
Wait for spring to come! The magnolia buds are quietly getting bigger, have you noticed?

author:Metropolis Express Orange Persimmon Interactive

The sunshine in winter is always a little lovelier than in other seasons, and as long as there is sunshine on the nine cold days, it seems that it is not so difficult.

In the past two days, with the blessing of continuous sunshine, the temperature began to rise during the day. Many orange friends found that the magnolia flowers around them have quietly emerged buds, especially against the blue sky, which is particularly eye-catching and beautiful.

Orange friend "First Class Lu Ding Gong" said, "Yin and Yang, the coldest time, the breath of spring is quietly brewing." “

Wait for spring to come! The magnolia buds are quietly getting bigger, have you noticed?
Wait for spring to come! The magnolia buds are quietly getting bigger, have you noticed?
Wait for spring to come! The magnolia buds are quietly getting bigger, have you noticed?
Wait for spring to come! The magnolia buds are quietly getting bigger, have you noticed?

Every year in early spring, one of the magnolia trees that Hangzhou people look forward to the most - the ancient magnolia that is more than 500 years old in Faxi Temple has been remembered by orange friends for the past two days.

Many people are curious, when do magnolia flowers generally start to sprout?

According to Mo Yaying, an expert on magnolia at Hangzhou Botanical Garden, generally speaking, magnolia blooms in March and blooms for about a month. Magnolia flowers also have a very special place, that is, the "standby" time of the flower buds is very long.

This means that flowers that bloom in March of the following year will basically grow buds at the end of June of that year, and the flower buds will be differentiated with the naked eye, and then they will be nurtured and grown on the branches for more than half a year. During the whole process, sometimes once the temperature, light, rain and other conditions are suitable, some buds will be stimulated to "abnormal development" and bloom out of season, but most of them have to wait quietly for the next spring to bloom.

Mo Yaying said that the main reason is that the magnolia leaves fall in winter, and the flower buds are also larger than in summer, and the silk hairs wrapped on them are shiny in the sun, so they are more obvious.

There are also concerns about whether the sub-zero temperature will freeze the delicate buds. If you look closely, you will find that the flowers are also wrapped in 3-4 layers of hairy bracts, which is equivalent to the thick coat we wear to protect against the cold, which is specially used to prevent the buds from freezing and damaging.

Wait for spring to come! The magnolia buds are quietly getting bigger, have you noticed?

Do you also find that the magnolia around you is quietly accumulating strength, ready to surprise everyone in the coming year? Welcome to post under the topic #Weather Lady#.


Wait for spring to come! The magnolia buds are quietly getting bigger, have you noticed?

Miss Weather

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