
Sudden escalation of the Sino-US trade war! It can only indicate the decline of American manufacturing and the unstoppable rise of China

author:Beijing Qingjiao Alumni Forum

The sudden escalation of the Sino-US trade war and the imposition of tariffs on Chinese exports by the United States actually reflect the decline of the domestic manufacturing industry in the United States. Made in the United States has been unable to compete head-on with Made in China, and the local media in the United States have also lamented. The imposition of tariffs on China's $18 billion exports actually reflects the helplessness of U.S. manufacturing in China's fierce competition.

Sudden escalation of the Sino-US trade war! It can only indicate the decline of American manufacturing and the unstoppable rise of China
Sudden escalation of the Sino-US trade war! It can only indicate the decline of American manufacturing and the unstoppable rise of China
Sudden escalation of the Sino-US trade war! It can only indicate the decline of American manufacturing and the unstoppable rise of China
Sudden escalation of the Sino-US trade war! It can only indicate the decline of American manufacturing and the unstoppable rise of China

It's not that the U.S. manufacturing industry can't make these electric cars, but the cost of building them is much higher than ours. Folk scholars estimate that the cost of production in the United States is about twice that of China. In other words, even if the United States imposes a 100% tariff on China's new energy vehicles, it will still be cheap and high-quality made in China. By imposing tariffs on Chinese products, the United States is actually protecting its backward industries, rather than competing head-on with China. The United States, which has been leading the world for many years, has finally fallen.

China's booming economy cannot be controlled by a little tariff imposed by the United States, and the problems of the American manufacturing industry itself will become bigger and bigger.

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