
Fortune "national hardship"? In the past few years of the epidemic, he has made 22.28 billion yuan and has become the richest

author:Xiao Jia said popular science

This episode of the program is to introduce a doctor who is familiar to people all over the country, everyone may not be familiar with his real name, but if you talk about SARS in 1999 and the new crown virus in 2020, many people are impressed.

He is Wang Jian, the chairman of Huada Group, when it comes to his career experience, it is really mixed, some people say that he is a genius in the medical field, some people say that he is crazy, and some netizens even complain about him.

What kind of character is he, how did he go from an unknown doctor to a famous business tycoon in just ten years?

Fortune "national hardship"? In the past few years of the epidemic, he has made 22.28 billion yuan and has become the richest

also because of his behavior during the epidemic that made him the center of attention, whether it was selfless dedication or selfish gain, which made many people doubt him.

Before analyzing this world-class doctor, let's talk about SARS in 2003, maybe the children of 00 years don't know about SARS, but for people in 80 and 90 years, SARS has a great impact on their lives.

At that time, SARS was a virus that was prevalent in the world, which means "critical virus", and the terrible thing about the SARS virus can be seen from this name, and it can be said that the SARS virus caused a huge panic in the society at that time.

However, in the face of such a terrible virus, Wang Jian, a doctor at BGI, proved with practical actions that there are no problems in this world that cannot be solved, only problems that cannot be solved without hard work.

When SARS was raging in 2003, Wang Jian, the founder of BGI, resolutely devoted himself to scientific research with his team, and in just two months, he led the team to develop a virus test kit that could quickly and effectively detect cases.

This was an important achievement in the fight against SARS at that time, because with this test kit, people could quickly find patients with SARS virus, so that they could be isolated and treated in time to stop the spread of SARS.

Fortune "national hardship"? In the past few years of the epidemic, he has made 22.28 billion yuan and has become the richest

Basically every city in China can easily detect the SARS virus, which is the contribution made by BGI to the fight against SARS, and in people's hearts, BGI has become a socially responsible company.

In addition to this contribution, Wang Jian also made great contributions to the fight against the Ebola virus in 2014.

His team has developed a kit that can quickly and accurately detect the Ebola virus in just one month, saving a lot of lives, these are all Wang Jian's great contributions to the fight against the epidemic, why in 20 years, many people do not have a high evaluation of it, and still feel that many companies with him are in the "epidemic"?

In 2020, the country has entered a critical period in the fight against the epidemic, and at the time of the race against time, many medical-related companies have started the business of anti-epidemic materials such as masks and disinfectants.

In the face of such a doctor who has made great contributions to the SARS epidemic, many people have questioned whether he is taking advantage of the situation to hype up the epidemic, and many people even said that his company is "making a fortune".

Fortune "national hardship"? In the past few years of the epidemic, he has made 22.28 billion yuan and has become the richest

However, Wang Jian also responded to the doubts of the outside world in an interview, saying that what the company has done in the process of fighting the epidemic is a kind of value and a kind of social feedback.

What is even more backbone is the price of BGI's test kits, always adhere to the pricing of 10 yuan, he said that this price is not artificial hype, but just out of cost, and many people say that this is eating the epidemic is not ethical, the company has been making a fortune in the headlines for a month, this behavior seems very contradictory, in fact, we should see that what BGI did during the epidemic is not only profitable, but also a feedback to the society, as a genius of mankind, he through his own hard work, It has made a great contribution to society.

Fortune "national hardship"? In the past few years of the epidemic, he has made 22.28 billion yuan and has become the richest

Next, I will give you an analysis of Wang Jian's personal growth experience, how can he go from a doctor's profession to a rich man on the top of the rich list in just three years?

I mentioned to you before that Wang Jian's hero of the SARS epidemic in 2003 was a shocking god, and the virus detection kit he led the team to develop was related to the lives and health of the people, and this move also made him a leader at that time, and even in the eyes of many people, Wang Jian has become a legend in the business world.

We must know that the year 2003 was the most important node in China's development in the new century, when China, although very rich, but the domestic sense of innovation was very lacking, seemingly high-tech workshops, in fact, there was not even an ordinary tool, compared with the United States, China's level of innovation is far from the same.

