
There is a "small switch" in the golden branch and jade leaf, turn it on, and the "little money bud" will burst the pot

author:Yan Xiaoxiao

The golden branches and jade leaves have been noble things in people's minds since ancient times, and their beautiful appearance and elegant temperament often make people fall in love with them. Whether in the court or in ordinary homes, the golden branch and jade leaf are highly prized plants. Its leaves are as crystal clear as jade, exuding a faint fragrance, as if it is a precious gem given by nature, and people can't help but stop and watch.

However, despite its beautiful appearance, it is not easy to maintain its healthy growth. Many people often encounter some problems when maintaining golden branches and jade leaves, such as yellowing, wilting and even falling off the leaves. The emergence of these problems is often closely related to factors such as environment and maintenance methods, and mastering the correct maintenance methods can make the golden branches and jade leaves glow with more charming brilliance.

There is a "small switch" in the golden branch and jade leaf, turn it on, and the "little money bud" will burst the pot

The "little switch" of golden branches and jade leaves

In order to properly maintain the golden branch, you first need to understand its "little secret", that is, its root system. In addition to the general roots, the root system of the golden branch jade leaf also has stem tuber roots, which is one of the keys to its growth.

Under the right growing conditions, new buds will grow on the stems and roots of the golden branches, and these buds will become new leaves when they grow up. In spring, when the growth is vigorous, many "small jade buds" will grow on the stems and roots of the golden branches, which will gradually grow into emerald green leaves. Because the growth of the leaves is different, some are long and some are short, so it is called "dragon and phoenix wood".

If you want the golden branches and jade leaves to fill the pot, you need to turn on the "little switch" at the right time to let its "little jade buds" grow smoothly and rejuvenate.

There is a "small switch" in the golden branch and jade leaf, turn it on, and the "little money bud" will burst the pot

How to turn on the "little switch" of Golden Branches and Jade Leaves?

The small buds of golden branches and jade leaves grow more fat, and it takes a certain amount of effort when unearthed, especially if the soil is compacted, it is easy to cause the small buds to fail to grow and wilt.

Maybe your golden branches and jade leaves grow many small buds every year, but you don't pay attention to them, or don't take proper care of them, causing them to wither and wither.

Now, let's turn on the "little switch" and let the small buds of golden branches and jade leaves emerge smoothly.

There is a "small switch" in the golden branch and jade leaf, turn it on, and the "little money bud" will burst the pot

Prune regularly to promote branch growth

Regular pruning of golden branches and jade leaves can not only beautify the plant form, but also promote branch growth and increase the number of leaves. When pruning, you should choose sharp and clean tools to avoid wound infection.

Pruning excessively long or messy branches to a well-ventilated canopy will help distribute light evenly and improve the photosynthesis efficiency of the leaves.

There is a "small switch" in the golden branch and jade leaf, turn it on, and the "little money bud" will burst the pot

Pay attention to the right light and temperature

Golden branches and jade leaves prefer full sun, but not in the sun. In summer, when the temperature is high, avoid direct sunlight, and move the plants to semi-shade or build a shade.

When grown at the right temperature, the leaves grow faster and are greener. Keeping the room temperature above 15°C is conducive to the healthy growth of golden branches.

There is a "small switch" in the golden branch and jade leaf, turn it on, and the "little money bud" will burst the pot

Timely insect control and disease prevention to keep plants healthy

Regularly inspect the plants to detect and deal with pests and diseases in a timely manner. Common diseases include leaf mold, black spot, etc., and common insect pests include aphids, termites, etc.

Biological pesticides or plant-derived pesticides can be used for spraying to avoid damage to leaves caused by excessive chemical pesticides.

There is a "small switch" in the golden branch and jade leaf, turn it on, and the "little money bud" will burst the pot

Once the "little switch" of the golden branch and jade leaf is turned on, the "small jade bud" will grow rapidly. If your golden branches and jade leaves have not yet grown sprouts, why not try to turn on this "little switch", I believe that your golden branches and jade leaves can also be "small jade buds". Through the correct maintenance method, the golden branches and jade leaves will shine with brilliant brilliance, become a bright color in the room, and add a beautiful and warm life to life.

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