
When inspecting the new house, if there is no such device on the water pipe, don't worry about signing, many people don't understand

author:Then and then

The family has a new house, and there is a lot of joy, but this joy may be overshadowed by a small oversight. Today, I, a friend from the media, want to talk to you about this easily overlooked but extremely important detail - the fire arrest circle. Many people may not have heard of it, but it plays a non-negligible role in our home security. The fire barrier ring may seem a little unfamiliar to hear the name, but its role is by no means simple, especially when the fire is sudden, and the importance of this small device can be said to be life and death. A fire ring is a safety device designed to prevent the spread of fire. Its outer shell is made of sturdy metal and the interior is filled with a flame-retardant core that expands rapidly.

When inspecting the new house, if there is no such device on the water pipe, don't worry about signing, many people don't understand

Here, I want to tell you a little bit about its working principle: once a fire occurs, the high temperature makes the core material expand rapidly, so that the hole of the sewer pipe can be blocked in a short time, effectively preventing the fire from spreading to other areas along the opening. In modern homes, many sewer pipes are made of PVC, and in the event of a fire, these plastic pipes can easily become "accomplices" to fuel the fire. Sewer pipes without fire rings will quickly burn through the flames, forming a black chimney-like shape, and the fire will spread from here to other rooms and even floors. This means that the destructive power of a fire will be multiplied by these "combustion pipes". However, in reality, many developers often ignore the installation of fire arresters in order to save costs during the construction process.

When inspecting the new house, if there is no such device on the water pipe, don't worry about signing, many people don't understand

Or worse, some developers have installed fire arresters, but they are not properly installed and the devices are not working as they should. Such a fire barrier seems to be intact on the outside, but in fact it is a virtual reality, and once a fire really breaks out, the consequences are unimaginable. The state also has clear regulations on this, especially for buildings with more than seven floors, it is mandatory to install fire arrest devices, which is for the safety of each family, but also for the consideration of the occupants of the entire building. So, here, I would like to remind all of you who have just received the keys to your new home that you must not ignore this detail during the home inspection. Home inspection is not only to check the dampness of the wall and the flatness of the floor, but also to carefully inspect the hidden parts that are related to life safety. Remember to ask the developer, do you have a fire arrester installed in your property, and if not, or if the installation is not compliant, do not rush to sign it.

When inspecting the new house, if there is no such device on the water pipe, don't worry about signing, many people don't understand

Be sure to insist on finding the developer and asking it to rectify it in accordance with the norms. Because once signed, all undiscovered problems will be borne by yourself, and then it is not only a financial loss, but also a matter of life safety for your family. Finally, I would like to say that family safety should not be underestimated, and that you should not take chances that disaster will not befall you. Attaching a fire ring may be the key to buying you and your family precious escape time in a dangerous time in the future. I would also like to remind you that the presence of a fire barrier does not mean that your home is completely safe, it is just one of many security measures. For the safety of the home, we need to start from many aspects, such as installing smoke alarms, keeping escape routes clear, learning Xi basic fire protection knowledge, and so on.

When inspecting the new house, if there is no such device on the water pipe, don't worry about signing, many people don't understand

Finally, as a self-media creator, I will continue to pay attention to home safety and share practical decoration knowledge, hoping to help more people. If you are interested in these contents, or have other questions about home safety and decoration, please leave a message in the comment area, and I will try my best to answer your questions. Don't forget to collect and follow, let's create a safe and warm home together!

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