
This is the authentic method of Cantonese white-cut chicken, simple 4 steps, the chicken is fragrant and delicious, and the original taste

author:Home Recipe Food Diary

White-cut chicken is a classic Cantonese dish, the color of the finished dish is golden, the skin is crispy and the meat is tender, salty and fragrant, and it is very delicious. In the southern region, every household will make a white-cut chicken during the Chinese New Year, which has the meaning of "good luck".

This is the authentic method of Cantonese white-cut chicken, simple 4 steps, the chicken is fragrant and delicious, and the original taste

The method of this dish is simple, that is, just cook the chicken with water, but there are many people who always do it badly, the cooked chicken is old and woody, not fresh and tender at all, and the fishy smell is relatively large, in fact, it is the wrong way to "cook". Today, I will teach you the correct way to make white-cut chicken, and after learning it, I will show my hand to my family during the New Year, and ensure that I will eat it on the table.

If you are boiling the chicken directly in water, it is the wrong way, if you want the chicken to be tender and juicy, not dry or woody, there are 2 key steps that cannot be missing, let's take a look.

This is the authentic method of Cantonese white-cut chicken, simple 4 steps, the chicken is fragrant and delicious, and the original taste

【White Cut Chicken】

Prepare free-range chicken, ginger, green onions, gardenia, cooking wine, ice cubes, chives, garlic, light soy sauce, chili oil, salt, and sugar.

Here's how

1. To make white-cut chicken, you must buy local chicken, the meat is relatively firm, and the fat is relatively thick, so it will be tender and juicy when eaten. If there is too little broiler fat in the breeding plant, the taste will be drier. If you can buy free-range chickens, try to buy free-range chickens. Pluck the chicken feathers and remove the internal organs, rinse it with water, and then soak it in clean water for 1 hour to soak in bloody water, so that the chicken basically has no fishy smell.

This is the authentic method of Cantonese white-cut chicken, simple 4 steps, the chicken is fragrant and delicious, and the original taste

2. Cut the green onion into green onion segments, cut the ginger into ginger slices, and cook the chicken without too much seasoning, only use green onion and ginger, and you can't put pepper and star anise, which will make the chicken have a strong spice flavor and lose the original taste of chicken.

3. Prepare a cooking pot, pour more water into the pot, if it can not pass the whole chicken, put in the green onion segment, ginger slices, yellow gardenia, yellow gardenia, yellow gardenia is mainly used for coloring, so that the color of the chicken is golden, add an appropriate amount of salt, and boil over high heat.

This is the authentic method of Cantonese white-cut chicken, simple 4 steps, the chicken is fragrant and delicious, and the original taste

4. Prepare another basin of ice water, the best with ice, and the same should not cover the whole chicken. Blanch the chicken in boiling water for 20 seconds, then soak in ice water for 10 seconds.

This is the authentic method of Cantonese white-cut chicken, simple 4 steps, the chicken is fragrant and delicious, and the original taste

5. Put the chicken into the pot and cook for 20 seconds, put it in ice water and soak it for 10 seconds, repeat this action 3 times, this is the key step of white cut chicken skin crispy and tender meat.

This is the authentic method of Cantonese white-cut chicken, simple 4 steps, the chicken is fragrant and delicious, and the original taste

6. Put the chicken into a pot of boiling water, cover and cook over low heat for 20 minutes, turn off the heat and soak in ice water for 5 minutes, and the white-cut chicken is ready.

This is the authentic method of Cantonese white-cut chicken, simple 4 steps, the chicken is fragrant and delicious, and the original taste

7. Remove the white-cut chicken, chop it into small pieces with a knife and put it on a plate. Cut some chopped green onions and minced ginger into a bowl, splash it with hot oil, add salt, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, chili oil, stir well, dip and eat.

This is the authentic method of Cantonese white-cut chicken, simple 4 steps, the chicken is fragrant and delicious, and the original taste

【Tips for making white cut chicken】

There are 3 important steps to make white-cut chicken, which must not be omitted.

1. Soak the chicken in water for 1 hour to soak out the blood in the meat, which can remove the fishy smell and make the chicken taste fragrant.

2. Cook chicken to do "3 hot and 3 cold", first hot for 20 seconds and then cold for 10 seconds, repeat 3 times, so that the chicken can be crispy and tender.

3. After the chicken is cooked, soak it in ice water to make the meat firmer and chewy.