
Silent farewell? Ding Yan Yuhang had already waved his hand, Sui Ran was silent this time, but Gong Xiaobin was very indignant

author:Lao Yang said sports

Saying goodbye silently is the kind of parting in the depths of the soul. Describe all the partings are not spoken, just silently left. And on the basketball court, this scene often happens. Ding Yanyuhang waved goodbye before leaving the court, watching his dream go away. Sui Ran chose to be silent this time, didn't say much, and just left resolutely. In contrast, Gong Xiaobin used his creations to vent his inner resentment.

Silent farewell? Ding Yan Yuhang had already waved his hand, Sui Ran was silent this time, but Gong Xiaobin was very indignant
Silent farewell? Ding Yan Yuhang had already waved his hand, Sui Ran was silent this time, but Gong Xiaobin was very indignant

Parting is always an indescribable emotion, but at this moment, Ding Yanyuhang's wave seems to tell his reluctance and love for basketball. Perhaps he knows that leaving means giving up, but it also means starting anew. At that moment, he watched his basketball dream fade away, but he still had hope and looked forward to the possibility of the future.

Silent farewell? Ding Yan Yuhang had already waved his hand, Sui Ran was silent this time, but Gong Xiaobin was very indignant

And Sui Ran chose to be silent this time, leaving no words, just turning around and leaving. Maybe he can't say anything more in his heart, or maybe he's exhausted all his persistence. This time, he chose to hide his farewell on the basketball court deep in his heart, leaving only silence.

Silent farewell? Ding Yan Yuhang had already waved his hand, Sui Ran was silent this time, but Gong Xiaobin was very indignant

In contrast, Gong Xiaobin used his creation to vent his inner resentment. Perhaps unspeakable emotions can only be expressed through words, and the inner turmoil can be poured out through one's own brushstrokes. He created a "colloquial" essay to capture the reader's attention. Those clear, concise and vivid words are undoubtedly his true portrayal of parting.

Silent farewell? Ding Yan Yuhang had already waved his hand, Sui Ran was silent this time, but Gong Xiaobin was very indignant
Silent farewell? Ding Yan Yuhang had already waved his hand, Sui Ran was silent this time, but Gong Xiaobin was very indignant

On the basketball court, silent goodbyes often happen. Every departed figure has its own story, its own persistence and pursuit. They may not have said goodbye with much fanfare, but their departure has left endless memories and meaning in their hearts.

Silent goodbye may be the truest way to say goodbye. It doesn't need flowery rhetoric, just a movement, a turn, or a piece of text is enough to express inner emotions. Leaving doesn't mean giving up, it's about getting off to a better start. This silent parting, in the long river of time, will be forever engraved in memory.

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