
The essence of high blood pressure is the blockage of blood vessels, and unblocking blood vessels is the key

author:Professor Xie Youliang of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine


Hypertension is one of the most common diseases in China, with nearly 2 out of every 10 people suffering from hypertension, which is a terrifying ratio.

Moreover, when high blood pressure develops to the later stage, it is very easy to form serious diseases such as stroke and heart failure.

How does high blood pressure form?

Western medicine has been studying for many years, and finally the disease has been studied clearly from the micro level.

The essence of high blood pressure is the blockage of blood vessels, and unblocking blood vessels is the key

It is now known that there are tiny, translucent proteins (plasma proteins) in the blood.

These proteins will gradually be deposited on the inner wall of the blood vessels, gradually blocking the blood vessels, causing the lumen to narrow, which is called "vitreous change" in Western medicine (proteins are translucent, so they are called vitreous).

It's like the pipes that heat the heat, and as they fall into disrepair, they can be clogged with rust and mineral residue deposited on their walls.

When blood vessels are narrowed and blocked, blood flow becomes difficult.

In order to pump blood to all organs of the body, the heart can only continuously increase pressure, which forms high blood pressure.

Since the fundamental principle of hypertension is "vascular stenosis", the most fundamental solution is to eliminate these narrowings and restore the blood vessels to patency, which is the root cause of the treatment.

The essence of high blood pressure is the blockage of blood vessels, and unblocking blood vessels is the key

However, the current antihypertensive drugs of Western medicine are not like this at all-

For example, nifedipine (calcium ion blocker) commonly used by everyone, this drug dilates blood vessels, blood vessels dilate, the lumen is larger, blood flow is smooth, and blood pressure is lowered, but it does not eliminate plaque, so as soon as the effect of the drug passes, the blood vessels retract and blood pressure immediately increases.

Another example is thiazides and spironolactone, these drugs are diuretic, which can drain the water in the blood vessels, and there is not so much water in the blood vessels, and the pressure can naturally be reduced, but with the loss of the drug effect, the water in the stomach will enter the blood vessels, causing blood pressure to rise.

There is also metoprolol, which can reduce the heart rate, the slower the heartbeat, the less blood output, and the blood pressure can also be lowered, but once the effect of the drug passes, the heart will return to its original frequency, and the blood pressure will rise immediately.

It can be seen that although the above drugs can lower blood pressure, they do not solve the fundamental problems of protein deposition and lumen blockage. Once the effect of the drug has passed, the blood pressure will rise again. These palliative treatments, even if they are eaten for a hundred years, how can they be fundamentally treated?

The essence of high blood pressure is the blockage of blood vessels, and unblocking blood vessels is the key

Some people ask, why doesn't Western medicine invent drugs to cure the root cause? This question should be left to the pharmaceutical companies to answer, perhaps it is a technical problem, or it may be a matter of interests, after all, no one wants to make a hammer deal about things that can make money for a long time, and pharmaceutical companies are not philanthropists.

So, is there a cure for the root cause of Chinese medicine?

Of course, now, doctors in many places can use pure Chinese medicine to lower blood pressure, take Chinese medicine for 2 months in a row, slowly reduce the dosage of Western medicine in the process, and finally achieve the purpose of controlling blood pressure without Western medicine, which is called curing the disease.

If you believe in traditional Chinese medicine, you can try the following recipe.

This recipe is to achieve the purpose of lowering blood pressure by "dissolving phlegm and removing stasis, dredging blood vessels", and it can be used if there are many vascular plaques, serious blockages, white and greasy tongue coating, and purple tongue:

Fa Banxia, Atractylodes macrocephalus, Gastrodia, Poria cocos, tangerine peel, Salvia, Chuanxiong, Dilong, leech powder (chongfu), tulip, calamus, Yuanzhi.

Take a decoction with water, one dose per day, and insist on taking it for 2 months.

The essence of high blood pressure is the blockage of blood vessels, and unblocking blood vessels is the key

This recipe is based on the "Banxia Baizhu Tianma Soup" in "Medical Understanding" and the "Xuefu Zhuyu Soup" in Wang Qingren's "Medical Forest Correction", which can dissolve phlegm, remove stasis, and dredge blood vessels.

