
My stepmother was bullied and hugged my father's portrait and cried bitterly, and the second brother asked for the reason, and chased and slashed the mother and son of the village bully with a knife

author:Love to laugh Gebriel 6T9O

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My stepmother was bullied and hugged my father's portrait and cried bitterly, and the second brother asked for the reason, and chased and slashed the mother and son of the village bully with a knife

My name is Li Ping, I am 12 years old, and I live in a mountain village with my stepmother, Ah Zhen, and my younger brother, Li Gang.

My father died when I was very young, and my mother married Uncle Ah Zhen soon after, becoming my stepmother. Ah Zhen was very nice to me and Li Gang, and despite living in poverty, she always did her best to take care of us.

There is a ruffian hooligan in the village who does all kinds of evil, known as the "village tyrant". He often brought people to our house to bully Ah Zhen and ask her to pay or work. Ah Zhen had no choice but to swallow her anger, for fear of getting into trouble.

One day, Li Gang and I were helping Ah Zhen at home, and the village tyrant suddenly came to our house with two followers.

"Hey, bring me this month's protection money!" The village bully stood in the courtyard and yelled.

Ah Zhen hurriedly ran out and said helplessly: "Brother Ba, I really can't get it this month, you let us owe it first." ”

"Who owes you? Lao Tzu told you to get the money now!" The village tyrant pushed Ah Zhen to the ground, and Ah Zhen's arm was broken by a stone, and blood flowed out.

Li Gang and I ran out in a hurry and blocked in front of Ah Zhen.

My stepmother was bullied and hugged my father's portrait and cried bitterly, and the second brother asked for the reason, and chased and slashed the mother and son of the village bully with a knife

"You stinky boys, dare to stand in the way of Lao Tzu?" The village bully kicked me away with one kick and knocked Li Gang to the ground with another slap.

"Stop! they're still young!" Ah Zhen pleaded bitterly.

"You're small! In the future, you can give as much as I want, otherwise I will make your whole family look good!" The village bully said viciously and left with his followers.

Li Gang and I hurriedly helped Ah Zhen up, looking at her bleeding arms and tearful face, anxious and angry.

"Mom, are you alright?" I said anxiously.

"I'm fine, it doesn't matter, this little bit of injury will heal soon. Ah Zhen smiled reluctantly.

"It's too much! We have to settle accounts with the village tyrant!" Li Gang said angrily.

"Don't be impulsive, you'll get into trouble. Ah Zhen persuaded.

"No, I must teach him a lesson, you see you being bullied like this!" Li Gang said that he was about to go out.

My stepmother was bullied and hugged my father's portrait and cried bitterly, and the second brother asked for the reason, and chased and slashed the mother and son of the village bully with a knife

"Li Gang! I grabbed Li Gang, "Impulse can't solve the problem now, we have to think of a way." ”

"What are you going to do? Li Gang was still very angry.

"Calm down, we're going to have a way, trust me. I patted Li Gang on the shoulder.

Only then did Li Gang calm down, and the three of them went into the house to treat their wounds. I looked at Ah Zhen's scarred hands, and like Li Gang, my heart was full of anger.

After treating the wound, Ah Zhen brought the meal. Li Gang and I couldn't eat, and all we thought about was what the village tyrant did.

"Son, don't be angry, eat something. Ah Zhen persuaded.

"Mom, I really can't eat it, I'm still very angry about what happened just now. Li Gang pushed away the dishes and chopsticks, "We must find a way to deal with the village tyrant!"

"Yes, Mom, we can't continue to endure this kind of bullying. I chimed in.

My stepmother was bullied and hugged my father's portrait and cried bitterly, and the second brother asked for the reason, and chased and slashed the mother and son of the village bully with a knife

Ah Zhen sighed, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes: "I know you are angry, but child, there is no need to be as knowledgeable as the village tyrant, what if you get into trouble?"

"But Mom, you've had enough of being wronged, we can't watch this happen!" Li Gang said excitedly, "I've already decided, I must go to the village tyrant to settle accounts!"

