
The life of King Hui of Zhou: becoming a plaything of the princely powers

author:Sentimental history

King Hui of Zhou, Ji Lang, grandson of King Zhuang of Zhou, son of King Huan of Zhou, was very greedy, and after taking the throne, he occupied the garden of the Kingdom of Qiao to raise wild beasts, forcibly seized the house of Zhou Dafu Bianbo near the palace, seized the land and land property of Zhou Dafu Zhan's father and son, Zhu Kneeling, and reclaimed the concubine Shi SuLu, causing strong dissatisfaction among the five masters of the State of Zhou and Shi Su. In the autumn of the following year (675 BC), for the kingdom, Bian Bo, Zhan Father, Zi Bird, Zhu Kneeling and other five doctors, because King Zhuang had instructed to establish Shu Zi Zi as the monarch of the country, he was very dissatisfied with the death of King Zhuang after his illness and death, and Ji Lang took the throne, so he united with the noble Su clan to support Zi Decadence, launched a rebellion, attacked Ji Lang, but was defeated and fled. Zi Yi fled to Wen (文, in present-day southwestern Wen County, Henan), and fled to Weiguo accompanied by Su. Duke Hui of Wei, resentful that King Zhou had taken in his political enemy, Prince Qianmu, joined forces with Southern Yan to support Zi Decadence. In the winter of that year, Wei and Southern Yan sent troops to attack the capital of the Zhou Dynasty, expelling Ji Lang and making Him the Son of Heaven. Zheng Ligong intervened to mediate the rebellion of the Zhou royal family, but without success, so in the spring of the following year he captured the Southern Yan monarch Zhongfu, and placed the exiled Ji Lang in the Zheng kingdom of Bedu Li (present-day Yu County, Henan), and also moved the royal utensils from Chengzhou to Oak for Ji Lang's enjoyment. In the spring of 673 BC, Zheng Ligong and Duke Yu swore an oath at Yi (弭, in present-day Mi County, Henan Province), and the combined forces of Zheng and Yu soon invaded the capital. Zi Yan and Bian Bo and other 5 doctors were drinking and celebrating, but they were caught off guard and killed by the coalition forces. Zheng Ligong and Duke Yu welcomed Ji Lang back to the capital and re-ascended to the throne of Tianzi. The history of this civil unrest is called the "Rebellion of Sub-Decadence". In gratitude for zheng and yu's assistance, Ji Lang gave Yu Jiuquan (in present-day eastern Shaanxi Province) and the land east of Hu prison (in present-day northwestern Xingyang, Henan Province). In this way, the civil unrest subsided, and the territory of the Zhou Dynasty once again shrank.

The life of King Hui of Zhou: becoming a plaything of the princely powers

During Ji Lang's reign, the State of Qi continued to attack the east and west, annexing small states and expanding its power. In 670 BC, the Qi army attacked the State of Guo (郭国, northeast of present-day Liaocheng County, Shandong Province). Qi Huangong asked the local father, "Why did Guo perish?" The father replied, "Because the king loves the wise and hates the bad." Duke Qi Huan did not understand and asked, "According to what you have said, your monarch is a wise monarch, so how can you destroy the country?" The father replied, "The king loves the wise and does not appoint them; he hates the bad and does not eliminate them, so he leads to the destruction of the kingdom." ”

At that time, Lu Guo's qing father (Lu Huan Gongzi) successively killed the prince of the state and the duke of Min, resulting in a great chaos in the state of Lu. Shiren said, "Father Qing is not dead, and lu is not dead." This became the famous idiom. After Duke Lu ascended the throne, he asked Qing's father, who was hiding in Juguo (莒国, in present-day Ju County, Shandong Province), and Qing's father, knowing that he was guilty of his crime, committed suicide in Ju, and lu's civil unrest was temporarily quelled.

At that time, Wei Yigong, the monarch of the Wei kingdom, loved to raise cranes, and usually let his favorite crane ride in a gorgeous Xuan car and enjoy the treatment of a doctor, and the people of the country complained bitterly. In December 660 BC, rong troops attacked the wei, and Wei Yigong led an army to meet the battle, and the two armies met at Xingze (荥泽; northeast of present-day Xingyang County, Henan Province). Before the battle, the Defending General complained, "The Great King usually treats the crane so kindly, now let the crane go to the enemy!" For a time, the army had no fighting spirit and was defeated, and Wei Yigong was also killed by the rebels, becoming a warning for the playthings and the losers.

The life of King Hui of Zhou: becoming a plaything of the princely powers

In his later years, Ji Lang's beloved woman Hui Hou of Chen Guo prepared to depose Crown Prince Zheng and replace him with the Shuzi Zi Belt born after Hui. In the summer of 655 BC, Duke Huan of Qi invited The Duke of Song Huan, dukes of Lu, Duke Xuan of Chen, Duke Wen of Wei, Duke Wen of Zheng, Duke Xu of Xu, and Duke Zhao of Cao, to meet with Crown Prince Zheng at the head of the State of Wei (in present-day southeastern Sui County, Henan Province), declaring support for Crown Prince Zheng as his heir. Ji Lang was very angry, so he instructed Zheng Wengong to reneg on his promise to contact the State of Chu and send people to contact the State of Jin himself, trying to form an alliance of Zhou, Zheng, Jin, and Chu to oppose the State of Qi. The State of Qi preemptively attacked Zheng, forcing Zheng to rebel against Zhou and Qi, bankrupting Ji Lang's plan. Finally, in December 652 BC, Ji Lang fell ill and died. After his death, his posthumous title was Hui Wang.

(Romance of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty: Forty)

WeChat public number: sentiment history ID: qinghuailishi

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