
When it's cold, I want to eat more grass carp, and my 30-year-old aunt taught me a unique skill, which is tender and delicious, and it is so fragrant!

author:Healthy peach 8Y6M
When it's cold, I want to eat more grass carp, and my 30-year-old aunt taught me a unique skill, which is tender and delicious, and it is so fragrant!

It's a cold day, and it's a good time to enjoy food. In this cold season, grass carp has become a delicacy on the table of every family. This is not only because the meat of grass carp is tender, but also because it has the property of warming and replenishing the cold. During my journey to learn how to cook, I was guided by an experienced old aunt, who taught me a unique technique to make grass carp more delicious and fragrant. In this article, I will share the process of making this delicious dish and delve into the nutritional structure of grass carp and its benefits to the body.

First of all, choosing fresh grass carp is the first step to making it successful. The old aunt emphasized that the eyes of grass carp should be clear and transparent, and the scales should be shiny. In this way, the grass carp can ensure the tenderness of the meat and the delicate taste. When buying grass carp, I always carefully observe the appearance of the fish to make sure that I choose the best ingredients.

Next, the old aunt taught me a unique skill is how to deal with grass carp. She stressed that the deodorization of grass carp is crucial. When processing grass carp, I used the method taught by my old aunt, using some special spices and ingredients, such as ginger, cooking wine, and lemon. Pairing these ingredients can neutralize the fishy smell of grass carp and make it more pure. In addition, the old aunt also taught me to use a knife to skillfully scrape off the mucus on the grass carp to ensure that the meat of the fish is smoother. These details make it easier for grass carp to absorb seasonings during cooking, and the flavor is more flavorful.

In the process of marinating grass carp, I learned a trick from my old aunt - using a combination of white pepper and fine salt. My aunt told me that the combination of the two can make the grass carp taste more delicious, and at the same time, it can also highlight the sweetness of the grass carp itself. An appropriate amount of white pepper can enhance the aroma of grass carp, while fine salt can make the meat of grass carp fuller. This special combination is what makes this grass carp unique and what fascinates me.

Another crucial step in making grass carp is choosing the right way to cook it. My aunt introduced me to a cooking method that is most suitable for grass carp – steaming. She believes that steaming can retain the original flavor of grass carp to the greatest extent and make the fish meat more tender. During the steaming process, I sprinkle some shredded ginger slices on the fish and drizzle some cooking wine to remove the fishy smell of the grass carp and make it more fragrant and delicious. Steamed grass carp needs to be properly heated, not too long, to maintain the tender taste of the fish.

When it's cold, I want to eat more grass carp, and my 30-year-old aunt taught me a unique skill, which is tender and delicious, and it is so fragrant!

I can't talk about the uniqueness of this grass carp without mentioning its rich nutritional structure. Grass carp is rich in high-quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and other nutrients. These ingredients not only provide the body with sufficient energy, but also help maintain skin elasticity and improve immunity. Grass carp is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, especially omega-3 fatty acids that are beneficial to the cardiovascular system, which have a significant effect on lowering cholesterol and preventing arteriosclerosis. This makes grass carp a delicious and nutritious dish at the same time.

In this grass carp dish, the unique skills I used and the craftsmanship taught by my old aunt not only make this dish delicious, but also make it have the effect of health preservation. This unique production method not only enhances the taste of grass carp, but also makes it more nutritious. This also made me deeply realize that food is not only a pleasure for taste, but also a kind of care for physical health.

Overall, the experience of making grass carp has made me deeply realize that the production of food is not a simple technical job, but also an art. Through learning Xi and exploring, I not only mastered the unique skills of a delicious dish, but also gained an in-depth understanding of the nutritional structure and benefits of grass carp to the body. This makes me pay more attention to the selection and processing of ingredients in the process of cooking, in order to present the essence of food to every taster. May every dish be a feast for the taste buds, as well as a love and care for life.

When it's cold, I want to eat more grass carp, and my 30-year-old aunt taught me a unique skill, which is tender and delicious, and it is so fragrant!

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