
Because of her loneliness, a 78-year-old woman has been engaged in prostitution for 15 yuan for 8 years: she can enjoy 15 minutes of happiness for another person

author:The south wind is fierce and gentle
{"info":{"title":{"content":"因寂寞难耐,78岁老妇卖淫8年1次15元:换着人享受15分钟的快乐","en":"Because of her loneliness, a 78-year-old woman has been engaged in prostitution for 15 yuan for 8 years: she can enjoy 15 minutes of happiness for another person"},"description":{"content":"我从小生活在一个普通的家庭,父母都是普通的工人。家里有我和一个比我大两岁的姐姐。小时候,我们姐弟俩经常在一起玩耍,虽然有...","en":"I grew up in an ordinary family, and my parents were ordinary workers. At home there is me and an older sister who is two years older than me. When I was a child, my sister and brother used to play together, although there were..."}},"items":[]}

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