
At the peak of the flu, because I drank this glass of "water" in time, I successfully intercepted the child from catching a cold several times

author:YTY Jin Yujing Director 6071

In recent years, influenza and pneumonia have become the main objects of resistance for parents, and this year is much colder than usual, which also increases the risk of children getting sick.

At the peak of the flu, because I drank this glass of "water" in time, I successfully intercepted the child from catching a cold several times

During the change of seasons, children are prone to external symptoms, such as colds. In response to this kind of situation, we can adopt four TCM methods to ward off cold, such as drinking cold warding food remedies, foot soaking, pediatric massage and patching the umbilical cord, all of which have the effect of preventing colds.

As parents, we should always pay attention to our children's body temperature and symptoms, and seek medical treatment in a timely manner.

At the same time, at home, we should also pay attention to letting children rest fully and maintain air circulation to reduce the occurrence of external sensations. Through these methods, we can not only help children prevent external diseases such as influenza, but also save us a lot of worry.

First, let's understand what influenza A is. Influenza A is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza A viruses and is mainly transmitted through airborne droplets.

At the peak of the flu, because I drank this glass of "water" in time, I successfully intercepted the child from catching a cold several times

People are generally susceptible to influenza A virus infection, and symptoms such as fever, sore throat, cough, muscle aches and fatigue may occur.

These symptoms share some similarities with the common cold, but in comparison, the symptoms of influenza A can be a little more severe and contagious.

In order to prevent and treat influenza A, we need to take a few measures. First of all, we should pay attention to personal hygiene, such as washing hands frequently, covering our mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing, etc.

At the same time, we should also avoid going to crowded places and wear masks when going to the hospital.

At the peak of the flu, because I drank this glass of "water" in time, I successfully intercepted the child from catching a cold several times

If we find someone with influenza A around us, we should keep our distance and avoid close contact. In addition, influenza vaccination is one of the effective ways to prevent influenza A.

Influenza A is a relatively common disease, but we can effectively control and treat it by taking some preventive measures and treating it promptly.

As an ingredient for strengthening the spleen and invigorating the lungs, Huai Yam can help enhance the body's immunity, enhance metabolism and improve disease resistance.

In terms of preventing colds, boiling water with Chinese yam has a certain effect. Here's how:

Ingredients: Fresh Chinese yam, water, rock sugar.


1. Wash the yam, peel off the skin and cut into even slices.

At the peak of the flu, because I drank this glass of "water" in time, I successfully intercepted the child from catching a cold several times

2. Take a pot, put the chopped Huaishan medicine slices into the pot, add enough water, and add an appropriate amount of rock sugar.

3. Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce the heat to low and simmer for more than 30 minutes, until the yam is soft and the soup is thick.

4. After boiling, put the Huaishan Medicinal Water into a cup and drink it hot.

It should be noted that although the boiled water of Huai Yam has a certain effect on preventing colds, it also needs to be drunk in moderation according to personal constitution and symptoms.

At the peak of the flu, because I drank this glass of "water" in time, I successfully intercepted the child from catching a cold several times

For people who are weak or have already caught a cold, they should choose an appropriate diet under the guidance of a doctor.

In addition, it should be noted that it is not advisable to use Huai Yam to boil water when you have a fever.

At the same time, although yam has the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness, it is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine after all, and it should not be consumed in excess, otherwise it may cause indigestion and other uncomfortable symptoms.

In autumn, the dry season, children with insufficient righteousness are susceptible to the invasion of wind and cold, thus showing a decrease in the body's immunity.

At the peak of the flu, because I drank this glass of "water" in time, I successfully intercepted the child from catching a cold several times

As usual, the problem of qi deficiency is the main cause of low immunity.

At this time, parents need to pay attention to dietary conditioning to strengthen their qi and improve their children's immunity. At the same time, attention should be paid to keeping warm and adjusting the diet reasonably as much as possible to help regulate the child's qi deficiency.

In terms of diet, Huai Yam is an ideal choice, which can not only replenish the spleen and lung qi for the child in the first time and improve immunity, but also contains rich nutrients, which can replenish the nutrients lost by the child in the autumn.

At the peak of the flu, because I drank this glass of "water" in time, I successfully intercepted the child from catching a cold several times

In addition, it is also recommended to eat more foods that strengthen the spleen and lungs, clear heat and detoxify, such as onions, tomatoes, etc., which can also increase children's immunity and help them resist diseases.

I'm a pediatrician, Jin Yujing, and I'm always concerned about the health of my children.

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