
Is the live broadcast of goods a script or a fake identity of a rich man?

author:New Wave Entertainment

#Q1#Billionaire's son Xie Qingshuai?Is live streaming a script?Or is it a fake identity of a rich man?

Dear readers of Toutiao, I am the editor of Toutiao, New Wave Mutual Entertainment. I believe everyone has heard of the recent boiling incident of Xie Qingshuai uploaded on the Internet. Today we are going to talk about the son of this controversial billionaire on the Internet - Xie Qingshuai. Recently, Xie Qingshuai's "rich second generation" character and bold words displayed in the live broadcast of goods have attracted widespread attention. So, is all this a well-planned script, or is it his fake identity as a rich man? Let's unravel the mystery together!

Is the live broadcast of goods a script or a fake identity of a rich man?

First of all, Xie Qingshuai, this name may be relatively unfamiliar to many people, but for other people, he is a small Internet celebrity. At first, we thought he was writing a script under the banner of looking for relatives. According to his own words, he is the son of a well-known entrepreneur and grew up with a golden key in his mouth. However, there have been many doubts about his wealthy background. At the same time, his family competition also appeared in the live broadcast room, and his performance in the live broadcast made people want to ask: What trick is this billionaire son playing?

Is the live broadcast of goods a script or a fake identity of a rich man?
Is the live broadcast of goods a script or a fake identity of a rich man?

In the live broadcast, Xie Qingshuai always appeared with a high-minded appearance, and his words were full of disdain for money. He once said: "I have billions of assets at home, and I don't have any money at all!" As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted the attention and heated discussions of many netizens. Many people believe that this is just a deliberate exaggeration by him to attract attention, and some even speculate that he is faking his identity as a rich man.

However, some netizens think that Xie Qingshuai's wealthy background is not groundless. Through their investigation, they found that the Xie family does have a pivotal position in the business world, and the annual income of the family business is as high as hundreds of millions of yuan. If this information is true, then Xie Qingshuai is not unfounded as the son of a billionaire.

Is the live broadcast of goods a script or a fake identity of a rich man?

So, is live streaming a script or real life? For this question, Xie Qingshuai himself did not give a clear answer. However, judging from his performance in the live broadcast, and many scenes and plots, it is more like a deliberately choreographed and well-planned script. For example, he often tells about his family's glorious history in live broadcasts, or shows some expensive luxury goods, which seem to be for him to create a "rich second generation" character.

In the editor's opinion, whether it is a script or a disguised rich identity, maybe he also has his own bitterness that he is unwilling to say. I believe that the truth will come out one day.

Of course, some netizens believe that even if these plots are scripts, it does not mean that Xie Qingshuai does not have a wealthy background. They believe that the Xie family may want to promote the family's influence in this way, or to build a reputation for the family business. In either case, it's hard to determine whether live streaming is real or fake. #q1# Xie Qingshuai: A billionaire who brings goods through live streaming?

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