
"Plantain" is a treasure that can be used to boil water and drink, or can help improve 5 common problems

author:Dr. Cai said in popular science

Plantain, also known as wheel grass, is a common herb known for its medicinal properties, and it grows in a variety of environments, including meadows, roadsides, and fields.

The leaves of plantain are oval or ovate with toothed lobes on the edges, while its flowers are pale green or white and are very beautiful.

Plantain has a variety of pharmacological effects and can be used to treat a variety of diseases, it is believed to have diuretic, heat clearing and detoxification, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and other effects.

In traditional Chinese medicine, plantain is often used to treat urinary tract infections, nephritis, cystitis, and other diseases. In addition, it can help relieve symptoms such as cough, asthma, and more.

"Plantain" is a treasure that can be used to boil water and drink, or can help improve 5 common problems

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In addition to its medicinal properties, plantain can also be used as an ingredient, it can be eaten fresh or dried in the sun to make tea. Plantain tea has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood sugar, etc., and is a healthy drink. In addition, plantain can also be used to make herbal baths, which can help relieve fatigue and muscle pain.


What are the nutritional values of plantain?

Plantain is a nutrient-rich herb whose nutritional value comes mainly from its leaves and roots. The leaves of plantain are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, β-carotene, and minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, etc.

In addition, the leaves of plantain also contain a compound called psyllin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. The roots of plantain are also rich in nutrients, such as polysaccharides, flavonoids, and triterpenoids, which have good medicinal properties, such as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, etc.

In addition to its nutritional content, plantain also has great medicinal properties. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that plantain has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuresis and swelling, cooling blood and detoxifying, and can be used to treat a variety of diseases, such as urethritis, cystitis, nephritis and other urinary diseases, as well as infectious diseases such as hepatitis and pneumonia.

"Plantain" is a treasure that can be used to boil water and drink, or can help improve 5 common problems

Modern medical research has also shown that plantain has good anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and other effects, and has a certain therapeutic effect on some inflammatory and infectious diseases.

In addition, plantain can also be used in food and health supplements. For example, plantain can be added to beverages, soups, salads, and other foods to enhance the nutritional and medicinal value of the food.

At the same time, plantain can also be made into health care products, such as plantain tea, plantain capsules, etc., which have certain health care and medicinal effects.


"Plantain" is a treasure that can be used to boil water and drink, or can help improve 5 common problems

First of all, boiled water from plantain can help relieve coughing. When we have a cold or a bad throat, coughing is always annoying. At this point, a glass of plantain water may bring unexpected relief. Its anti-inflammatory, moisturizing effect can help us reduce the symptoms of cough and make breathing easier.

"Plantain" is a treasure that can be used to boil water and drink, or can help improve 5 common problems

Secondly, psyllium can also help lower blood pressure. For people with high blood pressure, blood pressure control is crucial. The active ingredients in plantain can help dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, and protect cardiovascular health.

In addition, psyllium water is also effective in relieving constipation. Modern people have a fast pace of life and irregular diet, which makes it easy to have constipation problems. The fiber in plantain can promote intestinal peristalsis, help with bowel movements, and make the body more relaxed.

Not only that, but drinking plantain boiled water can also help improve urinary problems. For symptoms such as frequent urination and urgency, plantain water can play a diuretic and anti-inflammatory role, making the urinary system healthier.

Finally, plantain is also effective in relieving itchy skin. In the hot summer months or dry winter months, itchy skin is always unpleasant. The heat-clearing and detoxifying properties of plantain can help relieve itchy skin and restore smoothness.

"Plantain" is a treasure that can be used to boil water and drink, or can help improve 5 common problems


The good partner of plantain has been announced, and the effect is doubled when soaked in water and drunk together

First of all, plantain is a very good choice when paired with goji berries. Goji berry is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine that has a variety of effects such as nourishing the liver and kidneys, brightening the eyes and nourishing the blood, and enhancing immunity.

Soaking plantain and goji berries together in water will not only enhance each other's effects, but also improve the taste and make it more sweet and delicious.

Secondly, plantain can also be paired with mulberry leaves. Mulberry leaf is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine that has a variety of effects such as clearing heat and detoxifying, cooling blood and eyes, clearing the lungs and relieving cough.

Soaking plantain and mulberry leaves together in water can effectively relieve symptoms such as sore throat and cough, and also help to lose weight and reduce lipids, which is very beneficial to physical health.

"Plantain" is a treasure that can be used to boil water and drink, or can help improve 5 common problems

In addition, plantain can also be paired with lotus leaves. Lotus leaf is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine that has a variety of effects such as clearing heat and relieving heatstroke, diuresis and swelling, lipid reduction and weight loss.

Soaking plantain and lotus leaves together in water can effectively alleviate symptoms such as summer heat and edema, and also help regulate water metabolism and fat metabolism in the body.


4 side effects of plantain to keep in mind:

1. Diarrhea: Plantain has a laxative effect, so excessive consumption may cause diarrhea. For people who are prone to diarrhea, it is even more prudent to use plantain.

2. Allergic reactions: Plantain contains a variety of compounds, such as flavonoids, phenylpropanoids, etc., which may cause allergic reactions. If symptoms such as itchy skin and difficulty breathing occur, discontinue use immediately.

"Plantain" is a treasure that can be used to boil water and drink, or can help improve 5 common problems

3. Lowers blood pressure: Plantain has the effect of lowering blood pressure, so for people who are taking blood pressure medications, using plantain may cause low blood pressure, leading to symptoms such as dizziness and fatigue.

4. Interfere with drug absorption: Plantain can interfere with drug absorption, especially when used concomitantly with some anticoagulant drugs (such as warfarin), which may cause drug interactions and increase the risk of bleeding.


Plantain is good, but it is not suitable for 4 types of people

The first category is pregnant women. The ingredients in psyllium may have a stimulating effect on the uterus and affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women must be cautious when eating and try to avoid drinking.

The second group is people with spleen and stomach deficiency. The digestive system of this group of people is relatively weak, and the cold nature of plantain may aggravate the cold of the spleen and stomach, causing diarrhea, indigestion and other problems.

"Plantain" is a treasure that can be used to boil water and drink, or can help improve 5 common problems

The third group is people with allergies. Plantain contains some substances that are easy to cause allergic reactions, and people with allergies may experience symptoms such as itchy skin and difficulty breathing when drinking.

The fourth category is patients with kidney stones. Plantain has a diuretic effect that accelerates the formation and passage of stones, which may aggravate the condition in patients with kidney stones.

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