After speaking, Li Gang was about to go out. I hurriedly grabbed him: "Li Gang, calm down! We need a plan, and we can't act recklessly." ”

"What are I going to do? I can't take it anymore!" Li Gang shook off my hand.

"Kid, your brother is right, we need to be cautious. Ah Zhen also persuaded.

I thought for a while and said, "I have an idea, we can go to the village chief first and ask him to mediate this matter, and if that doesn't work, we can think of another way." ”

Li Gang thought for a while and nodded: "It's okay, let's try it with the village chief first." ”

"Village Chief, don't you just care?" Li Gang said dissatisfiedly, "We can't bear it anymore!"

"Child, I understand your feelings. The village chief sighed, "But strength determines everything, I advise you to bear with it." ”

My stepmother was bullied and hugged my father's portrait and cried bitterly, and the second brother asked for the reason, and chased and slashed the mother and son of the village bully with a knife

Seeing that the village chief shirked his responsibilities, the three of us were disappointed. On the way home, Li Gang once again proposed to settle accounts with the village tyrant.

"Okay, Gangzi, let's go home and talk about it. Ah Zhen persuaded him.

"Mom, we've begged the village chief, but he doesn't care, can he be bullied like this?" Li Gang was very excited.

I was also thinking about countermeasures, and seeing that Li Gang's anger was hard to dissipate, I had to respond first: "Okay, let's go back and discuss it later." But don't do anything reckless. ”

When he got home, Li Gang immediately said that he was going to settle accounts with the village tyrant.

"Gangzi, calm down, we can't take risks. Ah Zhen persuaded.

"Mom, we've already begged the village chief, but he doesn't care about it, are we just going to be bullied?" Li Gang was very excited.

"Son, I know you feel unworthy for your mother, but you can't be impulsive in this matter. Ah Zhen had tears in her eyes.

My stepmother was bullied and hugged my father's portrait and cried bitterly, and the second brother asked for the reason, and chased and slashed the mother and son of the village bully with a knife

"Mom, it's not that you're not worthy, it's that we can't continue to swallow our anger. "I also advise Ah Zhen.

"Yes, even if we swallow our anger for a while, the village tyrant will bully us even more rampantly!" Li Gang clenched his fists.

Ah Zhen was speechless, her face full of worry.

"Gangzi, calm down, we need a plan. I persuaded.

"Then you say, what should we do? Are you just allowed to be bullied by the village bully?" Li Gang asked.

I thought for a while and said, "I have an idea, we can go to a few young people in the village first and join forces to deal with the village tyrants." What do you think?"

Li Gang thought for a while and nodded: "This is a good idea, we can't deal with the village tyrant alone, we must unite more people." ”

"Okay, let's go find someone now. I said.

"Wait a minute. Ah Zhen stopped us, "Don't risk this matter, what if you get into trouble?"

My stepmother was bullied and hugged my father's portrait and cried bitterly, and the second brother asked for the reason, and chased and slashed the mother and son of the village bully with a knife

"Mom, trust us, we're determined to solve this problem. I said firmly.

Ah Zhen still wanted to persuade, but seeing that we were determined, we could only sigh and nodded: "Then you act carefully and don't get hurt." ”

"Mom, don't worry, we will come back safely. Li Gang hugged Ah Zhen.

So, the two of us went out to find a few young people in the village and told them what had happened, and everyone expressed their willingness to join in and deal with the village tyrant together.

"Great, with everyone's support, we can act!" Li Gang said excitedly.

"Yes, we need to have a detailed plan. I said.

"Son, be careful!" Before going out, Ah Zhen was still worried.

"Mom, trust us, we'll be back soon. I comforted.

My stepmother was bullied and hugged my father's portrait and cried bitterly, and the second brother asked for the reason, and chased and slashed the mother and son of the village bully with a knife

According to the plan, we went to the village tyrant's house first and subdued the two attendants at the door. Then Li Gang shouted, "Village tyrant, come out for me!"

