
When the mother gave the child a haircut, she found a tick on her head and saved the child with "three decisiveness".

author:History of the Bunsha

On a sunny weekend, Ms. Li from Huanggang City, Hubei Province, was giving her 5-year-old son, Xiao Ming, a haircut. Xiao Ming's hair was already a little long, and Ms. Li picked up the scissors and helped Xiao Ming trim his hair while humming a song softly.

When Xiao Ming's sideburns were cut, Ms. Li's movements suddenly stopped. She stared in amazement at a strange black spot on Xiao Ming's sideburns, which did not look like a mole in size and shape, nor did it look like dirt.

When the mother gave the child a haircut, she found a tick on her head and saved the child with "three decisiveness".

A trace of doubt welled up in Ms. Li's heart, and she decided to take a closer look at what this strange black spot was.

Ms. Li leaned close to Xiao Ming's sideburns and carefully studied the black spot. At this time, she was surprised to find that there were short appendages like hooks and claws around this black spot, and they were firmly attached to Xiao Ming's scalp, and there was no sign of loosening.

Ms. Li immediately became alert, and she realized that this "thing" that looked like a black spot was most likely a tick! Ms. Li was frightened, but she still had her senses and did not make an impulsive move.

She knew she had to stay calm and find a way to determine the situation before taking action to rescue the child.

When the mother gave the child a haircut, she found a tick on her head and saved the child with "three decisiveness".

Realizing that there was a tick on the child's head, Ms. Li did not panic, but responded decisively at the first time.

She first looked closely to make sure it was a tick and didn't blindly pull it out. She knew that pulling hard would likely cause the tick to break and leave the head in the skin to continue to parasitize.

Second, Ms. Li decisively controlled her urge to remove the tick directly. She understands that this could cause the tick's mouthparts to break in the skin, causing more harm.

In the end, Ms. Li decisively took the child to the doctor, who removed the tick properly. In the hospital, the doctor first wets the tick with alcohol and waits for it to loosen up naturally. The tick is then removed intact with forceps, avoiding the residue of foreign bodies.

When the mother gave the child a haircut, she found a tick on her head and saved the child with "three decisiveness".

Ms. Li's three decisive responses not only avoided the wrong operation, but also enabled the child to safely get rid of the harm of ticks and not suffer more damage. Her calmness and sanity saved the child.

Ticks are a huge harm to the human body, and we must pay enough attention to this.

Ticks carry a variety of pathogens, and after being bitten by a tick, people are likely to contract diseases such as Lyme disease and slyworm fever. Mild symptoms of these diseases include headache, fever, etc., which can seriously affect a person's daily life.

In severe cases, it can be life-threatening. Data shows that tick bites cause a mortality rate of up to 15%, which can be seen in the degree of harm.

When the mother gave the child a haircut, she found a tick on her head and saved the child with "three decisiveness".

If Ms. Li did not detect the tick on Xiao Ming's head in time and take decisive measures, Xiao Ming would most likely suffer serious health injuries. Ms. Li was right to choose to seek medical attention decisively instead of doing it herself or using unproven home remedies.

Because for ordinary people, it is difficult to judge whether the various local methods passed on the Internet or by word of mouth are reliable. If not handled properly, the consequences can be even more severe. For example, slapping a dead tick can cause a severe infection and ulceration of the skin.

The correct way to do this is to send it to a doctor for examination and follow professional advice.

Ms. Li's three decisive actions saved the child's safety. We should also be fully aware of the dangers of ticks and take the right precautions and treatments.

When the mother gave the child a haircut, she found a tick on her head and saved the child with "three decisiveness".

What precautions do we need to take in our daily life against the harm of ticks?

First, avoid tick-active areas. Ticks like to live in overgrown areas, so we should avoid entering these areas, especially when we are active with children.

Secondly, before going out for activities, you can choose some insect repellent products that are effective against ticks and apply them to areas of skin that may be exposed in advance, which can play a role in repelling ticks.

When choosing a mosquito repellent product, pay attention to whether the ingredients are effective against ticks, such as those containing DEET.

Also, when you go out to play, pay attention to choosing the right clothing. Long sleeves and long pants can reduce the exposed area of the skin, but don't wear too heavy, and light sportswear with good sun protection performance can also be considered.

In terms of shoes, it is better to choose sports shoes with anti-tick function.

When the mother gave the child a haircut, she found a tick on her head and saved the child with "three decisiveness".

Finally, check yourself and your child's body after the activity to see if there are any ticks left. By taking these precautions, you can effectively prevent tick bites and let your child enjoy the outdoors safely.

Through this little story that happened to Ms. Li and her child, we are once again reminded to be vigilant against the harm of ticks and protect our children.

First of all, parents should check their children's bodies frequently, and once they find problems, they should take measures in time and without delay. Secondly, it is necessary to raise awareness of prevention, often carry out protective measures such as mosquito repellent and pay attention to clothing, and there can be no slackness.

In addition, if you find a tick on your child, do not rush to do it, but seek medical attention and seek professional help as soon as possible. Finally, through education, improve children's knowledge and prevention ability, so that children can learn to self-check and avoid dangers.

When the mother gave the child a haircut, she found a tick on her head and saved the child with "three decisiveness".

As long as we are always vigilant and take protective measures, we will be able to keep our children away from the threat of ticks and grow up healthy and happy. Working together is the greatest love for children.

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