
Drink only boiled tap water, don't touch bottled water, don't buy mineral water, what is the final result?

author:Linyi Lingang release

Water is the source of life and essential for good health. In your daily life, choosing which water to drink has a profound impact on your health.

This article will explore the pros and cons of tap water, bottled water, and mineral water to help readers better choose the right way to drink water.

Water is an indispensable part of our daily lives. The human body is about 70% water, which is widely distributed in various organs and tissues, so the health of water is very important for the body.

But in today's market, there are so many types of aquatic products, such as bottled, purified and mineral water, that people have to wonder which water is better to drink.

Editor: Angelica Bai

Drink only boiled tap water, don't touch bottled water, don't buy mineral water, what is the final result?

01Comparison of tap water with other drinking water

Tap water has long been the first choice for daily drinking, however, there have been some doubts about its safety.

Some wellness enthusiasts are concerned that the presence of limescale in tap water can lead to health problems such as stomach stones. But in fact, after the strict filtration and disinfection treatment of the water plant, the quality of the tap water has met the drinking standards, and it is a safe and reliable choice after boiling.

In response to the limescale problem, some voices believe that the substance left on the bottom of the pot after the tap water is boiled may be a harmful substance.

However, the scale at the bottom of the pot is mainly composed of trace elements such as magnesium and calcium, which has little effect on the body. At the same time, boiling kills bacteria in the water, ensuring that the water is safe, so it does not cause significant effects on the body.

Drink only boiled tap water, don't touch bottled water, don't buy mineral water, what is the final result?

When comparing tap water with bottled water and mineral water, price is often a big consideration.

Bottled water and mineral water are more expensive, which is why some people think that the more expensive ones are of better quality. But in reality, bottled water is safe to drink under strict production control.

However, incomplete cleaning of household drinking fountains may cause secondary pollution and affect water quality. In contrast, bottled water is affordable and portable, but there are still personal needs and financial circumstances to consider when choosing.

Overall, whether it's tap water, bottled water, or mineral water, there are pros and cons. When choosing a way to drink water, you should make an informed choice based on your personal preferences, financial ability and actual needs.

Drink only boiled tap water, don't touch bottled water, don't buy mineral water, what is the final result?

02 Suitable people for drinking water

In winter health, the choice of drinking water needs to consider the appropriate population.

According to the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine health preservation, individual differences and physical characteristics are considered in the way of drinking water. Different sources of water may have different effects on different people, so it is important to consider individual differences in body constitution when choosing a way to drink water.

For example, people who are Xi to drinking tap water may have adapted to the quality of the water and changing the way they drink may cause discomfort to their digestive system, while people who are Xi to drinking bottled or mineral water may not be comfortable with the taste or texture of tap water.

Considering individual differences and adaptability, it is more beneficial for the body to choose the right way to drink water.

Drink only boiled tap water, don't touch bottled water, don't buy mineral water, what is the final result?

03 TCM health advice

TCM focuses on the effects of drinking water and Xi on the body. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, drinking water has its regularity and exquisiteness:

First of all, the control of the temperature of the drinking water is crucial. Water that is too hot or too cold can affect human health and reduce the nutritional value of food. Choosing water at the right temperature is better for your body.

Secondly, the control of water intake is also key. Drinking too much water for a long time or drinking a lot of water in a short period of time can lead to problems in your body. Therefore, healthy adults should ensure that they drink 1500~2500 ml of water every day.

Drink only boiled tap water, don't touch bottled water, don't buy mineral water, what is the final result?

Finally, drinking water Xi is also a key point of emphasis in Chinese medicine. Drinking water in small amounts, often, and not too quickly is better for your body. Staying out of water for a long time or drinking too much water can cause adverse effects on the body.

Therefore, maintaining the Xi of drinking water in moderation, at the right time and at the right temperature is beneficial to the body.

In daily life, the way you drink water has a non-negligible impact on your health. Individual differences and physical characteristics determine each person's adaptability to the way they drink water.

Drink only boiled tap water, don't touch bottled water, don't buy mineral water, what is the final result?

Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the importance of drinking water in moderation, at the right time and at the right temperature Xi habits to the body.

Do you have your own specific drinking Xi? Do you follow a specific drinking method?

Welcome to leave a message to share your drinking experience, let's discuss how to maintain a healthy drinking Xi and promote good health!

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