
Gao Xiumin: I have been with my married husband for 14 years, and after his death, the man returned to his original partner

author:Zhichun Literary Pavilion

Gao Xiumin's childhood and youth

In the winter of 1959, in Siman Township, Fuyu County, Songyuan City, Jilin Province, a little girl named Gao Xiumin fell to the ground, the youngest of the eight children in the family, she was the eldest of this poor rural family.

Gao Xiumin grew up in a lack of food and clothing, but her cheerful personality and strong curiosity made her childhood not monotonous.

Gao Xiumin: I have been with my married husband for 14 years, and after his death, the man returned to his original partner

Gao Xiumin has had a strong interest in singing and dancing performances since she was a child, and often imitates the performances of artists on TV, making the neighborhood children laugh.

In 1974, 15-year-old Gao Xiumin graduated from junior high school and wanted to go on to higher education, but family constraints made it difficult for her to realize her dream of high school. Gao Xiumin, who understood that she needed to be self-reliant to pursue her dreams, was not discouraged, and after giving up her studies, she took the initiative to join a local folk art troupe and began to learn Xi two-person performance.

Although the life of the art troupe is hard, Gao Xiumin loves the stage, studies hard, and soon shows extraordinary talent in the two-person performance.

In 1978, Gao Xiumin failed to apply for the regular art troupe, which was a blow to her ambitious. But Gao Xiumin did not give up, temporarily changed direction and entered a local oil refinery to work as an actor.

Gao Xiumin: I have been with my married husband for 14 years, and after his death, the man returned to his original partner

Although the stage for performances in the factory is small, Gao Xiumin faces it with a positive and enterprising attitude, and regards every performance as an opportunity to exercise himself. She was not discouraged, but worked harder to practice dance, voice, and performance, looking forward to one day being able to step onto a bigger stage.

In 1982, at the age of 23, Gao Xiumin finally passed the selection of the Buyeo Civic Art Troupe, and her career began. Gao Xiumin devoted herself to the work of the art troupe with passion, and soon became the pillar of the duo's repertoire.

Gao Xiumin in the 80s gradually emerged on the stage of the two, and won the reputation of "Little Guo Lanying", and the future is promising.

Gao Xiumin's acting career and achievements

In the 80s, Gao Xiumin gradually grew into a two-person star on the stage in the Buyeo Civic Art Troupe, and her vivid and realistic performance won the love of the audience and was known as "Little Guo Lanying".

Gao Xiumin: I have been with my married husband for 14 years, and after his death, the man returned to his original partner

In 1986, 27-year-old Gao Xiumin was recognized by the national second-class actor profession and became one of the youngest local national actors.

In the early 90s, Gao Xiumin decided to switch from a duo to cross-border development of sketch performances. In 1992, she resigned from the art troupe and went south to Shenzhen with the work "Burden" created by screenwriter He Qingkui to participate in the National Sketch Competition.

Gao Xiumin's outstanding acting skills and He Qingkui's excellent creation cooperated, and "Burden" won the gold medal in one fell swoop. This opened the door to a bigger stage for Gao Xiumin.

In 1994, Gao Xiumin realized her dream of performing on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, and the sketch "Password" she carefully prepared made its debut at the Spring Festival Gala and received an enthusiastic response.

Gao Xiumin: I have been with my married husband for 14 years, and after his death, the man returned to his original partner

Since then, she has made a name for herself in front of a national audience. In 1997, Gao Xiumin and Zhao Benshan collaborated for the first time in the Spring Festival Gala sketch "Willows and Flowers", and the two cooperated tacitly and succeeded.

Since then, they have continued to cooperate and presented wonderful sketches on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, among which many works such as "Selling Abduction" and "Heart Disease" have become classics of Chinese comedy art.

In the new century, Gao Xiumin has become one of the pillars and founders of China's sketch industry. In collaboration with Zhao Benshan, He Qingkui, etc., she has pushed Chinese sketch art to a new peak.

Although she mostly appears in supporting roles, Gao Xiumin's acting skills enrich Zhao Benshan as the leading actor, she has a deep foundation, full of joy, and is deeply loved by the public.

Gao Xiumin: I have been with my married husband for 14 years, and after his death, the man returned to his original partner

In 2004, after Gao Xiumin and Zhao Benshan remade the sketch "Water Delivery", their cooperation came to an end, but Gao Xiumin's wonderful footprints on the Chinese comedy stage are unparalleled.

Gao Xiumin's emotional experience

The 90s of the 20th century was an eventful time in Gao Xiumin's life. In 1992, she divorced her first husband Li Yunqi and ended this marriage without a foundation.

Gao Xiumin chose to raise their daughter Li Xuan alone, and began a long road of single parents.

At the same time, Gao Xiumin and screenwriter He Qingkui, who have worked together for many years, gradually developed from work partners to bosom friends, and then became lovers. A spiritual love that transcends ordinary feelings arises between the two.

Gao Xiumin: I have been with my married husband for 14 years, and after his death, the man returned to his original partner

This is beautiful, but He Qingkui already has a wife, and Gao Xiumin has become his third party.

He Qingkui's wife Zhang Yanru knew about the matter, but she did not blame He Qingkui, nor did she object to him falling in love with Gao Xiumin, but acquiesced to the existence of this relationship.

With Zhang Yanru's tolerance, Gao Xiumin and her married husband He Qingkui maintained a bizarre relationship for 14 years.

Gao Xiumin's daughter Li Xuan also accepted her mother's special relationship. She didn't see anything wrong with her mother. In Li Xuan's view, spiritual love should not be constrained by secular judgments, as long as her mother is happy, she will be blessed.

