
Wolf: A game that I love and hate, the first time I played it, Koichiro abused me all night

author:Big goo game game

Hidetaka Miyazaki and his souls games can be said to be the most popular game genre in recent years, from the beginning of the Black Souls 1 with only millions of sales to the current Elden Ring with 2000W sales, Souls games have absorbed a large number of new players into the pit over the years. And for me, the most special meaning for me should be "Wolf", because unlike most players who enter the Black Souls series, "Wolf" is the first Souls game I played.

Wolf: A game that I love and hate, the first time I played it, Koichiro abused me all night

I don't know which boss or elite monster you got stuck in when you first played a wolf, compared to many players' first roadblockers, the samurai general or the red ghost, I spent less time on these two elite monsters. The samurai general can kill the white prostitute from the air, and the red ghost's attack move is very easy to deal with after getting familiar with it, and it probably took me less than 10 times to kill these two in total. Even the first boss ghost punishment department probably passed after trying 4,5 handfuls.,At that time, I remember that the progress of the first night came to the Hirata Mansion three years ago.。

Wolf: A game that I love and hate, the first time I played it, Koichiro abused me all night

Originally, I thought it was so difficult, but I knew that I would be stuck the next night. First of all, in front of the boss Madame Butterfly, an elite monster fat man who can breathe poisonous mist, was stuck for more than 1 hour, mainly because there were too many miscellaneous soldiers around him, and my teammates basically couldn't withstand their siege and died in a few hits, and finally I also died under their group beating. Later, I still relied on the method of luring out the enemies around the elite monsters one by one to solve them individually, and finally fighting the elite monsters alone.

Wolf: A game that I love and hate, the first time I played it, Koichiro abused me all night

Later, Madame Butterfly was also stuck with me for more than 2 hours, and at first I couldn't adapt to her rapid attack frequency and wide range of transfers, and often lost the lock and was killed by her from behind. It wasn't until I got used to her rhythm that I finally got to the bottom of her and found out that there was a second stage, and by this time the gourd on my body had been drunk to restore blood, and I finally died of running out of ammunition. It took about 30 deaths on her to finally defeat her, and the feeling of accomplishment at the moment of winning made me finally understand why so many players love this type of game.

Wolf: A game that I love and hate, the first time I played it, Koichiro abused me all night

When I thought that after defeating Madame Butterfly, my game level would be considered a beginner, and the subsequent battles should be able to be easily handled, the sword drawing brother and Ichiro Kyuiro in Ashina Castle once again taught me a hard lesson. First of all, Brother Draw's Juhe Slash must be perfectly blocked.,Here, due to my controller input delay problem, it's half a beat slow every time.,After dying a dozen times, I couldn't help but change the keyboard to pass him.。 It was already 11 p.m., and the worst decision I made was to meet the last of the strings.

Wolf: A game that I love and hate, the first time I played it, Koichiro abused me all night

Originally, I just wanted to see the skills of Genichiro and rested, after all, it was almost 12 o'clock. How do you know that the battle with Ichiro is quite emotional, and he forgets the time when he fights, even if he dies countless times in the first or second stages, what he thinks about in his head is still to do it again. Ichiro can be said to be the boss who tests the player's basic skills the most in the whole wolf.,His fast and slow knife and the sudden nerve knife are all tests the player's mastery of the basic skills of fighting the knife.,At the same time, his dangerous skills also have two different ways to deal with it.,If you deal with it wrong, you will suffer great damage.。 I basically made all the mistakes I could make in him.

Wolf: A game that I love and hate, the first time I played it, Koichiro abused me all night

It wasn't until I finally passed him that I looked at the time and found out that I had been fighting this boss for more than 5 hours, and it was already more than 4 o'clock in the morning, so it can be said that I had been playing all night. However, because the boss of Genichiro is difficult to fight at first sight, his moves are particularly well designed, and even death will arouse the player's fighting spirit to do it again instead of disgust. And I didn't skip class and defeated him after my game basic skills went to a big level.,In the later bosses, whether it's the father-in-law or the father-in-law three years ago.,Even the last sword master Ichishin didn't get stuck with me like Ichiro.,The solid basic skills polished by him have greatly improved the efficiency of my wasteland.。

Wolf: A game that I love and hate, the first time I played it, Koichiro abused me all night


Many players like to rank souls-based games according to difficulty.,In fact, I personally think the most difficult one is often the first game you play.,Just like the first time I went from a wolf into the pit.,The string Ichiro at the beginning of the week I didn't insist on 2 knives and was killed by the plot.,But when I cleared the first week of the second week, I was able to easily defeat him.。

As for the souls-based games played after the wolf, although the difficulty is not low, as more and more games are cleared, their own skills have also been greatly strengthened invisibly. Although there are also difficult bosses in other souls-based games, there is no one who can abuse me all night like Shinichiro Hatsumi, who is arguably the most important teacher in my entire soul-game experience. So which is the first soul game you play, and which is the most memorable boss?

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