
说唱歌手艾福杰尼晒照官宣结婚,搂美女老婆搞怪露甜笑:我通过验证了!She said YES!

author:Nine News

On December 21, rapper Ai Fujani took photos to officially announce his marriage.

说唱歌手艾福杰尼晒照官宣结婚,搂美女老婆搞怪露甜笑:我通过验证了!She said YES!

艾福杰尼晒出多张结婚照写道:“我通过验证了!She said YES!”

说唱歌手艾福杰尼晒照官宣结婚,搂美女老婆搞怪露甜笑:我通过验证了!She said YES!

随后,女方也晒照回应:“I said YES!最好的他。 ”

说唱歌手艾福杰尼晒照官宣结婚,搂美女老婆搞怪露甜笑:我通过验证了!She said YES!
说唱歌手艾福杰尼晒照官宣结婚,搂美女老婆搞怪露甜笑:我通过验证了!She said YES!
说唱歌手艾福杰尼晒照官宣结婚,搂美女老婆搞怪露甜笑:我通过验证了!She said YES!
说唱歌手艾福杰尼晒照官宣结婚,搂美女老婆搞怪露甜笑:我通过验证了!She said YES!

In the wedding photos posted, the woman Xu Yiyan has long hair and fluttering appearance, and she is holding Ai Fujini with a sweet smile on her face.

According to public information, Ai Fujieni's real name is Chen Jiashen, born on March 26, 1992 in Korla, Xinjiang, a male rapper and music producer in Chinese mainland.

说唱歌手艾福杰尼晒照官宣结婚,搂美女老婆搞怪露甜笑:我通过验证了!She said YES!

On October 31, 2023, Ai Fujani announced his relationship, and on December 21, he officially announced his marriage.

[Source: Jiupai News Comprehensive Party Account]

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