Gao Xiumin: I have been with my married husband for 14 years, and after his death, the man returned to his original partner

This kind of forward-thinking and open-minded thinking is also impressive.

Over the years, Gao Xiumin and He Qingkui have maintained a confusing relationship, and this tortuous experience has made a major close-up of Gao Xiumin's dramatic life. It heralds the coming low point of her theatrical life.

Gao Xiumin's sudden death

In 2005, 46-year-old Gao Xiumin was in the double harvest period of career and life. She is planning the start of a new play, full of enthusiasm and anticipation for the future. There are unforeseen circumstances, Gao Xiumin had a heart attack during work and died in a hurry.

This sudden bad news shocked and deplored both inside and outside the circle.

Gao Xiumin: I have been with my married husband for 14 years, and after his death, the man returned to his original partner

Zhao Benshan rushed to Gao Xiumin's funeral scene when he heard the news, and looked at the cold face of his close old partner, and burst into tears. He regretted that he and Gao Xiumin had broken up unhappily over trivial matters and missed the opportunity to reunite.

"Sister, brother is late!" Zhao Benshan cried out heartbreakingly, infinitely sad for the irreparable regret.

Gao Xiumin's daughter Li Xuan also came to her mother's funeral. Faced with her mother's cold body, she endured her grief and did not shed a single tear. It's not that she's cold and ruthless, it's that she's too sad to express the pain in her heart with tears.

He Qingkui's wife, Zhang Yanru, also appeared at the funeral, but did not show happiness or relaxation. She asked her son to wear linen and filial piety for Gao Xiumin, and set up a mourning hall for Gao Xiumin at home.

Gao Xiumin: I have been with my married husband for 14 years, and after his death, the man returned to his original partner

Zhang Yanru forgave Gao Xiumin tolerantly and accepted this past with a broad heart. Gao Xiumin's sudden death caught family and friends off guard. A passionate soul who left abruptly at the peak of his career and life, leaving a vacancy that no one can fill to this day.

She used her short life to create countless immortal and wonderful works, and warmed and enriched the lives of ordinary people with her sincere acting skills. The deceased is gone, but the name lives on.

Gao Xiumin deserves to be remembered.

After Gao Xiumin's family

Gao Xiumin's sudden death had a particularly profound impact on her family. daughter Li Xuan could have inherited her mother's order and continued her acting career, but perhaps because the blow was too great, Li Xuan's acting career was not smooth.

Gao Xiumin: I have been with my married husband for 14 years, and after his death, the man returned to his original partner

She has not been able to appear in any real film and television works, and her life has been decadent and lost for many years, and it is rumored that the legacy left by Gao Xiumin has been ruined.

's old partner Zhao Benshan also gradually faded out of the entertainment industry after Gao Xiumin's death. He has fulfilled the agreement of the Spring Festival Gala for many years, but time has changed, the new generation of sketch actors has risen, and Zhao Benshan is gradually looking old.

He began to live a low-key retirement, but often publicly reminisced about his past time with Ko so-min.

Screenwriter He Qingkui was the fastest to get out of grief after Gao Xiumin's death. As a professional screenwriter, he can no longer find a partner who can completely replace Gao Xiumin, but he still continues to be active in the entertainment industry.

Gao Xiumin: I have been with my married husband for 14 years, and after his death, the man returned to his original partner

He Qingkui has always kept his promise and did not divorce his wife Zhang Yanru, and the two maintained their lives in their later years.

Everyone remembers Gao Xiumin in a different way, but everyone can't forget her promotion and contribution to the art of Chinese comedy. She used her life to compose a moving symphony of life, and everyone who witnessed her was a listener to this symphony.

Gao Xiumin's spirit is always worthy of admiration and memory.

Gao Xiumin's artistic achievements and influence

Gao Xiumin is the pioneer and founder of Chinese sketch performing arts, and she has collaborated with Zhao Benshan and He Qingkui to push Chinese sketch art to new heights. His works such as "Selling Abduction" and "Heart Disease" have become classic representatives of the Chinese comedy stage.

Gao Xiumin: I have been with my married husband for 14 years, and after his death, the man returned to his original partner

Gao Xiumin's acting skills are rich in connotation, and she is able to switch between different language tones and depict various vivid characters.

Gao Xiumin is good at discovering the comedy points in life, and many of her performances are inspired by the experiences of ordinary people around her. Then, through exaggeration, reversal, association and other performance techniques, life events are turned into comedy jokes.

Gao Xiumin's laughter is close to the people and blends with the lives and emotions of ordinary people. This is also the key to her being loved by the audience, although Gao Xiumin mostly appears as a supporting role, her rich connotation often completes the starring Zhao Benshan, making the whole show full of joy. It can be said that without the support of artists like Gao Xiumin, it would be difficult for China's sketch attainments to achieve today's achievements.

Gao Xiumin not only promotes the development of sketch art, but also makes the lives of ordinary people more joyful and thinking.

Gao Xiumin: I have been with my married husband for 14 years, and after his death, the man returned to his original partner

Gao Xiumin has spent her life closely connected with art. Even when fame and fortune came, she did not diminish her passion for art. She continues to learn Xi and practice her acting skills, and devotes all her energy to creation.

Even for the life of the character, a large number of various accent materials were collected. It is this dedication that has made her outstanding artistic attainments.

Time has passed, and Gao Xiumin has been dead for many years, but her classic works are still being replayed, and they still make the audience laugh. Every time the Spring Festival Gala comes, everyone will always miss the joy brought by her performance.

Gao Xiumin used his artistic life to enrich and change the lives of ordinary people. This influence transcends time and life and death. Just like Gao Xiumin's life theme, she dedicates herself to art and will always live in her art.

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