
1. Both sides of the nose love to produce oil - accompanied by: heartburn, bad breath, toothache and other problems - refer to Dan Yu Xiaoyao Pill 2, nasal discharge (phlegm or white)

author:Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Dr. Hou

Something wrong with your lungs, your nose knows first?

1. The sides of the nose love to produce oil - accompanied by: heartburn, bad breath, toothache and other problems - refer to Dan Yu Xiaoyao Pill

2. There is a lot of nasal discharge (with phlegm or white) - refer to Xinling granules

3. The nose always loves to have a runny nose - accompanied by: dry and itchy throat, and the palms of the hands and feet are easy to sweat - refer to Lily Solid Gold Sheet

Fourth, the nose always feels dry - accompanied by: the throat is dumb, and it feels itchy all the time, and the throat always has phlegm - Tongxuanli Lung Pills

The above is for reference only, and we still need to find a professional doctor for medication#健康养生! #

1. Both sides of the nose love to produce oil - accompanied by: heartburn, bad breath, toothache and other problems - refer to Dan Yu Xiaoyao Pill 2, nasal discharge (phlegm or white)
1. Both sides of the nose love to produce oil - accompanied by: heartburn, bad breath, toothache and other problems - refer to Dan Yu Xiaoyao Pill 2, nasal discharge (phlegm or white)
1. Both sides of the nose love to produce oil - accompanied by: heartburn, bad breath, toothache and other problems - refer to Dan Yu Xiaoyao Pill 2, nasal discharge (phlegm or white)
1. Both sides of the nose love to produce oil - accompanied by: heartburn, bad breath, toothache and other problems - refer to Dan Yu Xiaoyao Pill 2, nasal discharge (phlegm or white)

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