
Can afford tens of thousands of bags, but can't afford to drink two yuan of mineral water?

author:A scout meow
Can afford tens of thousands of bags, but can't afford to drink two yuan of mineral water?

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Text丨Meow Meow sauce

Edit丨A scout meow

As we all know, Chinese soldiers have always been synonymous with stability and reliability in the hearts of the Chinese, and in the hearts of the general public, the status of soldiers is very noble.

Every year, there are many young guys and young girls vying to enlist in the army.

However, a few days ago, someone on the bustling streets of Shanghai openly insulted the sentries standing guard.

Can afford tens of thousands of bags, but can't afford to drink two yuan of mineral water?

The soldier dedicates himself to the country and protects the lives of all people, and this lady even mocked the sentry on duty for "making good money", and her words were full of disrespect for the soldier.

Not to mention that it is appropriate for soldiers to shed their blood for the country and enjoy high welfare benefits, soldiers are on duty here to protect the safety of thousands of ordinary people like her, what qualifications does she have to blame others?

Can afford tens of thousands of bags, but can't afford to drink two yuan of mineral water?

Insulting sentries in the street

On December 17, on one of Shanghai's busiest streets, a young woman who looked to be in her 20s, dressed very fashionably, with a double ponytail and a luxury bag in her hand, stood in front of the sentry standing guard and yelled at the sentry.

It is one of the busiest streets in Shanghai, and there are a lot of people coming and going, many of whom come to see the excitement, and many of them have good deeds to take pictures of this scene.

The woman first complained that the prices in Shanghai were too high, saying that the mineral water in Shanghai was too expensive, and that it was one yuan in other places, but four or five yuan in Shanghai.

It's really strange to say, Shanghai has high prices, which young people don't know now?

Besides, what does the high price of mineral water have to do with the soldiers? If you can't accept it yourself, you can't buy it, and you can't scold the sentry standing guard.

As we all know, the military discipline of Chinese soldiers is very strict, so even if the woman yelled at the sentry, the sentry ignored her, but continued to stand guard on duty.

Seeing that her catharsis was not answered, the lady scolded even more.

She said that everything in Shanghai was sold 200 times more.

There were more and more people coming to watch, and the crowd was too crowded, which could easily cause an accident, so the sentry had to tell the woman that she was on duty and asked her to leave as soon as possible and not to disturb her normal duty.

Surprisingly, after hearing what the sentry said, the woman not only did not leave, but became even more emotional, and her attitude was very bad.

Perhaps it is because they know that the sentinels need to stand guard, and the soldiers have the requirement of loving the people like children, so they can't do it lightly to the people. So she shouted directly at the sentry, "Are you allowed to speak, shut up", her tone was full of superiority and domineering.

Can afford tens of thousands of bags, but can't afford to drink two yuan of mineral water?

Soldiers defend the people, not to mention that they should be respected more, but like this, relying on themselves to be ordinary people, the soldiers can't do anything to you, and it is absolutely undesirable to vent the dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction in their lives on the soldiers.

This kind of thing is so rare in China that we don't have time to feed soldiers when we see them, and basically no one will take their brains to accuse them.

Can afford tens of thousands of bags, but can't afford to drink two yuan of mineral water?

It is precisely because this kind of thing is so rare that more and more people are coming around.

Seeing the woman pointing at the sentry's nose and scolding, more and more people picked up their mobile phones and filmed this scene, pointing at the woman with the people next to them while filming.

Maybe she finally knew how to make a face, or maybe she felt bored, the woman finally gave up and turned away.

Can afford tens of thousands of bags, but can't afford to drink two yuan of mineral water?

After walking not far, perhaps feeling that it was not enough to relieve her anger, she turned back to provoke the sentinel and let the sentry make good money.

Could it be a traitor?

Looking back on the whole thing, the logic of this woman's behavior is really incredible.

According to normal people's thinking, they can't figure out the reason for her actions at all.

Can afford tens of thousands of bags, but can't afford to drink two yuan of mineral water?

When she scolded people, she said that the prices in Shanghai are too high, but the prices in Shanghai are high, and she should complain to the relevant departments or vent on social media.

If she really feels that she can't afford the high prices in Shanghai, it would be good to leave.

China has 9.6 million square kilometers, and some of them are small cities with good quality and low prices.

Secondly, almost all Chinese citizens know how lofty the image of a soldier is in the hearts of ordinary people, not to mention whether she will be pointed at and scolded by others if she does this.

Can afford tens of thousands of bags, but can't afford to drink two yuan of mineral water?

She also seems to have read books seriously, don't you know that insulting soldiers is an illegal act?

This kind of thing has almost never happened in China, which is too rare, so it quickly set off onlookers from netizens.

Netizens noticed that the brand in her hand was Tiffany's bag, Tiffany is a foreign luxury brand, and the price of its bags is generally in the upper five figures.

Since she can afford a five-figure bag, why should she complain about the two yuan a bottle of mineral water in Shanghai, which is very inexplicable.

Can afford tens of thousands of bags, but can't afford to drink two yuan of mineral water?

Some onlookers conspiracy theorized that maybe this woman was the 5 million who walked, and was hired by foreign forces to deliberately provoke sentinels.

Once the sentinels came forward to sanction her or drive her away, the photographers they arranged to hide in the shadows took the opportunity to film this process and upload it to foreign websites, so as to smear the image of Chinese soldiers, and even China's image in the world.

It may sound exaggerated, but the logic of this woman's behavior is so strange that it may be possible.

Can afford tens of thousands of bags, but can't afford to drink two yuan of mineral water?

But in the end, this is just the speculation of netizens, and there is no tangible evidence to prove that the woman is a traitor and is deliberately provoking the sentinel.

In any case, it is illegal for her to provoke the sentinels in this way, and she must be punished in accordance with the law. It is good for us Chinese soldiers to protect the safety of the people, but we must not suffer this injustice in vain.

Can afford tens of thousands of bags, but can't afford to drink two yuan of mineral water?

There was a big fuss, and the military responded

In all the comment sections of the news about this incident, almost everyone unanimously demanded that the Shanghai police deal with it seriously and quickly. The woman must grasp this model and set an example for her.

It also takes time for the police to investigate. The results of the Shanghai police investigation have not yet been released.

But before the official results of the police investigation were announced, CCTV Military released a video response to the incident.

The response was simple, with only eight words: "Sentinels are sacrosanct."

Can afford tens of thousands of bags, but can't afford to drink two yuan of mineral water?

The content of the response was very simple, but it was also very forceful and clear, that is, the sanctity of military personnel was inviolable! The Shanghai police must seriously deal with this matter.

I hope that the Shanghai police will announce the results of the investigation as soon as possible and give this woman a severe punishment, and she doesn't want to provoke the sentinels? Then let her pay the corresponding price for what she has done.

Can afford tens of thousands of bags, but can't afford to drink two yuan of mineral water?

The soldiers protect our safety, and we can't chill the hearts of the soldiers, this kind of thing must not happen again!

Here, too, we advise this young girl with a double ponytail to prove that no matter what your purpose is to openly provoke the sentry on the street, do not be too complacent, do not take any chances, you will definitely pay the corresponding price for what you have done!

Can afford tens of thousands of bags, but can't afford to drink two yuan of mineral water?

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