
Golden branches and jade leaves love to drink a kind of water, a cup of 1 month, become an old pile, meaning auspicious and beautiful!

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Floral Space

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Golden branches and jade leaves love to drink a kind of water, a cup of 1 month, become an old pile, meaning auspicious and beautiful!

Dear flower friends, if you don't have time, you can choose some lazy flowers, the characteristics of lazy flowers are usually more drought-tolerant, and tenacious vitality, long life. There are actually quite a lot of flowers with this characteristic, such as tiger orchid, jade tree, and natural golden branches and jade leaves are also one of them. And today I want to share with you how to raise a pot of golden branches and jade leaves.

Golden branches and jade leaves love to drink a kind of water, a cup of 1 month, become an old pile, meaning auspicious and beautiful!

Golden branch jade leaf is also called purslane, is a very delicate and lovely flower, this little guy, may not need us to spend more time, can also grow very vigorous, it likes to grow in a sunny environment, in a shady environment, can survive in a short time, and super drought resistance, after 3 to 5 years, you can form an old pile bonsai, classical and elegant, is the favorite of many bonsai lovers.

The golden branch jade leaf has very small and very delicate leaves, its branches and seedlings are purple-red during the period, after the sun's irradiation, after lignification, it will become red copper, simple vicissitudes, can show a kind of life power, not only a flower, but also a kind of art, placed on the desktop and window sill are particularly eye-catching. There are many common shapes, such as cliff pose, canopy pose, etc.

Golden branches and jade leaves love to drink a kind of water, a cup of 1 month, become an old pile, meaning auspicious and beautiful!

In the process of cultivating golden branches and jade leaves, when you find that the state is not good, the leaves are yellowish, and the growth is decaying, you can feed a kind of water to make up for it, so that it shines, and the longer it grows, the more vigorous it is, and this water is soybean water.

Nutritional value of fermented soybean water

Soybean fermented water is rich in amino acids, proteins, minerals and vitamins, which are all important nutrients needed for plant growth. In addition, the fermentation process produces some beneficial microorganisms that can help improve soil structure and enhance the plant's ability to resist disease.

Golden branches and jade leaves love to drink a kind of water, a cup of 1 month, become an old pile, meaning auspicious and beautiful!

Benefits and advantages of soybean water flower cultivation:

1. Provide nutrition: Soybean water is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other main nutrients needed for plant growth, which can meet the nutritional needs of plants and promote plant growth.

2. Improve soil: The beneficial microorganisms in soybean water can improve soil structure, increase soil aeration and water retention, and be beneficial to the growth of plant roots.

Golden branches and jade leaves love to drink a kind of water, a cup of 1 month, become an old pile, meaning auspicious and beautiful!

3. Disease resistance and insect control: The beneficial microorganisms in soybean water can also inhibit the occurrence of some diseases and pests, and enhance the disease resistance of plants.

Effect of using soybean water to raise golden branches and jade leaves:

Golden branch jade leaf is a plant with a low demand for nutrients, a little soybean water can make it grow more vigorous, the leaf color is more vivid, and the disease resistance is stronger.

Golden branches and jade leaves love to drink a kind of water, a cup of 1 month, become an old pile, meaning auspicious and beautiful!

How to ferment soybean water:

Soak the soybeans in clean water for about a day and a night, and then beat the soaked soybeans into soybean milk in a blender, and then directly put them into a large container to ferment, let them ferment naturally for 20 to 30 days, you can open the lid every day to stir, and you can use it after complete fermentation.

Golden branches and jade leaves love to drink a kind of water, a cup of 1 month, become an old pile, meaning auspicious and beautiful!

Precautions: Avoid direct sunlight during the fermentation process, so as not to affect the fermentation effect. At the same time, the amount of fermentation water should be used in moderation, as too much may cause the plant to burn its roots.

When using, take the clear liquid on it, and dilute it, water it into the pot every 15 to 20 days, after 2 to 3 times, the effect will be very significant, the leaves will be thin and full, it will also be very green, and it can also improve the overall resistance of the plant.

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