When the village tyrant heard the shouting, he walked out of the house angrily: "Who dares to shout in my house!"

When it was too late, a few of my friends and I rushed forward and subdued the village tyrant to the ground. The village bully struggled and shouted, "You stinky boys, let me go!"

"Village tyrant, we're going to teach you a lesson today!" Li Gang gave the village bully a punch.

"You dare to beat me, believe it or not, I called someone to cut you down!" The village tyrant roared.

"We've all been subdued!" I sneered.

Only then did the village tyrant realize that the general trend had gone, and a trace of horror flashed on his face.

Li Gang dragged the village tyrant up and forced him to kneel on the ground: "Kneel!

My stepmother was bullied and hugged my father's portrait and cried bitterly, and the second brother asked for the reason, and chased and slashed the mother and son of the village bully with a knife

"You forced me! I don't kneel!" The village tyrant did not admit it.

I kicked Muraba's knee, forcing him to his knees.

"Hurry up and admit your mistake! or break your legs!" I threatened.

Only then did the village tyrant have to bow his head and admit his mistake: "Am I wrong, can't you!

"Then will you dare to bully our family in the future?" Li Gang asked.

"Don't dare, don't dare!" The village tyrant agreed.

"Then do you dare to bully the weak in the village in the future?" I asked.

"Don't dare, I promise to be a good person in the future!" The village tyrant begs for mercy.

"Okay, for your sake, I'll let you go today. Li Gang said, "If we dare to bully the weak in the future, we will never spare it!"

My stepmother was bullied and hugged my father's portrait and cried bitterly, and the second brother asked for the reason, and chased and slashed the mother and son of the village bully with a knife

The village tyrant nodded again and again, and got up to leave.

"Wait a minute!" I stopped him, "You have to apologize for what you did and follow us to our mother." ”

The village tyrant didn't dare to disobey, so he could only follow us to the house.

Ah Zhen couldn't help but be surprised when she saw us coming back safely, and when she saw the village tyrant following behind.

“妈,村霸有话要对你说。 ”我对阿珍说。

The village tyrant had no choice but to bow his head and admit his mistake: "Sister Zhen, I'm sorry, the things I did before were wrong, I deeply regret it, please forgive me." ”

Ah Zhen was silent for a while before she whispered, "Since you admit your mistake, I don't care." But I hope you can really reform and stop bullying the weak. ”

"I will, Sister Zhen. The village bully agreed.

Li Gang and I exchanged a look of relief. Finally, we made our mother angry and no one would bully us again.

My stepmother was bullied and hugged my father's portrait and cried bitterly, and the second brother asked for the reason, and chased and slashed the mother and son of the village bully with a knife

Seeing off the village tyrant, Li Gang and I hugged Ah Zhen excitedly.

"Mom, look, we're you out!" Li Gang said happily.

"Good boy, I know it's not going to be easy for you. Ah Zhen looked at us with emotion.

"Mom, you don't have to worry about being bullied in the future. I said too.

"Yes, we have taught the village tyrant a lesson, I see who dares to bully us!" Li Gang clenched his fists.

Ah Zhen smiled and touched our heads: "With you here, Mom is no longer afraid." ”

"By the way, Mom, are your injuries okay?" I looked at Jane's arm with concern.

"It's fine, it doesn't hurt anymore. Ah Zhen said.

My stepmother was bullied and hugged my father's portrait and cried bitterly, and the second brother asked for the reason, and chased and slashed the mother and son of the village bully with a knife

"Great. It's really heartbroken to see you hurt. Li Gang said.

"I know, it's Mom's bad that worries you. Ah Zhen said reproachfully.

"Mom, you're not bad, it's that damn village tyrant who is too much!" I squeezed Jane's hand.

"Okay, it's all over. When we are a family, we are the greatest happiness. Ah Zhen smiled.

"Hmm!" Li Gang and I replied in unison.

"Come, let's make a good meal together and celebrate!" Ah Zhen said happily.

"Okay!" We happily followed Ah Zhen into the kitchen.

After dinner, we excitedly discussed today's events.

