
Professor Yao Yang of Peking University: The only consequence of the US trade war is to promote China's technological innovation

author:Noble grapefruit

On May 18, Yao Yang, Boya Distinguished Professor of Peking University and Director of the China Center for Economic Research, delivered a thought-provoking keynote speech at the 5th Shanghai Innovation and Entrepreneurship Youth 50 Forum.

He mentioned that "young people are the future of the country, they are full of vitality and innovation". This capability is not only reflected in the field of science and technology, but also in the multi-dimensional economic and cultural dimensions. At present, China is accelerating the optimization and upgrading of its economic structure, and the younger generation is shouldering the key responsibility of promoting the rise of new productive forces.

Professor Yao Yang of Peking University: The only consequence of the US trade war is to promote China's technological innovation

Professor Yao Yang's view has been widely recognized. As a country with a large population, China has a large youth population, which provides an important advantage for the development of an innovative economy. Historical experience shows that the rapid progress of countries is usually closely related to the young demographics. Although China is currently facing the challenge of an aging population, the innovative spirit and passion for technology of the current generation of young people are still an important force for social development.

Globally, economic and trade frictions are frequent, especially in recent years, when trade disputes between the United States and China have become the focus of international attention. The U.S. government's trade restrictions are intended to weaken China's economic development by disconnecting global industrial chains. However, instead of dampening China's development momentum, this approach has stimulated China's huge potential in scientific and technological innovation. Professor Yao Yang pointed out that this external pressure has actually prompted China to accelerate its transformation from labor-intensive to technology-intensive and capital-intensive.

Professor Yao Yang of Peking University: The only consequence of the US trade war is to promote China's technological innovation

In the field of cutting-edge science and technology, China has demonstrated a strong ability to innovate independently. A few years ago, China's chip self-sufficiency rate was less than 5%, but now it has reached 14%, and this number continues to grow. This leap forward not only demonstrates China's rapid progress in the field of science and technology, but also shows that China is transforming from a follower to a leader in the global technology competition. In the fields of artificial intelligence and new energy electric vehicles, China's technology and market share have come to the forefront of the world.

Professor Yao's insights have sparked extensive discussions at home and abroad. Many economists and technologists believe that despite the complexity of the international competitive environment, China's innovation path has clearly marked the way forward. By increasing R&D funding and improving the innovation climate, China is continuously promoting the close integration of technology and industry. This combination is not only a technological progress, but also a natural result of economic structure optimization and industrial upgrading.

In the future, as China's young generation grows up, they will play a more important role in the global stage of scientific and technological innovation. China's economic development model is gradually changing from the "world factory" to the "world innovation center", and behind this transformation is the wisdom and sweat of countless young scientific and technological workers. With the general improvement of education level and the enhancement of innovation awareness, more young people have the ability to participate in the research and development and innovation of high-tech industries, and become the backbone of promoting the country's progress.

Professor Yao Yang of Peking University: The only consequence of the US trade war is to promote China's technological innovation

In general, Professor Yao Yang's speech at the Shanghai Innovation and Entrepreneurship Youth Forum is not only an accurate judgment of the current international situation, but also an encouragement and expectation for Chinese youth. In the face of the challenges of international trade and the pressure of technological competition, China is responding to the challenges in its own way through scientific and technological innovation, showing strong international competitiveness. The innovative vitality of Chinese youth is a powerful engine for national progress and a force to be reckoned with in the world's scientific and technological development.

In this era of global economic integration, no lockdowns and restrictions can stop the pace of technological innovation. China's ability to innovate in science and technology in response to external challenges has not only rewritten the trajectory of national development, but also redefined the relationship between competition and cooperation on a global scale. In the future, with the emergence of more young talents with global vision and innovation ability, China's scientific and technological innovation will surely play a more critical role on the world stage, contributing Chinese wisdom and Chinese strength to global scientific and technological progress and economic development.

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