
The winter solstice does not make up for the spring to suffer, the winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, and eat more when the weather is cold

author:Funny Peacock FTZ

The winter solstice, which is the longest night and shortest day of the year, is also the traditional "winter supplement" season in the mainland. In the countryside, there is a saying: "If you don't make up for the winter solstice, you will suffer in spring." This means that if you don't replenish your body during the winter solstice, in the spring, your body will suffer due to lack of physical strength. Therefore, the tonic during the winter solstice is very important. And "Winter Five Treasures" is our best tonic during the winter solstice.

The winter solstice does not make up for the spring to suffer, the winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, and eat more when the weather is cold

The so-called "Winter Five Treasures" refers to the five precious ingredients in winter, which are: mutton, chicken, duck, pigeon and turtle. These five ingredients have a great tonic effect and can help us fight off the cold winter.

For people with cold hands and feet and pale faces, eating more mutton can help them warm up their bodies. Chicken and duck are mild in nature, rich in protein and trace elements, which can help us to strengthen our physical strength and improve immunity. Pigeon meat and turtle meat are good ingredients for nourishing yin and kidneys, and are suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.

The winter solstice does not make up for the spring to suffer, the winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, and eat more when the weather is cold

In addition to "Winter Five Treasures", there are many other supplements in winter, such as red dates, walnuts, black sesame seeds, etc., which are good choices for winter tonic. During the winter solstice, we can choose supplements that suit us according to our physical condition and taste, and do a good job of supplementing our bodies.

In addition, the winter is cold, and our body needs more heat to resist the cold, so we are taking supplements at the same time

The winter solstice does not make up for the spring to suffer, the winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, and eat more when the weather is cold

It is also necessary to pay attention to increasing exercise, improving the body's metabolic rate, helping the body better absorb nutrients, and improving the body's resistance.

"If you don't make up for the winter solstice, you will suffer in spring." In this cold winter solstice season, let's think about the health of ourselves and our families, eat more "Winter Five Treasures", do a good job of replenishing our bodies, and prepare for the cold winter. Let's spend a healthy, warm winter together.

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