
The weather is cold and raises golden branches and jade leaves, and the three "bottom lines" cannot be crossed, otherwise there will only be empty pots

author:Sister Rong Flower House

It is a beautiful potted plant that is loved for its unique form and elegant shape. People keep golden branches and jade leaves in the living room, or the balcony, and the study, which can give people a noble and elegant temperament.

The weather is cold and raises golden branches and jade leaves, and the three "bottom lines" cannot be crossed, otherwise there will only be empty pots

Because after the golden branches and jade leaves are created, they will be transformed into beautiful small old piles and elegant bonsai. In addition, its meaning is very good, it is "rich and auspicious, noble, husband and wife depend on each other, one heart and one mind", etc., and it is good to look good and raise, so many flower friends have fallen in love with it.

However, in the cold season, because of the drop in temperature, the growth of golden branches and jade leaves is slow, or frostbite, so it needs to be more carefully maintained, otherwise it is easy to fall leaves and rot roots and empty pots.

In the cold season, if you want the golden branches and jade leaves to be fat and beautiful, it is very expensive to keep them at home, and there are 3 "bottom lines" that cannot be crossed, otherwise there will only be empty pots.

The weather is cold and raises golden branches and jade leaves, and the three "bottom lines" cannot be crossed, otherwise there will only be empty pots

1. The temperature should not be lower than 10 degrees

It is a warm-loving plant that grows at a temperature of 15-25°C. In the cold winter, if the temperature is below 5°C, the golden branch leaves are prone to frostbite and may even lead to freezing to death.

Therefore, in winter, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature of the growth environment is above 10 °C, because this temperature is the minimum temperature for the growth of golden branches.

The weather is cold and raises golden branches and jade leaves, and the three "bottom lines" cannot be crossed, otherwise there will only be empty pots

In order to maintain a suitable temperature, you can put the golden branches and jade leaves in a warm place indoors, such as a sunny place, put a plastic bag at night, or put a flower pot on the outside of the flower pot, and you can also use an air conditioner to increase the room temperature.

If there is heating or air conditioning in the room, the temperature can be kept above 10 degrees, just keep the golden branches and jade leaves on the windowsill or coffee table. Do not put it near the heater or air conditioner, etc., so as not to cause local overheating or overdrying, resulting in burns of golden branches and jade leaves.

The weather is cold and raises golden branches and jade leaves, and the three "bottom lines" cannot be crossed, otherwise there will only be empty pots

Second, the light should not be too little

Golden branches and jade leaves need plenty of light to grow properly. In winter, due to the lack of sunlight, the light needs of the golden branches and jade leaves are more important. If there is not enough light, the leaves will turn yellow, fall off, and even cause growth to stop.

In order to meet the light needs of the golden branch, it can be placed indoors in a well-lit place, such as a south windowsill or balcony. In addition, it is necessary to rotate the pot once every 15 days or so to prevent it from growing off. Because of phototaxis, the side that is often exposed to the sun will grow faster, and the side with less sunlight will grow more slowly.

The weather is cold and raises golden branches and jade leaves, and the three "bottom lines" cannot be crossed, otherwise there will only be empty pots

If there is not enough light in the room, you can use a fill light, such as LED or fluorescent lights, to supplement the light. However, it is important to note that the light intensity and spectrum of the fill light should be similar to that of natural light. Because it is too strong, it is easy to get sunburned, and it is too weak to play a role in supplementing light.

3. Don't water too much

Golden twigs prefer a moist environment, but in winter, due to the dry air, water evaporates quickly, so more attention needs to be paid to water replenishment. If there is not enough water, the leaves of the golden branch will turn yellow, fall off, and even cause growth to stagnate.

The weather is cold and raises golden branches and jade leaves, and the three "bottom lines" cannot be crossed, otherwise there will only be empty pots

In order to maintain proper moisture, you can water the golden branches and jade leaves regularly, and pay attention to the moisture of the soil. When the indoor temperature is about 10 degrees, be careful not to let water accumulate on the leaves, so as not to cause leaf rot. At the same time, care should be taken to avoid overwatering to avoid root rot.

Watering time: If you have watered the golden branches and jade leaves, you need to water them in the morning or at noon, and avoid watering them in the evening, because the temperature at night is too low, which can easily lead to frostbite after watering.

The weather is cold and raises golden branches and jade leaves, and the three "bottom lines" cannot be crossed, otherwise there will only be empty pots

Water temperature: The temperature of the water needs to be consistent with the indoor temperature, do not use too cold water, and do not use too hot water, which will cause the roots of the golden branches and jade leaves to change abruptly, affecting the growth.

Watering during the growing season: But the temperature can reach more than 15 degrees, you only need to water the golden branches and jade leaves normally, that is, after the soil dries out, you can water it once. When the air is too dry, you can also spray water appropriately.

The weather is cold and raises golden branches and jade leaves, and the three "bottom lines" cannot be crossed, otherwise there will only be empty pots

When maintaining golden branches and jade leaves in the cold season, we must not exceed the above three "bottom lines", that is, the temperature is not lower than 10 °C, the light is sufficient, and the water is replenished appropriately. Only in this way can the golden branches and jade leaves grow healthily in winter and show their unique beauty.

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