
When will the "pseudoscience" end?

author:Funny Peacock FTZ

In the cold winter, the large wheat fields in the north of the mainland are covered with snow, like a silver velvet blanket, beautiful and quiet. However, for farmers, behind this beautiful snowy scene, there are endless troubles. This is because if the snow is too thick, it can threaten the winter wheat in the wheat fields, causing them to freeze and affect the next year's harvest.

So, after a heavy snowfall, farmers have to pick up their tools and go up to the wheat fields to remove the excess snow layer to protect the wheat from frost damage. But does this approach really work? Or is it just another "pseudoscience"?

When will the "pseudoscience" end?

In fact, removing snow from wheat fields does protect wheat from frost damage to a certain extent. However, this is not absolute. Because, in the process of snow removal, it is easy to damage the root system of wheat and affect the normal growth of wheat. Moreover, if the snow is not removed in time, the water after the snow layer melts cannot be discharged in time, which will lead to root rot of the wheat, causing greater losses.

So, is there a better way to protect the wheat? Yes, it's to build greenhouses for the wheat fields. The greenhouse can not only effectively prevent snow damage, but also ensure the normal growth of wheat and improve the yield. However, the cost of building greenhouses is high, and not all farmers can afford it.

When will the "pseudoscience" end?

As a result, we see farmers working hard to remove snow in the hope of protecting their wheat, while others are investing in greenhouses, which are costly but effective. And this also makes people start to reflect: have we fallen into the misunderstanding of "pseudoscience"?

In fact, agriculture is a science, and we need to treat it with a scientific attitude. Removing snow from wheat fields and building greenhouses all have their scientific basis, but they are not the only options. Farmers should choose the most suitable method according to the actual situation, rather than blindly following the so-called "science".

When will the "pseudoscience" end?

In this process, we need more agricultural scientists and technicians to go deep into the countryside to provide professional guidance and services to farmers. At the same time, we also need farmers to improve their scientific literacy and learn to distinguish between true and false science, so as not to fall into the misunderstanding of "pseudoscience".

Let us work together to make agriculture truly scientific and modern, so that farmers can get their due returns. Only in this way can we truly achieve sustainable agricultural development, ensure the country's food security, and enable farmers to live a happy and contented life.

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