
During the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, "manna falling" prevailed, what was the emperor's response to this phenomenon?

author:Explore the world with cute eyes
During the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, "manna falling" prevailed, what was the emperor's response to this phenomenon?

Text: Cute eyes explore the world

Editor|Cute eyes explore the world


The idea of the two Han Dynasty to descend auspicious rui prevailed. Under the influence of this idea, manna was gradually given a special political meaning by the ancients from a natural phenomenon. The appearance of "manna descending" represents the political situation of the reign of the holy monarch, the virtuous and virtuous ministers, and shows the social outlook of the peaceful and prosperous era, and is also regarded as a powerful proof that the human monarch is ordered by heaven and governs the government in a good way.

So what kind of political response did the emperor have to this phenomenon?

During the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, "manna falling" prevailed, what was the emperor's response to this phenomenon?
During the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, "manna falling" prevailed, what was the emperor's response to this phenomenon?

"Manna descended" and Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty changed the yuan

The king's virtuous politics is auspicious, which is a political concept deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in the Han and Tang dynasties. In the ideological system of heaven and man's induction, the emperor is not only ordered by heaven to rule the world, but also restricted by the mandate of heaven to cultivate virtue in order to respond to heaven, so after the phenomenon of "manna falling", the emperors of the two Han Dynasty responded to the feelings of heaven with political response methods such as changing the yuan, amnesty, and giving gifts to their subjects.

After the Wei and Jin dynasties, when the nectar descended on the Jingshi and the Imperial Forbidden Garden, the emperor often collected the nectar, set up a banquet to congratulate the ministers, and the courtiers were ordered to compose poems or odes to show the beauty of Ruiying, and in the interaction between the monarch and the minister, the appearance of auspicious rui was celebrated.

During the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, "manna falling" prevailed, what was the emperor's response to this phenomenon?

During the reign of Emperor Wenzong of the Tang Dynasty, Li Xun and others used manna as an introduction to a coup d'état, but the failure of the plan led to the "manna fall" becoming a political taboo in the Tang Dynasty after that.

In the official historical records, the real sense of "manna descending" first appeared in March of the first year of Emperor Yuankang of the Han Dynasty (65 years ago), "Fenghuang set Mount Tai, Chen Liu, and manna descended to Weiyang Palace." Therefore, the analysis of the role of manna in dynastic politics should begin with the time of Emperor Xuan of Han.

During the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, "manna falling" prevailed, what was the emperor's response to this phenomenon?

Li Xun

Zhao Yi of the Qing Dynasty once pointed out: "There are many phoenixes in the two Han Dynasty, and the most are the world of Emperor Xuan in the Western Han Dynasty and the world of Emperor Zhang in the Eastern Han Dynasty." In fact, the phoenix and manna usually appeared together during the reign of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, and the study of manna shows the political posture adopted by the emperors of the Han Dynasty in response to the appearance of auspiciousness.

Whenever manna appears, the government will take corresponding measures, which not only reflects the deep popularity of the concept of Ruiying under the ancient celestial and human induction system, but also reveals the importance of manna in the auspicious system. During the Han and Tang dynasties, auspicious ideas prevailed, and a series of Yingrui behaviors came into being.

During the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, "manna falling" prevailed, what was the emperor's response to this phenomenon?

Qing Dynasty Zhao Yi

Through the records of historical books, we will see the various efforts made by the human monarch to be virtuous in heaven when the "manna fall" occurred.

Since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty established the era name system, the kings of the past dynasties have not regarded the change of the era name as the top priority of the political situation change, and the establishment of the Yuan and the reform of the Yuan must not be taken lightly, and the use of the era name is also to "flaunt Ruiying", "Xuanji Dehua" or "Zhang Ming Gonglie".

As early as the Eastern Han Dynasty, Ying Shao's annotation of the Book of Han paid attention to the meaning of explaining the names of the emperors of the Western Han Dynasty. Tang Xuanzong Shi Feng wrote the "Ancient Year Number" is a work to verify the Han to Tang years, but unfortunately this book has been lost.

During the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, "manna falling" prevailed, what was the emperor's response to this phenomenon?

Since then, there have been endless research works on era names. For the ancients, the era name was not just a tool for chronicling the year, and there were often more complex reasons behind its change.

