
Since learning the new practice of lotus root, children have to eat every three or five o'clock, not cold but oily and fragrant

author:Home Recipe Food Diary

Usually eat lotus root, I will choose cold or fried, the method is simple and takes less time, and the lotus root is particularly crisp, but there is a problem that children do not like to eat, which makes me sad, the variety of nutrients of lotus root is very helpful for children, do not eat it, so I often think of various ways to do, this period of time since learning a new practice of lotus root, my child will eat every three or five o'clock, this practice of lotus root does not need cold dressing or oil, but the taste is particularly crispy and refreshing, the lotus root taste is delicious and the practice is relatively healthy, of course I will be very happy to give the child to eat, this new practice of lotus root is simple and easy to do, but also a special appetizing meal, it is highly recommended that you learn to Xi, and I will share the practice with you below.

Since learning the new practice of lotus root, children have to eat every three or five o'clock, not cold but oily and fragrant

To prepare the steamed lotus root clip:

Spare ingredients: 1 section of lotus root, 200 grams of pork filling, 1 tablespoon of pepper, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, a little cooking oil, a little shredded green onion and ginger;

Since learning the new practice of lotus root, children have to eat every three or five o'clock, not cold but oily and fragrant

Production process: In the first step, prepare an appropriate amount of pork, rinse it with water, control the water and then chop it into minced pieces, put the minced pork filling into a container, add some salt, oyster sauce and a little cooking wine, and stir it well;

Since learning the new practice of lotus root, children have to eat every three or five o'clock, not cold but oily and fragrant

The second step, after the filling is done, process the lotus root, after the lotus root is peeled and peeled, carefully clean the sediment, and then cut the lotus root into thick slices, each thick slice is cut in the middle, pay attention not to cut off, that is, the lotus root clip, and deal with all of them separately;

Since learning the new practice of lotus root, children have to eat every three or five o'clock, not cold but oily and fragrant

The third step is to prepare a little starch at the same time, sprinkle a thin layer of dry starch in the lotus root clip, then put in a little mixed pork filling, clamp the lotus root, and process all the lotus roots in turn according to this method, after all the lotus roots are processed;

Since learning the new practice of lotus root, children have to eat every three or five o'clock, not cold but oily and fragrant

The fourth step is to add water to the pot, put the lotus root with the meat filling in the pot and start steaming, steam for about 10 minutes on high heat, the lotus root clip will be steamed, and the red pepper will be washed and shredded after removing the roots;

Since learning the new practice of lotus root, children have to eat every three or five o'clock, not cold but oily and fragrant

Step 5: After steaming the lotus root sandwich, put it out, stack it with shredded red pepper and green onion, pour hot cooking oil, and then pour in a little soy sauce before serving.

Xiaobian summary: lotus root is particularly rich in both edible value and medicinal value, especially for children in the growth and development period, it is a good choice to eat lotus root appropriately, the rich nutritional elements contained in the lotus root can be very good for the human body to supplement, but I believe that many people can find that the children at home do not like to eat lotus root, cold or fried can not attract children, so I changed the pattern to do, the lotus root with pork steaming, so that the lotus root crispy is more refreshing, do not need to eat more healthy oil, since I learned this new practice of lotus root, the child will eat every three or five o'clock, you can see its charm。

Cooking Tips:

1. The preparation method of pork filling can be based on the usual method of eating dumpling filling, which is very casual with the seasoning, and a little lotus root can be chopped and added to the meat filling is also a good choice;

2. When cutting lotus roots, you need to pay attention to it, don't cut the lotus root, it is more difficult to operate directly into lotus root clips, so you can cut it into thick slices, and then cut the lotus root clips, which is easier to operate, and the lotus root clips have a thin layer of dry starch in the middle, which is easier to put meat filling;

3. The time of steaming lotus root clamps needs to be determined according to the actual situation, pay attention to steaming over high heat, so as to ensure the crisp and refreshing taste of lotus root, and the final seasoning juice can also be selected according to personal preferences.

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