As mentioned earlier, the blood vessels of hypertensive patients are blocked, and these things that block blood vessels are called "plasma proteins" in Western medicine, and "turbidity" in Chinese medicine.

The phlegm and blood stasis in the blood vessels are dissolved, the plaque in the blood vessels is gone, the blood vessels are unblocked, and the blood pressure is naturally lowered.

Who is responsible for dissolving phlegm? It is the four herbs of Banxia, tangerine peel, Poria cocos, and atractylodes.

Banxia is a warm and dry medicine, which has a strong dryness, and dryness can dissolve phlegm and dry out phlegm. "Invention of Materia Medica" said that Banxia is an important medicine for phlegm, and it is very effective in treating phlegm.

Tangerine peel, that is, orange peel, is also a warm and dry product, which can dry and moisten phlegm. "Materia Medica" says that it can dry dampness and regulate qi, and also cure phlegm.

Poria cocos and atractylodes are spleen-invigorating. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that once the spleen is weakened, the dampness cannot be metabolized, and when it gathers, it will form phlegm, and the phlegm will flow into the blood vessels, which will form phlegm turbidity, resulting in blood vessel blockage.

Therefore, Poria cocos and Atractylodes can eliminate the source of phlegm by strengthening the spleen.

The essence of high blood pressure is the blockage of blood vessels, and unblocking blood vessels is the key

The above 4 herbs are to dissolve phlegm turbidity in blood vessels, and the next drugs are to promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, which is also a pathological product that leads to vascular blockage.

Salvia miltiorrhiza is to invigorate blood and remove blood stasis, this flavor medicine is very good for blood circulation and blood stasis, and "Materia Medica" praises it as "the first medicine for regulating blood".

Especially for the treatment of blood stasis, you can use it boldly with confidence, it is very mild, will not harm people, and now there is salvia tea, which can be drunk daily, which is very helpful for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Chuanxiong is also a wonderful medicine for invigorating blood, the ancients said that Chuanxiong is a medicine, which can go up to the leader, down the sea of blood, beside the limbs, through the veins, and also said that it is "blood medicine", that is, it can not only invigorate the blood, but also can carry out qi. When the qi and blood are activated, the blood stasis will be washed away.

Earth dragons are dried earthworms.

The essence of high blood pressure is the blockage of blood vessels, and unblocking blood vessels is the key

Earthworms grow in the ground, they are good at drilling soil, drilling around in the ground, they have a good dredging effect, and if they are put in the meridians, they can also drill through the meridians. Whether this statement is accurate or not, it sounds a bit taken for granted.

In fact, this statement is by no means taken for granted, studies have found that there is a substance in the body of the earth dragon, which has a significant anticoagulant effect, and it can prevent blood coagulation through anticoagulation, which is not to promote blood circulation and eliminate stasis.

As early as the Qing Dynasty, Wang Qingren's "Medical Forest Correction Error" in the five soups of replenishing yang and returning to the five soups had a earth dragon, which was used to treat stroke, which was to eliminate blood clots in the brain by promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, dredging meridians, and then eliminating blood clots in the brain.

Moreover, pharmacological experiments have also proved that Dilong also has a long-lasting antihypertensive effect, which is also suitable for patients with hypertension.

After talking about the earth dragon, let's talk about leeches.

Leech, that is, leech, is also an animal medicine, and it is often used in the most fierce stasis prescription in "Treatise on Typhoid Fever". We all know that leeches are the best at sucking blood, bloodthirsty as life, it enters the human body, and can also help people deal with blood stasis and suck off blood clots.

The essence of high blood pressure is the blockage of blood vessels, and unblocking blood vessels is the key

Is this statement accurate? It is still very accurate. Modern pharmacological studies have found that there is a kind of hirudin in the body of leeches, and the anticoagulant effect of hirudin is very obvious, which can effectively prevent intravascular thrombosis, and even some strokes and cerebral embolisms can be dissolved with it.

The above is the recipe for dissolving phlegm, removing stasis, and dredging blood vessels, which can fundamentally eliminate vascular plaque, and then lower blood pressure.

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