"Gangzi, you look so handsome when you fight the village tyrant!" I complimented.

My stepmother was bullied and hugged my father's portrait and cried bitterly, and the second brother asked for the reason, and chased and slashed the mother and son of the village bully with a knife

"yes, I almost laughed out loud when I saw the look of horror on his face!" Li Gang said.

"If you hadn't initiated it, we wouldn't have been able to do this. I patted Li Gang on the shoulder.

"I can't do it alone, I still have to rely on everyone's strength. Li Gang said modestly.

"Yes, unity is strength. I said.

"By the way, we also have to thank Mom. Li Gang looked at Ah Zhen.

"Me?" Ah Zhen said in surprise.

"If we hadn't wanted to vent our mother's anger, we wouldn't have had the courage to do it. I said.

"Yes, Mom, today's victory is also yours. Li Gang said.

Ah Zhen was moved to tears: "I am so lucky to have such a good son as you." ”

My stepmother was bullied and hugged my father's portrait and cried bitterly, and the second brother asked for the reason, and chased and slashed the mother and son of the village bully with a knife

"We are also very lucky to have a mother who loves us so much. "I was also moved.

"Alright, that's all for today. Rest early, and I'll have to work tomorrow. Ah Zhen wiped away her tears and said.

"Okay, Mom!" We replied in unison.

That night, we slept soundly. From then on, we became the little heroes of the village, and no one dared to bully us anymore.

"Sons, get up, let's have breakfast. Ah Zhen greeted us with a smile.

"Here comes Mom!" We washed up and sat down at the table.

"I have to work hard today, and tomorrow will be the day of harvest. Jane brought the meal to the table.

"Don't worry, Mom, we'll work hard!" Li Gang patted his chest and promised.

My stepmother was bullied and hugged my father's portrait and cried bitterly, and the second brother asked for the reason, and chased and slashed the mother and son of the village bully with a knife

After eating, we took our tools and went out. On the way, the people in the village saw us with admiration.

"Brother, we're little heroes now!" Li Gang said excitedly.

"Haha, but we still have to work hard. I laughed.

When we got to the field, we immediately got busy. At noon, Ah Zhen specially brought us food.

"Mom, you don't have to make a special trip, we can solve it ourselves at noon. I said.

"I just want to bring food to my sons, you are growing and need to eat well. Ah Zhen said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mom!" We ate happily.

"By the way, the village chief just told me that the news of our lesson to the village bully has spread, and everyone praises us for our bravery. Ah Zhen said.

"Yes? We just did what we were supposed to do. I said modestly.

My stepmother was bullied and hugged my father's portrait and cried bitterly, and the second brother asked for the reason, and chased and slashed the mother and son of the village bully with a knife

"Haha, we'll be big heroes from now on!" Li Gang said happily.

After dinner, we continued to work until dark before returning home. Ah Zhen has prepared a sumptuous dinner.

"Sons for your hard work, let's eat. "Ah Zhen pulled us to sit down.

"Thank you, Mom!" We gobbled it up.

"I heard from the village chief that the news of your lesson to the village tyrant has spread, and everyone praises you for your bravery. Ah Zhen said with a smile.

"We just did what we were supposed to do. I said.

"Yes, we will continue to protect the weak in the village in the future!" Li Gang clenched his fists.

"Good son, mom is proud of you!" Ah Zhen's eyes glistened with tears.

We were also touched to hug Ah Zhen. No matter what the road ahead, we will face all difficulties side by side.

"Mom, are you happy that we have such a good harvest this year?" After the harvest, I asked Ah Zhen.

"I'm very happy! It's all thanks to your hard work. Ah Zhen said with a smile.

"In the future, we will continue to work hard to let my mother live a good life!" Li Gang said.

"Good son, with you here, my mother is already very happy. "Ah Zhen stroked our hair.

Li Gang and I exchanged a look of relief.

My stepmother was bullied and hugged my father's portrait and cried bitterly, and the second brother asked for the reason, and chased and slashed the mother and son of the village bully with a knife

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