However, in such a market competition, BGI was officially born, Wang Jian led the team to develop a SARS detection kit that can not only accurately and quickly detect patients with SARS virus, but also very cheap and affordable, this "conscience price" not only allows BGI test kits to go to the domestic market, but also promotes innovation in the medical field in the mainland, many people have said that BGI is not willing to "share" their research results in the purpose of serving the people and medical morality, and are unwilling to "share" their research results in medical schools. In the end, in such a huge market, BGI became a company that started by car, and Wang Jian also became a legend in China's industrial and commercial circles because of his great contribution to the fight against SARS.

However, this is only the prelude to BGI's emergence in the medical field, and then it released a number of testing services such as T test and antibody testing, each of which is very close to people's lives, which can be said to further enhance Wang Jian's status in the medical field, and also make BGI occupy a great position in today's gene sequencing market. It also provides a very good market environment for the development of their own geniuses.

Next, I will introduce to you the performance of BGI during the epidemic, in the past few years, the epidemic has been raging all over the world, countless people have lost their job opportunities and lost their sources of livelihood, but at this time of crisis, Wang Jian has used his research results to find a new development path for BGI, and the new coronavirus detection kit he developed is not only fast and accurate, but also only needs 10 yuan, which is undoubtedly a refresh for the national epidemic testing market.

Fortune "national hardship"? In the past few years of the epidemic, he has made 22.28 billion yuan and has become the richest

BGI was the first to try the public welfare action of free testing, but this method was not supported by other medical institutions, but was boycotted by them, because BGI's free testing not only harmed their interests, but also made those black-hearted businesses lose the opportunity to "hype up the epidemic", Zhang Wenhong, the board of directors of BGI, also expressed his views on this unfair competition, in an interview with the media, he said that "some local governments are not aware of the risk of the spread of this new coronavirus pneumonia, It would allow entire cities to sink into the virus, which would save the cost of testing, but it would also make the system unfair in other regions, and eventually lead to the national epidemic getting out of control, which is extremely irresponsible to the country. ”

In an interview, many netizens expressed their admiration for the approach of Wang Jian, the founder of BGI, but there were also many netizens who did not understand the situation and had doubts about this "gene madman", some netizens said, "The time, money and energy spent on genetic research are huge, and the results produced are also the gold mountains in the idea, Huada not only does genetic testing, but also has many other research results, why do you choose not to pay for it this time?" ”

They said that since the SARS epidemic, the BGI testing center has been very prosperous in the testing market, and with the cooperation of some investors, the company has a lot of financial support, so this time they pay more attention to public welfare actions, taking into account the overall situation, only if the virus is successfully isolated, the market will be more stable, which also adapts to the purpose of BGI public welfare first, so as to adapt to the public welfare actions of the market. It has also been supported and recognized by many people at home and abroad.

Fortune "national hardship"? In the past few years of the epidemic, he has made 22.28 billion yuan and has become the richest

When many netizens learned that the BGI test kit only needed 10 yuan for testing, they also said that they would rather believe in such a madman than a shameless businessman who is not for the people", and the support of the people is also a major success of this genetic maniac.

So next, I will explain to you why Wang Jian gave up everything in the United States and returned to China, why he "made money" under the BGI epidemic, and how he became the richest man? Since Wang Jian entered the industry, without exception, he has focused on public welfare, and this time is no exception.

Although he "made money" during the epidemic, he also gained a lot of wealth in his career, paid a lot of taxes, and donated a large amount of research funds, which can be said to be absolutely not enough for BGI to "make a fortune" for decades.

Wang Jian has shown a unique learning ability since he was a child, after graduating from a university in China, he went to the United States for further study, it can be said that his ten years of study experience in the United States, for him to lay a solid foundation in academic research, after returning to China, he led the team has been committed to genetic research, has provided valuable scientific research results in SARS, Ebola, in just a few months, they successfully developed a virus detection kit.

Fortune "national hardship"? In the past few years of the epidemic, he has made 22.28 billion yuan and has become the richest

Now, in the midst of the epidemic, he has also become a pioneer in the fight against the epidemic, and BGI has made the national testing more popular, which not only protects the public, but also improves the company's popularity in the market.

On the whole, their operation is not only the inevitable development, but also the direction of development, nowadays, although there are many people in the "national difficult wealth", the future of development is still bright, as long as we can work together, good health and longevity are no longer a dream, everyone still has a great view of this idea of the doctor.

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