
50 golden sentences to educate children, it is recommended that every parent take a look (worth collecting!)

author:Writer sunny smile
50 golden sentences to educate children, it is recommended that every parent take a look (worth collecting!)

"People's Daily" once published an article to tell parents:

"Educating your children well is not only a teacher's business, but also the most important career in your life. ”

Today, I have compiled 50 educational golden sentences into an official account article, hoping to inspire you.

1. The essence of education is that one tree shakes another tree, one cloud pushes another cloud, and one soul awakens another soul.

2. In any kind of educational phenomenon, the less the child feels the intention of the educator, the greater the educational effect of his education.

3. The effect of education depends on the consistency of the school and the family, and without this consistency, the teaching and education of the school will collapse like a house made of paper.

4. Ten years later, you won't regret doing one less project, but you will regret not spending an extra hour with your child.

5. When educating children, you choose to make money and not discipline your children. When the child grows up, the money you have worked hard for a lifetime will not be worth a year of his failure.

6. The power of education lies in enlightening the soul, stimulating potential, and igniting dreams.

7. The key to education is to convince the child that he has the power to make himself better.

8. "Hardship education" is not to let children experience material deprivation or physical torture, but to exercise their will and improve their perseverance in frustration by solving the difficulties encountered.

9. There is no clever skill in educating children, but love and companionship.

10. Where a person's education since childhood guides him determines where he will go later.

50 golden sentences to educate children, it is recommended that every parent take a look (worth collecting!)

11. At present, the biggest misunderstanding of education is that only Tang Seng's mouth can control Sun Wukong's restless heart.

12. Parents who can only be reasonable will never be able to raise promising children

13. Raising children is a practice. We may not be perfect parents, but we can be a growing parent.

14. The way you look at home determines your child's life in 10 years. Your child will not grow to be what you expect, but to be what you are.

15. The best support parents give their children is to cultivate themselves. The example of parents is the best nutrient for children's growth.

16. The greatest sorrow of education is that a group of parents who are busy swiping their mobile phones are desperately forcing their children to read.

17. The so-called discipline is to first manage oneself and then manage others; family education is to teach oneself first, and then teach one's children; positive energy is to correct oneself first, and then radiate to future generations.

18. Educate your child as soon as possible, otherwise, the society will educate him for you in the future.

19. The true meaning of education lies in awakening, not forcibly transforming, and the awakened children will one day grow from small saplings to towering trees.

20. Education is not only the inheritance of knowledge, but also the edification of morality. The highest level of education is to teach people to seek truth, goodness, and beauty.

50 golden sentences to educate children, it is recommended that every parent take a look (worth collecting!)

21. The growth of children is first to confirm their own existence from the pupils of their parents and see their own value. Courage can only be gained when one feels worthy.

22. Praise and encourage children often, especially in front of others, can make children have a sense of success and honor, thereby enhancing their confidence in learning Xi and doing things.

23. To be a parent is to let children understand: you are different from others, but this is good, and you are different from others, but this does not affect my love for you.

24. Every time a child shows affection and shares something he likes with you, he is silently expressing love.

25. School education is very important, but no matter how important, it is only an important supplement to family education.

26. Family is the first school of life, and parents are the first teachers of children.

27. Bear children are "habitual", good children are "managed", and excellent children are "accompanied".

27. Only by catching children's emotions can they hold each other's hearts. Parents' emotional and emotional support for their children can dissipate most of the gloom in their lives.

28. No matter how cold adolescent children are on the surface and how much they pretend not to need us, their parents are still their heaven, and their home is still the safe haven they need most in their hearts.

29. Companionship is the best education for children, and education is nothing but companionship in different ways.

30. On the road of education, the parents should not be lazy, and the children should not be free-range.

50 golden sentences to educate children, it is recommended that every parent take a look (worth collecting!)

31. There is never a shortage of parents who love their children in this world, but what they lack is parents who see their children.

32. Every student is a translucent pearl hidden in a shell, and every teacher should strive to be a person who opens the shell to make the pearl shine.

33. A child who has lost his self-confidence is like a flower that has lost its nutrients and a bird that has broken its wings. Such a child, no matter how good and hard he is, will eventually lose the confidence to leap over the mountains because of his spiritual barrenness.

34. The mother lives as a light, and the child will naturally chase the light. The growth of mothers is the best growth of children.

35. Diligent study is like a spring sprout, and it does not see its growth and growth; dropping out of school is like a sharpening stone, and it does not see its loss and loss.

36. The best love of parents for their children is not to protect him for a lifetime, but to teach him self-discipline and responsibility.

37. Using language to achieve children is the highest level of education for parents.

38. Only when a child feels better, can he do better.

39. A family's study is the best school district room.

40. Only children who are unconditionally accepted by their parents can release themselves to the fullest, bloom themselves, and become a successful and happy person.

50 golden sentences to educate children, it is recommended that every parent take a look (worth collecting!)

41. Education is to praise with a loudspeaker and criticize with a telephone.

42. Give your child the best love, not to bear everything for him, but to give him a chance to give back to his parents.

43. The best practice for parents is to let the child become himself, not a copy of your life.

44. No matter how successful a person is in his career, he can't make up for the failure to educate his children.

45. The truth of raising children is that at a certain moment, we have to turn away.

46. Teaching children to "lose" decently is a compulsory course for every parent. Let your child know that if you can lose with dignity, you can win better.

47. Don't use all your energy on your children, enriching yourself is enriching your children. Living your life to the best is also a love for your children.

48. What education needs is: moderate tolerance, timely and strict, management, teaching, and punishment, which is the best love for children.

49. Education is not to fill a bucket of water, but to light a fire.

50. The success of education lies not only in cultivating the best people, but also in cultivating people who make progress every day.

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