Ying Shao and Yan Shigu once noted that Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty changed the Yuan. Ying Shao noted that the first year of the god said: "The year before last, the god was gathered in Changle Palace, so the year was changed", and the first year of the note Wufeng said: "The first phoenix is five to, because of the change of Yuan Yun";

Yan Shigu said in the first year of Huanglong: "Han Note" Yun Huanglong saw Guanghan County in February of this year, so the year was changed. Among the four auspicious types used in the era of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, namely Shenjue, Wufeng, Ganlu and Huanglong, only Ganlu changed Yuan without comment.

During the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, "manna falling" prevailed, what was the emperor's response to this phenomenon?

But based on this, we can also conclude that Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty changed the Yuan to nectar, which should be based on the five "manna falls" that appeared before or the "manna falls" in the third year of Wufeng (55 BC). From this point of view, Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty changed the Yuan to manna and followed the practice of using the auspicious name in the middle and late reigns of the Yuan Dynasty.

The change of the yuan because of the appearance of auspicious rui actually began with Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. "Historical Records: Xiaowu Benji": "In the next three years, there is a Si Yan Yuan who should be destined by Tianrui, not one or two. One yuan is called Jianyuan, two yuan is called Yuanguang with a long star, and three yuan is called Yuan hunting cloud with a horned beast in the suburbs", "Hanshu Suburb Chronicles" follows this statement.

During the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, "manna falling" prevailed, what was the emperor's response to this phenomenon?

Regardless of the specific year of this suggestion, what it reveals is that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty used "Tianrui" as the year name, and the law of the imperial year changed, and the era names of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Yuanguang, Yuanshuo, Yuanjia and Yuanding are named after Yinrui, and the naming of this era name may be called Yingrui to change the yuan.

Zhou Zizhi's "After the Book Seal Performance "Ancient Year Number": "Although the Han Zhiwen and Jing are known as the Middle Yuan and the Later Yuan, they still do not have a number. Emperor Wu likes to be martial, brave and boastful, his heart is extravagant, and he wants to cross the ancient and modern, although his name is different, the majority of them are all taken Ruiying, such as Yuan Ding, Yuan Hunt and the like are already.

Zhou Zizhi

Later generations because of this, so the gods of the gods, five phoenixes, manna dew, Huanglong, Herui, and Heping are called Xuanyichang. Otherwise, it will take its long-term stability and eternal solidity, and spread the meaning of infinity, such as Yongjian, Yongshou, Yongkang, and Yongning. It is mentioned here that the era names are taken from "all take Ruiying" or "take its long-term stability and eternal solidity, and pass on the infinite meaning of Zuo", and most of the era names of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty belong to the Ying Rui Yuan.

During the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, "manna falling" prevailed, what was the emperor's response to this phenomenon?

In addition, it should be noted that the auspicious types that appeared during the reign of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty are roughly the four categories of phoenix, nectar, Shenjue, and Huanglong, and Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty reigned for 25 years with a total of seven years, of which four used the name of auspicious rui, and the prevalence of auspicious Rui during the reign of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty can be seen. "On Heng Zhirui Chapter" said: "When the emperor was filial piety, the phoenix emperor was five solstice, the qi was one to, the divine sparrow, the yellow dragon, the nectar, and the liquan were all seen, so there were five phoenixes, divine sparrows, nectar, and the yellow dragon. ”

"The Book of the Later Han Dynasty: Emperor Guangwu Ji" said: "Every time Emperor Xiaoxuan has a Jiarui, he changes the yuan, and the gods, five phoenixes, manna and Huanglong are listed as ages, and they are covered to thank the gods and commend the faith." It is to promote the level, which is called ZTE. "Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty succeeded to the beginning of the year of the beginning, the festival and Yuankang, should be noted in the first year of the festival to change the yuan: "to the first earthquake, landslides and water, so change the year of the festival, want to make the land get its festival", to the occurrence of the earthquake and change the yuan, that is, and the change of the yuan is different from the change of the yuan due to the disaster.

In the Western Han Dynasty, the auspicious phenomenon was mostly seen in the two dynasties of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, which coincided with the historical fact that Emperor Wu was prosperous and Emperor Xuan was prosperous in the Western Han Dynasty.

