
The emperor who ruled luoyang was Ji Lang the Prince of Hui of Eastern Zhou

author:Luoyang Suoyi

Luoyang, a historical and cultural city with a history of more than 5,000 years of civilization, more than 4,000 years of city history and more than 1,500 years of capital construction history, has created countless legends of Chinese civilization. "Shannanshui north is yang", Luoyang is named because it is located in the sun of Luoshui, and the Heluo area centered on Luoyang is the birthplace of ancient Chinese civilization. The ruins of the five major capitals of Xia Du, Shang Du Xi Bo, Eastern Zhou Wangcheng, Han Wei Luoyang City, and Sui and Tang Luoyang City are lined up along the Luo River, which is rare in the world. More than a hundred emperors ruled here. Today, let's talk about Ji Lang, the King of The Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

The emperor who ruled luoyang was Ji Lang the Prince of Hui of Eastern Zhou
The emperor who ruled luoyang was Ji Lang the Prince of Hui of Eastern Zhou
The emperor who ruled luoyang was Ji Lang the Prince of Hui of Eastern Zhou
The emperor who ruled luoyang was Ji Lang the Prince of Hui of Eastern Zhou
The emperor who ruled luoyang was Ji Lang the Prince of Hui of Eastern Zhou

King Ji Lang of Zhou (?—— #52. The fifth monarch of Eastern Zhou, King Hui of Zhou, Ji Lang, grandson of King Zhuang of Zhou, son of King Huan of Zhou, was very greedy, and took the throne in 676 BC, and after King Hui of Zhou ascended the throne, he occupied the vegetable garden of the kingdom of Wei [wěi] to raise wild animals, forcibly seized the house of Dafu Bianbo near the palace, seized the land and land property of Dafu Zi's poultry, Zhu Kneeling and Zhan Father's land, and recovered the feng lu of Shi Suo, thus causing strong dissatisfaction among the five doctors, including the State of Huan. In the second year of King Hui of Zhou (675 BC), the Five Great Masters rebelled and made the prince the Son of Zhou. In the fourth year of The Fourth Year of Zhou (673 BC), King Hui of Zhou and the State of Yu invaded the Zhou Dynasty to help quell the "Rebellion of the Sons" and restore King Hui. In December 652 BC, Ji Lang fell ill and died. After his death, his posthumous title was Hui Wang.

Prince Ji (696 BC – 673 BC), courtesy name Ji (姬), courtesy name Ji (姬佗庶子), son of King Ji of Zhouzhuang (周庄王姬佗庶子), brother of King Ji Huqi of Zhou (僖), and uncle of Ji Lang the Prince of Zhouhui. He was deeply favored by his father, King Zhuang of Zhou. King Zhuang of Zhou made the grand master Yu Guo the teacher of the prince. In the fifteenth year of King Zhuang of Zhou (682 BC), King Zhuang of Zhou died, and Prince Xiao's brother Ji Huqi took the throne as King of Zhou. In the fifth year of the reign of King Zhou (僖) (677 BC), King Zhou died, and Prince Yi's nephew Ji Lang (姬阆) took the throne as King Hui of Zhou. King Hui of Zhou was very greedy, and after taking the throne, he took the vegetable garden of the State of Huan (also known as the State of Concubines, in present-day Shanxi Province) to raise wild animals, forcibly seized the premises of the Zhou Dynasty's Grand Master Bian Bo near the palace, seized the land and land property of the Zhou Dynasty's Grand Master's son, Zhu Kneel, and Zhan Father, and reclaimed shi Su's Feng Lu, thus causing strong dissatisfaction among the Fifth Master of the State of Wei and Shi Su. In the autumn of the second year of King Hui of Zhou (675 BC), King Huan, Bian Bo, Shi Su, Zhan Father, Zi Bird, Zhu Kneel, and others united with the noble su clan to support prince Huan and launch a rebellion against King Hui of Zhou. Prince Wang's rebels did not win and fled to Wendi (文地; southwest of present-day Wen County, Henan). Prince Xiao fled to Weiguo accompanied by Su Shi. Duke Hui of Wei, because of the old grudge of king Zhou in taking in his political enemy Gongzi Qianmu, just took advantage of this opportunity to unite with Southern Yan and support the prince. In the winter of the same year, Wei Guo and Southern Yan sent troops to attack the Zhou Dynasty capital luoyi, expelled King Hui of Zhou and drove him away, and established the prince as the Son of Zhou. The prince then entertained the Fifth Doctor with the courtesy of Zhou Tianzi. In the spring of the third year of King Hui of Zhou (674 BC), Zheng Ligong intervened to mediate the dispute between King Hui of Zhou and Prince Hui, but without success, Zheng Ligong arrested the Emperor Zhongfu of the Southern Yan state. In the summer of the same year, Zheng Ligong brought the exiled and homeless King Hui of Zhou back to zheng and placed him in Zheng guo's oak land (present-day Yuzhou, Henan). In the autumn of the same year, King Hui of Zhou and Duke Li of Zheng arrived at Wudi, and then invaded the city of Chengzhou, and obtained the utensils and utensils for the special use of Zhou Tianzi of Chengzhou and moved them back to the oak land for King Hui of Zhou to enjoy. In the spring of the fourth year of King Hui of Zhou (673 BC), Zheng Ligong and Uncle Yu met in Yidi (弭地, in present-day Xinmi, Henan) and vowed to fight against the prince. In the summer of the same year, the combined forces of Zheng and Yu attacked the city of Luoyi. Zheng Ligong embraced King Hui of Zhou into the city from the Gate of Yuan, Uncle Yu entered the city from the North Gate, killing the prince And the Fifth Doctor, Zheng Ligong and Uncle Yu set up a banquet at the west gate of the palace to entertain King Hui of Zhou, a full set of royal music and dance, and King Hui of Zhou re-ascended to the throne of Zhou Tianzi. The history of this civil unrest is called the Rebellion of the Prince. In gratitude for the assistance of Zheng and Yu, King Hui of Zhou gave Jiuquan (in present-day eastern Shaanxi Province) to the State of Zheng and the land east of Hu Prison (虎牢, in present-day northwestern Xingyang, Henan) during the reign of Duke Wu of Zheng to the State of Zheng.

In the twenty-fifth year of King Hui of Zhou (652 BC), King Hui of Zhou died, and his son Ji Zheng succeeded him as King Xiang of Zhou.

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