a primary school in Xuecheng District, Zaozhuang City, and the incident occurred on the afternoon of November 24, 2023, not in physical education class, but in rope skipping, running, and basketball activities organized by the school.

"At around 4:25 p.m. on November 24, my child collapsed in the playground, the school teacher called 120, and the hospital was not far from the school. About seventeen or eighteen minutes later, 120 ambulances arrived, and according to doctors, when they arrived, the child's pupils had dilated and there was no heartbeat. ”

Mr. Guan told a reporter from Huashang Daily Gale News that as far as he knew, the child jumped rope for more than ten minutes without resting, and then ran two laps in a row, and finally collapsed on the school playground.

An 11-year-old girl fell to her sudden death in the playground after jumping rope and running, and her parents questioned the teacher's lack of first-aid knowledge, and the school did not have a school doctor

Parents said that when 120 doctors arrived, their daughter's pupils had dilate, courtesy of the interviewee

The hospital's outpatient medical records showed a diagnosis of respiratory cardiac arrest, sudden cardiac death. He is in critical condition with continuous chest compressions, endotracheal intubation, and balloon assisted breathing. The child has been unable to recover his involuntary heart rate, and electrocardiogram (ECG) shows straight lines several times.

On the medical certificate (inferred) of the resident's death, the cause of death column is written "described as sudden cardiac death".

>>> questioned the school's disposition

"The teacher did not give first aid on the spot, but lifted the child aside"

Mr. Kwan denied that his daughter had a heart condition. "It happened after she jumped rope and ran. She is usually in very good health, and has also participated in long-distance running, running 11 laps every morning, and if the child has heart disease, the school has a physical examination, and the diagnosis and treatment records can also be checked. ”

Mr. Guan believes that after the incident, the teacher did not immediately give first aid to the child on the spot, but carried the child aside, because the teacher lacked first aid expertise, resulting in his daughter missing the best rescue time.

"There are two teachers who also put my daughter aside, if the teacher has first aid knowledge, he will not fight my child, a professional physical education teacher, he must know the basic knowledge of first aid. ”

Mr. Kwan said: "The school does not have an infirmary, there is no school doctor, why is there no professional medical staff?"

>>> would like to be dealt with by consultation

"The incident happened for more than a month, and there was no substantial progress in the handling of the matter"

Mr. Kwan said that it has been more than a month since the child's accident at school, and there has been no substantial progress in handling the matter. The family asked to see the school and district education bureau leaders, but none of them would come forward.

"When we went to the school, the school said it couldn't manage it, and when we went to the district education bureau, they replied that the matter was under the control of the district, not them, and that the district leaders would set up a working group. ”

Mr. Guan said frankly: "The only few conversations were with the liaison officer of the District Education Bureau and the staff of Xincheng Street, but the place where our incident occurred belongs to Lincheng Street. We have always sat down with the school and the district education bureau to negotiate and deal with it, but there has been no substantive progress so far. ”


It is currently being processed and the teacher has previous first aid training

On January 3, a reporter from Huashang Daily Gale News called the person in charge of a primary school in Xuecheng District several times, but his mobile phone was always on call, and as of press time, he did not reply to the reporter's text message for an interview.

The reporter contacted the school to learn about the progress of the investigation, and a staff member of the school office said: "This matter is now being handled." The reporter asked whether the school's first aid measures were in place, "Let's talk about this later, our side has no right to deal with these things, and we don't know now." After the other party finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

The head teacher of the girl who died suddenly told reporters: "I was not at the scene when the incident happened, I don't know much about this matter, and I don't know much about the follow-up, and I have less contact with parents and schools in the later stage...... I didn't take over for a long time, I took over for more than two months, and she didn't have anything unusual (condition) before. ”

The head teacher confirmed that the school does not have a school infirmary, and there is no school doctor. When asked whether the teacher who organized the physical activity had participated in the first aid training, the head teacher responded: "There should have been before, but I don't know much about the level to which the teacher can do it." At the same time, he said that the girl who died suddenly had student accident insurance at school, "I bought the insurance before I took over." It was done in the fourth grade."

>>> District Education Bureau responded

"There is such a situation, I don't know the specific process"

On March 3, a reporter from Huashang Daily Gale News contacted the Xuecheng District Education Bureau to inquire about the investigation and handling of the matter, and a staff member said: "There is such a situation, but I am in the office here, and I don't know the specific handling process." ”

The reporter called the telephone number of the petition room provided by the staff member who was responsible for the investigation and handling of the matter, but no one answered. The reporter contacted a staff member who was responsible for connecting with the parents, and after the phone was connected, the other party said: "You are mistaken, I don't know what you said." ”

The reporter called the person in charge of the Xuecheng District Education Bureau and another staff member who was responsible for connecting with the parents, but the other party did not answer. As of press time, no official reply has been received from the bureau.

>>> unbearable weight

The girl is well-behaved and has good grades in school Xi and likes to play drums

The beloved daughter fell on the 200-meter circular multi-sports field, and Mr. and Mrs. Guan could not bear it, "The child is still lying in the hospital morgue, and nothing has been done, and the child's five or seven are all paper money burned in the morgue." ”

Recalling the bits and pieces of his daughter's life, Mr. Guan's liver and intestines were broken. "She arrives at school at 7 o'clock in the morning, takes care of her at school at noon, and picks her up after school in the afternoon. ”

Her daughter has a wide range of hobbies, "She likes to play drums, learn art and painting, learn music, and play badminton." ”

Mr. Guan said that his daughter participates in the school's club organization, "Her Xi performance has always been very good, she often scores 100 points in exams, she is definitely a well-behaved and motivated child." ”

Huashang Daily Gale News reporter Li Hua Editor Li Zhi

(If you have any news, please call the news hotline of Huashang Daily at 029-88880000)

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