During the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, "manna falling" prevailed, what was the emperor's response to this phenomenon?

According to the Hanshu Chronicles, most of the emperors of the Western Han Dynasty used era names at definite intervals. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty eleven years, the first six years were changed, the middle four were changed every four years, and the last Houyuan line collapsed in two years.

Emperor Zhao changed every six years, Emperor Xuan changed every four years, Emperor Yuan changed every five years, and Emperor Cheng changed every four years. Xin Deyong linked the change of the Yuan Dynasty with the change of power between Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty and Huo Guang in "Jianyuan and Reform of the Yuan", and believed that after Huo Guang established Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, he still used the six-year change of Yuan when Emperor Zhao was established, which was intended to show that it was still the world of the Huo family at this time.

During the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, "manna falling" prevailed, what was the emperor's response to this phenomenon?

When Huo Guang died, Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty was in charge of the government, and immediately changed the yuan to the earth festival in order to convert the number of fortunes, and changed the first five years to the first year of the earth festival, and changed the year to the second year of the earth festival, and completely eliminated the power of the Huo family in the fourth year of the earth festival through the earthquake This heavenly warning omen.

The following year, Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty changed his name to Yuankang. When Hou Wailu explained Yuankang, he thought that it was "the righteousness of covering the heavens and praying for the blessing of heaven and the smooth communication between gods and men." According to Xin Deyong's explanation, Yuankang is the meaning of Huo's chaos and the world's return to a well-off. In this way, the world is well-off, auspicious comes, Yuankang may also be regarded as Ying Rui changed the yuan, and then began the history of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty to the name of Xiangrui, Shenjue, Wufeng, Ganlu, Huanglong and other era names appeared one after another.

During the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, "manna falling" prevailed, what was the emperor's response to this phenomenon?
During the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, "manna falling" prevailed, what was the emperor's response to this phenomenon?

The political gesture of amnesty and bounty

In addition to changing the Yuan, the amnesty of the world and the gift of officials to the people during the Han Dynasty were also political forms in response to the emergence of auspiciousness. For example, when Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, there were six times of "manna falling". During the reign of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, there were ten amnesties in the world, and the amnesty caused by the "manna dew" accounted for four of them.

During the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, "manna falling" prevailed, what was the emperor's response to this phenomenon?

According to the statistics of the Book of Han and the Book of Yuan Turtle, the Western Han Dynasty "Manna Descended" a total of seven times, in addition to the six times when Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty recorded above, there was also Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty in the fourth year of Yuan Yan (the first 9 years) once in March, the history contains: "Manna descends to the Beijing Division, and gives Chang'an the people cattle wine."

In the entire Western Han Dynasty, there were seven "manna falls", and there were five amnesties resulting from it, which fully illustrates the political posture made by the emperors in the Western Han Dynasty in response to the manna falling from heaven, so as to show the political attitude of Ying Rui to heaven.

Of course, in addition to amnesty, when auspicious gifts such as manna appeared, the monarchs of the two Han Dynasty also had to give favors to the people of the world, which can be clearly seen in the above table, and it is common political behavior to bestow knights, gifts, and reduce taxes. This kind of amnesty to the world and the gift of gifts to the people is a common practice in the edicts of the Western Han Dynasty.

During the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, "manna falling" prevailed, what was the emperor's response to this phenomenon?
During the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, "manna falling" prevailed, what was the emperor's response to this phenomenon?

Author's point of view

From the "old things of the ancestors, or Ban Enshi", it can be seen that this gift eventually formed a kind of ancestral family law, which is a statute that can be traced back to the canon. Li Xian said: "The world is celebrated, and grace is universal, so the male household gives the knight, and the woman gives the cow wine", giving different graces to men and women, which is intended to make the people of the world celebrate the appearance of auspicious Rui and Mu the emperor's grace.

During the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, "manna falling" prevailed, what was the emperor's response to this phenomenon?

It can be seen from this that during the Han and Han dynasties, a perfect system was formed for the political response to the occurrence of auspicious events such as "nectar".


During the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, "manna falling" prevailed, what was the emperor's response to this phenomenon?

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